von BK-Thorsten | 11.09.2022 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale

Carnevale: Neuheiten

TTCombat haben Verstärkungen für Carnevale sowie neue Bases.

ShiphandsBoxBackgroundcopy ShiphandsGroupBackgroundcopy 55647181 9521 424b 8850 4f6e43fcc79e ShiphandsBoardBackgroundcopy Dog1Backgroundcopy 63123b32 7323 4631 Bea9 A6af0d043242 Dog2Backgroundcopy Dbbf67c4 4613 4ebb 84d9 1dca179eee6c Dog3Backgroundcopy 8a7b8b7b Ea2c 4161 Babd 3ed2ecce05b7 DogHandlerBackgroundcopy F22f846f C95a 4f80 92bf 0894c82ce4ab SmugglerBackgroundcopy A2e40c37 8d19 4674 8240 8d28263053f0 WhalerBackgroundcopy 394c8582 85ec 4d26 9bb9 2d7019565599


Crewing a ship is a valued profession in Venice, although in these turbulent times, just protecting the ship is hard enough.

The Shiphands are ready to lay down their lives for the Guild (or just for profit), defending the shipyards at all costs. The massive Whaler is an expert not only at snaring aquatic monsters, but also at dragging his unfortunate victims round with his whaling lance. A Smuggler is very much at home on the docks, providing ill-gotten gains to her superiors, while a Dog Keeper commands a group of loyal pups to bite and snarl at the Guild’s enemies.

Contains 6 resin miniatures and 6 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

VenetianPrivateersBoxBackgroundcopy VenetianPrivateersBackgroundcopy Bd4f3f6c 3daa 40fb B665 A713cef87b60 VenetianPrivateersBoardBackgroundcopy AdmiralBackgroundcopy 15089a8c 7497 4e2e A1e8 098aedc6dd2c FemaleArcherBackgroundcopy F7b58804 Acde 4c12 9dff 4acaf18c833e OttomanArcherBackgroundcopy 80e8b097 F8d9 4c56 9fcb 762a1b28f345 OttomanPirateBackgroundcopy 03e52cfb 5c30 4a2f Afa9 B194e6702585 WayfinderBackgroundcopy C0627302 4b81 4c5f 9bf3 9c90aa206883


The Patricians have gone to war! Headed back to Venice from far off lands, they’ve used their coin to recruit an entire fleet of Ottomans from far-off Constantinople. Will they be enough to win back the Arsenale?

Featuring an entire gang, the Venetian Privateers offers Patricians players loads of flexibility in their gang. A Noble Admiral is in command of party-goers, soldiers, and boats alike, and is supported by a friendly Wayfinder who helps plan and gives great shooting advice. They have hired an Ottoman Pirate and two Ottoman Archers. Clad in chainmail, these swords for hire all know their way round a ship and a fight!

Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

Baroni PilferersBoardBackgroundcopy Baroni PilferersGroupcopy 1abb3a97 876f 43a9 B0ac Aa7ff7fd3b7c BaroniBackgroundcopy 96ce5278 B3b6 44ce 8e52 Ae6aa760ca3a Pilferer1Backgroundcopy A96139da 39a3 4aa2 8203 50645d07cd57 Pilferer2Backgroundcopy F4d7d44e F1a6 4c36 B592 F22096d9ffee


The Baroni are high ranking members of the Guild, using intimidation as their preferred method of bartering who also serve as protectors for the Prince of Thieves. The Pilferers act as the thieves for the Guild during business transactions. Experts at sleight of hand and hiding in plain sight, the Pilferers ensure that the Guild get what they’re owed should a transaction go sideways one way or another…

The Female Baroni provides excellent long range support whilst offering some added protection. The two Pilferers are light on their feet, hard to catch and can Pickpocket your foes. This blister pack is a perfect addition to a Guild gang and offers new opportunities.

Contains 3 resin miniatures and 3 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

ForeignNobleandButlersBoardBackgroundcopy NobleandButlersGroupcopy Ae4a0074 Ebf4 433e B678 B86819fc3857 ButlerLookingLeftBackgroundcopy D6dc8166 343e 45d4 Bb64 1c5f3989b047 ButlerLookingRightBackgroundcopy Fbf8ffb2 2f69 4f61 84b3 11a32b4afde8 ForeignNobleBackgroundcopy Ab1b3e7e 9ed1 4e6b Ba5e 468e1d8ac787


As the premiere state post Rent, Venice is often home to foreign dignitaries and diplomats looking to barter a favourable trading position with the floating city. Always appearing exquisite and exotic in their native garments, the Foreign Nobles look every bit as extravagant as their Venetian counterparts. Accompanied by various retainers and servants, the Foreign Nobles move through the city with protection and excess; enjoying every last drop of decadence La Serenissima has to offer.

This box is a perfect starter to a Patricians gang. The Venetian Noble is one of the most skilled fighters in Venice, backed by two Barnabotti with optional pistols, and two Household Staff. The Patricians are a small, elite gang, relying on their Heroes and Leader to deal damage, while others provide valuable human shields.

Contains 3 resin miniatures and 3 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

PlankBasesGroupcopy 30mmPlankBasesBackgroundcopy 40mmPlankBasesBackgroundcopy 50mmPlankBasesBackgroundcopy

WOODEN PLANK BASES Set, 30mm, 40mm oder 50mm – je 9,00 GBP

FloodedPlankBasesGroupcopy 30mmFloodedPlankBasesBackgroundcopy 40mmFloodedPlankBasesBackgroundcopy 50mmFloodedPlankBasesBackgroundcopy

SUNKEN WOOD BASES Set, 30mm, 40mm oder 50mm – je 9,00 GBP

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Richtig tolle Sachen dabei.
    Shiphands muss ich eigentlich haben.

    Carnevale ist einer der besten skirmisher die ich kenne, ein grandioser Spaß jedes mal.
    Nur geil

  • Sie sind besser geworden bei dynamischen Posen, das ist echt erfreulich.
    Einzig das Eigenleben der Peitsche (oder wie auch immer die in diese Form gerät, wenn jemand so dasteht), stört mich an dem Release.

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