von BK-Bob | 19.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Bolt Action: Neue Italiener

Bei Warlord Games können neue Italiener für Bolt Action vorbestellt werden.

Warlord Games Italian Army Guastatori Destruction Group 1 Warlord Games Italian Army Guastatori Destruction Group 2 Warlord Games Italian Army Guastatori Destruction Group 3

Italian Army Guastatori Destruction Group – 24,00€

At the start of Italy’s war, the Italian Army had no assault engineering units designed to take on enemy fortifications. The performance of pioneer units in the German blitzkrieg demonstrated to the Italians the need for such units, leading to the creation of the Guastatori del Genio which began training units in late 1940.

By early 1941 these specialised assault engineers were fighting in North Africa, and by mid-1942 they were also on the Eastern Front. During the Sicilian campaign the 11th Guastatori Battalion was attached to the ‘Livorno’ Division, fighting alongside them throughout the campaign.

Contains 10 metal Italian Guastatori miniatures:

  • NCO with rifle and pistol
  • 2 x two-man flamethrower teams
  • 2 engineers with rifles and bangalore torpedoes
  • 3 engineers with rifles
  • Plastic bases

Warlord Games Italian Army Support Group 1 Warlord Games Italian Army Support Group 2 Warlord Games Italian Army Support Group 3

Italian Army Support Group – 27,00€

One of the largest ground forces of the war, the Regio Esercito (Royal Italian Army) was hardened by its experiences in Albania, Ethiopia and the Spanish Civil War prior to its entry to the Second World War.

The Italian Army fielded a wide range of weapons from various manufacturers. The most successful and commonly used machine gun was the Breda M37 8mm air-cooled weapon, its reputation led to it being fielded by the British SAS when captured.

Like so many nations, the Italian Army made good use of mortars such as the Mortaio da 81/14 Modello 35 which was nearly identical to the 81mm mortar fielded by the United States.

Contains the following metal miniatures which can be fielded as Italian Army or Blackshirt troops:

  • Officer with pistol
  • Officer with SMG
  • Medic
  • Radio operator
  • MMG team
  • Medium mortar team
  • Plastic bases

Warlord Games Italian Army HQ 1 Warlord Games Italian Army HQ 2

Italian Army HQ – 11,00€

Platoons were typically commanded by a first or second Tenente (Lieutenant). Lieutenants in the Royal Italian Army were committed to restoring Italy to international prominence, despite being unprepared for the realities of a modern war. An officer unit consists of officer himself and can include up to two other men acting as his immediate attendants. Officers can be rated as Inexperienced, Regular, or Veteran.

Contains the following metal miniatures which can be fielded as Italian Army or Blackshirt troops:

  • Officer with pistol
  • Officer with SMG
  • Medic
  • Radio operator
  • Plastic bases

Warlord Games Italian Army Medium Mortar Team 1 Warlord Games Italian Army Medium Mortar Team 2 Warlord Games Italian Army Medium Mortar Team 3

Italian Army medium mortar team – 11,00€

Like so many nations, the Italian Army made good use of mortars such as the Mortaio da 81/14 Modello 35 which was nearly identical to the 81mm mortar fielded by the United States. It has been said that mortars accounted for more casualties in World War II than any other single weapon type. Trained and effective Italian mortar crews certainly added to those numbers in every theatre where they operated.

Warlord Games Italian Army MMG Team 1 Warlord Games Italian Army MMG Team 2 Warlord Games Italian Army MMG Team 3

Italian Army MMG team – 11,00€

Italians used a variety of weapons from various manufacturers, but all tended towards over-complex designs and unreliability. The most successful and most commonly used machine gun was the Breda M37 8mm air-cooled weapon, captured examples of which were used by the British SAS.

Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti Paratrooper Infantry Section 1 Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti Paratrooper Infantry Section 2 1 Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti Paratrooper Infantry Section 2 2

Italian Paracadutisti paratrooper infantry section – 24,00€

Note: This is the first of two Paracadutisti Paratrooper Infantry Sections. Each contains unique sculpts so are ideal to mix and match to lend your army greater variety in poses. You can find the second here

The Italian paratroopers were hard men, often poorly supplied and supported, but fought and died bravely where they stood rather than give ground.

