von BK-Bob | 24.05.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Border Wars: Border Reiver Miniatures and Rules Kickstarter

Flags of War sind mit einem neuem Skirmisher auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

Border Wars – 28mm Border Reiver Miniatures and Rules

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28mm Border Wars Rules and Miniatures

To sound the of pounding hoofs, under the cover of darkness the Reivers are on their way. Hide your family and livestock, grab your sword, and call out your kin. Make your stand in the Borders!!!

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Welcome to Border Wars: Under a Reiver Moon a fantastic new set of rules and miniatures created by Flags of War. We hope to raise the funds to release the miniatures and have the rules printed. Having you on board will help us achieve this and you will get to play a wonderful game.

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The game will immerse you in the Border Raiding of the 16th Century, where you will fight it out with other Border Clans in this fun skirmish game. I have been developing this game and range over the last year and a half along with various other factions and supplements that we will look to release further down the line. The first phase will see the release of the rules and game components as well as the first phase of miniatures to get us up and running.

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Borders Wars: Under a Reiver Moon is a new skirmish game for raids by the Border Reivers in the mid to late 1500s on the Borders of Scotland and England. Like many periods throughout history, the outlaws have been romanticised and the Border Reivers are no different. These were turbulent times and many of the Reivers of the time wrote their name in the history of Scotland and England. Riding families were notorious for raiding each other for their livestock and with this came fire & steal to leave behind trails of blood that are still sung about to this day. The aim of Border Wars is to bring these families and their members to the gaming table and have gamers play out these raids.

The book will be printed in a full-colour a4 with all the rules, game set-up, scenarios, family & character creation, along with period fluff to get you started. The book gives the core rules for the game and our plan is to continue support for the game with supplement books including campaign rules and other similar periods. Throughout the rules, you will pictures of our beautiful border wars miniatures and game table scenic shots. The game has been designed for 28mm miniatures with small forces of 5 to 15 miniatures per player.

Players will build their Reiver Family using the game profile cards or the custom creation rules and equip them with various weapons and armour of the period. Each family is controlled by a leader which in most cases was the Heidman of the Reiver family. Players recruit other members of the family with heroes and Soldiers to carry out the actions in the battle with fighting and the Reiving objectives as the main focus. A skilled character like Houndsmen and Herdsmen will give the family better control of various parts of the game that were part of the Border culture.

The players use dice types d4,d6,d8 & d10 to control their characters on the table assigned to them on their profile cards. Each of their profile stats uses one of the dice types with the better-skilled characters using the higher dice. Leaders and Heroes can use special ability cards they get assigned at the game and the heroes can also carry out heroic actions using the various cards that set them apart from everyone else on the table. In the game the Leaders, while being good fighters, also control their Families by issuing commands to their kin during the battle. Giving these commands can help turn the battle as any good leader can.

The rules contain several scenarios that will see players carry out the raids and acts of vengeance that were so common with the reivers. During the battles, players are required to collect objectives including livestock and valuables from the poor Border civilians.

You don’t need to be an Armstrong, Kerr, Elliot, Johnston, or a Graham to play Border Wars. Our hope is that with your support we can see a community built around this fantastic period of history and play the raids of the Riding Families of the Borders.

Game Cards

The rules come with a number of game cards that players use during the game. This includes profile cards that detail the character’s abilities along with weapons and equipment. Profile cards are supplied with the miniatures so that they can be used with that figure. Blank profile cards will be available along with roster sheets for those who wish to use that.

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The 30 x Special abilities allow characters to use extra skills to help them in battle. Heroes can use the 12 x Heroic action cards to carry out moves that others on the field do not have the bravery or ability to do. Future sets and skilled characters will include new cards to use in the game.

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Game Tokens

We have teamed up with the nice folk of Sarissa Precision to create Border Wars gaming token for tracking the statuses of your characters on the table. The tokens will help players to show what characters have activated on the table, along with their wounds and the various objectives.

  •  Activated – used to show that the character has activated this turn.
  •  Wound – to show the character has taken a wound in battle.
  •  Guard – token placed on the character to show that they are on Guard for any enemies.
  •  Stunned – give to characters that have been stunned during a game.
  •  Reload – shows that the character has fired a ranged weapon that requires an action to reload and remove this marker.
  •  Weapon Jam – used to show that the character ranged weapon has jammed.
  •  Objectives – used to show where each of the objectives is placed on the gaming table as per the scenarios.
  •  Reiving – show the location of the Reiving objectives on the table that Reivers need to collect.
  •  Prisoner – used to show that the character has been taken prisoner and cannot activate in this status.
  •  Command Point – Players take 1 Command Point Token at the start of each turn and discard them once they have issued a Command.

