von BK-Christian | 21.09.2022 | eingestellt unter: Carnevale

Carnevale: Neue Previews

TTCombat haben neue Modelle für Carnevale vorgestellt.

Malta has Fallen but the Fight Continues!

Tidal devastation left much of Malta battered and ruined beneath the waves of the Mediterranean. Fighting to the last warrior, the knight Hospitaller forces faced slaughter behind the walls of their last bastion until the Angel arrived…

Welcome to this week’s Teaser Tuesday and we’re excited to be revealing some exciting new Carnevale products. The Angel rises from the ashes of Malta and will continue her fight in Venice. Joined by her fellow warriors, the Vatican is about to get some seriously useful new additions. Yet, a new threat also arises.

Guardians of Malta

TTC Carnevale Guardians Of Malta

Only the intervention of a true miracle saved the surviving warriors of Malta. To their fortune, the Vatican managed to rescue the bedraggled Knights and brought them to fight in Venice and yet, death would have been a better. Led the by the Angel of the Blooded Rose, the Burning Saint, Baptist and two Chevalresses have arrived in Venice.

Arriving the Friday, you’ll be able to pre-order this amazing looking group plus a new enemy (Or friend if your into fish people and all the weird fishy stuff they get up to!).


TTC Carnevale Brachyura

FINALLY, Rashaar players can stop moaning because this Friday the Brachyura is coming to the TTCombat store. We know, its been a long old time since this chap was revealed during the Carnevale Kickstarter days and after years of teasing, the Brachyura is joining the Rashaar. This miniature will be causing all kinds of issues for the Guild this Friday.

The Arsenale  is also on its way!

Modular Fondaco Dei Turchi

TTC Carnevale Modular Fondaco Dei Turchi

We’re going to need to employ some rooftop guards because these damned guild fighters keep running along them! Designed to be apart of the Arsenale range of products, this modular kit can be separated into different sections and works with other Streets of Venice kits. Made from 3mm MDF and designed for 28-32mm tabletop gaming, this kit will works great on a Carnevale naval board.

That’s it for today! If your a running an event or a store that stocks TTCombat products, make sure you reach out and we’ll feature you on Sunday Spotlight or nous Social Media Channels. 

Finally, If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post. Please send us some photos to info@ttcombat.com

Quelle: TTCombat


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die guardians of malta Box ist einfach nur *Chefkiss*
    Oh schade das die sich bereits mein Mitspieler holt.
    Nur geil

  • Richtig cool. Wenn wir endlich mal dazu kommen Carnevale zu spielen könnte das alles den Weg zu mir finden. 🙂

  • Die Figuren gefallen mir richtig gut. Habe echt Bock mit dem Spiel anzufangen. Gibt es die Regeln in deutscher Sprache? In einem älteren Artikel stand, dass es die beim Verlag Martin Ellermeier geben soll, aber wenn ich auf der Homepage über Carnevale zum Shop navigieren möchte, bekomme ich eine 404 Fehlermeldung.

  • Endlich.. ich freue mich auf den Brachyura, auf den warte ich schon ewig. Ich kann das Spiel total empfehlen, es ist Cineastisch und spielt sich flüssig. Bisher war es immer so, daß ich nach einem verlorenen Spiel im Nachhinein immer den Punkt gefunden habe, wo ich einen Fehler gemacht habe und nicht weil die Truppe des Gegners halt soviel besser war.

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