Folgore (Lightning) and Nembo (Nimbus) were the two airborne divisions that fought valiantly for Mussolini and, later, the Italian Social Republic (RSI) until the armistice between Italy and the Allies. Even then, large elements of Nembo sided with the Germans and became the basis of the German 4th Fallschirmjäger division, being one of the last Italian units to surrender in 1945.

Contains 9 metal figures:

  • NCO with SMG
  • 1 x two-man LMG team
  • 5 paratroopers with SMG
  • 1 paratroopers with carbine
  • Plastic bases

Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti Paratrooper Infantry Section 2 Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti Paratrooper Infantry Section 3

Italian Paracadutisti paratrooper infantry section 2 – 24,00€

Note: This is the second of two Paracadutisti Paratrooper Infantry Sections. Each contains unique sculpts so are ideal to mix and match to lend your army greater variety in poses. You can find the first here

The Italian paratroopers were hard men, often poorly supplied and supported, but fought and died bravely where they stood rather than give ground.

Folgore (Lightning) and Nembo (Nimbus) were the two airborne divisions that fought valiantly for Mussolini and, later, the Italian Social Republic (RSI) until the armistice between Italy and the Allies. Even then, large elements of Nembo sided with the Germans and became the basis of the German 4th Fallschirmjäger division, being one of the last Italian units to surrender in 1945.

Contains 9 metal figures:

  • NCO with SMG
  • 1 x two-man LMG team
  • 5 paratroopers with SMG
  • 1 paratroopers with carbine
  • Plastic bases

Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti Support Group 1 Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti Support Group 2 Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti Support Group 3

Italian Paracadutisti support group – 27,00€

Led by tough, experienced officers, the Italian paratroopers were a well-respected foe – during the battle of El Alamein troops of the Folgore (Lightning) Division repelled the British attacks for weeks. The Folgore fought until expending their last round of ammunition, taking out British tanks with near suicidal close quarters attacks and choosing bayonet charges over raising the white flag, such was their elan.

Like their Regio Esercito (Royal Italian Army) counterparts, the airborne divisions relied heavily on the Breda 37 medium machine gun and the Mortaio da 81/14 Modello 35 81mm mortar for close fire support.

Contains 10 metal miniatures:

  • 2 Officers with SMG
  • 1 NCO with SMG
  • 1 Radio Operator
  • MMG team
  • Medium mortar team
  • Plastic bases

Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti HQ 1 Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti HQ 2

Italian Paracadutisti HQ – 11,00€

Italian Paratroopers, like all Italian special forces, established an astonishing reputation for dash and stubborn fighting in all the theatres where they were deployed. Well trained and superbly equipped for their role they shored up the reputation of the Italian fighting man, which had been tarnished so badly by massive early British victories.

With large allocations of Berretta SMGs and light machine guns they could deliver great close-range firepower and when dug in could not be moved from their foxholes despite intense bombardment, infantry and even tank attack.

If you want some hard but fair fighting troops, these are the boys for you…

This pack provides you with a command squad to lead your Paratroopers into action:

  • Officer
  • 2x NCO’s
  • Radio Operator (Forward Observer)

Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti MMG Team 1 Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti MMG Team 2 Warlord Games Italian Paracadutisti MMG Team 3


Italian Paracadutisti MMG team – 11,00€

Like their Regio Esercito (Royal Italian Army) counterparts, the airborne divisions relied heavily on the Breda M37 8mm air-cooled medium machine gun, captured examples of which were used by the British SAS, for close fire support.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Schöne Releases. Ich habe mich schon gefragt, wieso es keine italienische Support Gruppe gibt bzw. Wo die Paracadutisti geblieben sind. So kann man die Plastik Italiener gut ausbauen. 👍

    Die Pioniere gefallen mir auch, aber zwei Flamer in einem Trupp klingt ganz schön brutal 😅

  • Mit der Box von WA kamen ja schon zwei MMGs, da ist dann die Frage, ob man nicht einfach den Mörser kauft, aber sonst eine schöne Ergänzung zu den bisherigen Modellen.

  • Schöne Modelle, finde es gut das Warlord es hier schafft gut Posen und vernünftige Proportionen zu schaffen. WK zwo ist nicht mein Thema aber trotzdem schick.

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