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The Border Wars miniatures are a brand new range to the hobby. We have brought onboard great sculptors to give us a beautiful range and our aim is to continue to watch it grow with your support. All miniatures have been digitally sculpted and masters have been printed with the best printers and resins. The miniatures that the backers will receive will all be cast in metal by one of the finest in the hobby. Each set will come in its own box with printed covers showing the miniatures in their splendour.

The first phase is just the start of the range and we are already working on the next lot with some interesting characters including March Warden and his Garrison men along with new factions like the Irish of the Elizabethan period.

  •  Miniatures – Phase 1 of the Border Wars miniatures have all been completed and are ready to go. All miniatures will be 28mm to the eye scale and will be cast in metal.
  •  Printing – All the miniatures have been printed by White Dragon Miniatures who are known for top of the range 3d printing with some of the best details you will see.
  •  Casting – Griffin Moulds are doing the casting and within the wargaming hobby, they are seen as the best at what they do.
  •  Painting – The minis painted below have been done by a good friend and wargames mini artist Andrew Taylor.

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Stretch Goals:

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Extra Rule Book – Add £20

Foot Reivers – Add £21

Mounted Reivers – Add £26

STL Files – Add £18

Tokens – Add £6

Artwork Prints – Add £20/15

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The artwork for our rules and miniatures boxes has been created by the fantastic artist Peter Dennis. Peter has created so many amazing pieces over the years and it was a dream of mine for him to do our cover artwork. We are able to offer this as a2 prints so that they can give inspiration for your painting and gaming.

The prints can be included with your pledge by adding them as an add on.


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Shipping will be charged at the end of the Kickstarter campaign via the pledge manager where the payment will be taken. Please do not add shipping to your Kickstarter pledge as this dilutes the funds that are required to help fund the range.

Shipping in the UK and Worldwide will be sent via Tracked Parcel service from Royal Mail or DPD for larger orders. You will be provided with the tracking details once your order has shipped.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 15 Tage.

Quelle: Border Wars – 28mm Border Reiver Miniatures and Rules


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Leider richtig heiß.
    Schade, dass es direkt auch Leute gibt, die diese Files wieder teilen wollen und damit dem Ersteller Ärger bereiten. (Wobei das wohl auf alles STLs zutrifft.)
    Ich schau es mir an, die Reiter kann teilweise gut für meine Konquistadoren gebrauchen und die Regeln klingen auch gut.

    • Das ist genau der Grund warum ich noch hadere, meine Minis als Files rauszugeben. Aber das gibt’s schon seit Videokassetten und wirds wahrscheinlich immer geben. Damit muss man einfach leben. Glücklicherweise gibt es auch noch genug Leute die für Arbeit bezahlen.

    • Das ist im Grunde immer der Fall. Ich kenne zwei Discords, auf denen werden quasi alle namhaften Releases der Patreonwelt als STLs geteilt.

      • es gibt soviel gratis zeug und dann wird das günstige Zeug auch noch geklaut, das ist schade und von den teilern auch ziemlich dumm.

  • Hübsche Modelle, aber dem Setting kann ich irgendwie so gar nichts abgewinnen. Scheint in UK aber ein ziemliches Ding zu sein. Da haben ja auch größere Hersteller was zu.

    • Nicht verwunderlich: „… a new skirmish game for raids by the Border Reivers in the mid to late 1500s on the Borders of Scotland and England.“

      Ich denke, ich bin mit 23 Pfund beim digitalen Pledge dabei. So günstig kommt man kaum an ein neues Spiel samt Minis zum Ausdrucken …

    • Das Setting eignet sich super für mini skirmishes mit rpg Elementen mit nur einer Handvoll Minis pro Seite, und das ist heutzutage ja tatsächlich ziemlich nachgefragt.

  • Meh, jetzt ist der digitale Pledge gecancelt…
    Damit ist das Interesse echt viel geringer.

  • Hm, auf jeden Fall eine interessante Idee, aber vom Setting halt sehr speziell auf die Epocheund Region zu geschnitten. 🤔

  • Die Minis sind richtig cool. Ich stòr mich auch gar nicht an dem “exotischen” Szenario, ganz im Gegenteil, finde so historische Nischen intetessant.

    Bei meinem Backlog an Minis sehe ich mich da nicht einsteigen, aber ist der Kram mal m Handel siehts sicher anders aus.

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