von BK-Nils | 12.01.2022 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Blood Bowl: Goblin Starspieler Preview

Zwei neue Starspieler lassen bald die Stadien der Alten Welt erzittern, wenn diese beiden Goblins das Spielfeld von Blood Bowl betreten.

Two New Goblin Star Players Cause Chaos with Bombs and a Ball & Chain

Bob: I always feel like Goblin teams need a little help in games of Blood Bowl, Jim.

Jim: You’re right, Bob, but these two new Star Players should definitely help.

Bob: I just hope that the referees don’t see those secret weapons, Jim.

Jim: They should be fine, Bob, and you know what they say – all’s fair in love and Blood Bowl.

Two new Star Players are on their way to tear up the astrogranite with a set of unique skills and their own brand of, ahem, heavy weaponry – it’s Fungus the Loon and Bomber Dribblesnot.

Fungus the Loon

Games Workshop Two New Goblin Star Players Cause Chaos With Bombs And A Ball & Chain 1

Fungus is the ultimate Goblin Fanatic, proudly displaying his love for mushrooms by carrying them out onto the pitch.* In-game, you can just wind him up, let him go, and even retain a little control over him thanks to his Whirling Dervish special rule.

Games Workshop Two New Goblin Star Players Cause Chaos With Bombs And A Ball & Chain 2

His massive Ball & Chain gives Goblin teams some much-needed oomph on the line of scrimmage – who needs strength when you have special weapons?

Bomber Dribblesnot

Games Workshop Two New Goblin Star Players Cause Chaos With Bombs And A Ball & Chain 3

Meanwhile Bomber Dribblesnot clearly has an appetite for destruction – just look at all of those extra explosives he’s got in his sack. Want to cause maximum carnage? Throw a bomb at your opponent’s best player and then have it explode as soon as they catch it!

Games Workshop Two New Goblin Star Players Cause Chaos With Bombs And A Ball & Chain 4

Throwing bombs at enemy players means that you should be out of range for any retribution that may come back – the perfect place for a Goblin to be!

Both players can be signed by any Badlands Brawl or Underworlds Challenge team. So if your Black Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, Orcs, Skaven, or Snotlings need some help, Fungus and Bomber are great for adding a little thump, boom,and splat to your team.

Games Workshop Two New Goblin Star Players Cause Chaos With Bombs And A Ball & Chain 5

Fungus the Loon and Bomber Dribblesnot will be available to pre-order from Forge World soon.

* The morel of this story is that you should never be without a snack.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich mag die Tüte Popcorn auf dem Base. Die hat wirklich etwas.
    Das Design der Spieler selber spricht mich aber irgendwie nicht wirklich an 🙁

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