von BK-Bob | 14.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

Blaster: Volume 4

Die vierte Ausgabe des Blaster Magazines wurde veröffentlicht.

BLASTER Volume 4 1 BLASTER Volume 4 2 BLASTER Volume 4 7 BLASTER Volume 4 4 BLASTER Volume 4 5 BLASTER Volume 4 6

BLASTER: Volume 4 – 19,99$ (PDF) oder 34,99$ (Softcover)

BLASTER: Vol. 4 includes two exclusive standalone games, and three expansions: 

Last Days: Legends

Ash Barker

Official Expansion for Last Days

Rules for including The Luchador, The Mechanic, and the Waitress in your games of Last Days. These rules are compatible with the modern game setting and both the core Rulebook and Seasons Supplements. Keep an eye out for new miniatures available via Temple of the West.

BRUTL! Tank Arena

Joseph McGuire

Standalone Game

BRUTL! Tank Arena is a beer and pretzels style game of insanely fun tank battles. Your humble author wanted a ruleset to use all those cool tanks he had lying around, but something simple and required minimal effort.  With only a bit of terrain and a single tank per player, BRUTL! Is both easy to start and plays quick, getting to the best parts of miniature wargaming, blowing up your opponent.

Sludge Nations  

Sean Sutter

Expansion for Sludge War, core rules available in volume 3.

The world of sludge is vast and each player’s interpretation of the setting is a valid iteration in the decaying multiverse. The Nation Factions described here will represent both existing nations and archetypes found across the dying world. For what it’s worth, these factions are primarily focused on the western branchways inhabited by mankind and don’t represent the full breadth of the sludge world.

Gaslands: Legacy (Part II)

Mike Hutchinson

Official Campaign Expansion for Gaslands: Refuelled, part I available in volume 3.

Earth gets an eviction notice from Mars, and becomes dismantled and reassembled into a progressively more chaotic post-post-apocalyptic world. Randomly generate an illegal build and get out of the factory fast before you become dismantled yourself. Unique LEGACY Gaslands rules, and the remaining narrative scenarios. (The first five scenarios in the story are b in Vol. 3, but you don’t need them to play these four, as the Legacy Rules are recapped in Vol.4.)

Deathship One

Joseph McCullough

Solo/Co-op Standalone Game

Deathship One is a solo or co-operative miniatures game in which the player controls a small squad of warriors attempting to fight their way through an alien death trap. It’s designed to be fast and fun and to use a minimum of miniatures and terrain. It’s also designed to be limited. The whole game consists of 5 scenarios or ‘rooms’. The order of those rooms can change from game-to-game, but you always play all five, assuming you live that long

Aufgrund von fehlenden Stats ist aktuell die Print-on-Demand Version nicht verfügbar.

Just want to say thanks for all the support on first day, without you BLASTER is not possible! Some keen BLASTNERDS caught that the baseline stats for BRUTL! Tank Arena were not included so we have temporarily taken down print-on-demand options until that’s sorted.
If you bought a printed edition, like the absolute gem that you are, I’m going to work through send you a correction in the mail.

Quelle: Blaster Volume 4 auf DriveThruRPG

Quelle: Blaster Webseite

Quelle: Blaster auf Facebook


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich habe das Magazin wegen Sludge Nations gekauft und allein dafür hat es sich gelohnt. Einfach ein tolles Spiel.

      • Die möglichen Archetypen der Armeen sind alle interessant. Meine Armee ist definitiv eine imperiale Fraktion, damit kann ich meine alten Dystopian Legions Panzer mal wieder verwenden und ummalen.
        Die Free Peoples finde ich aber auch spannend mit dem mehr mittelalterlichen Ansatz und der Möglichkeit einen Rittertrupp als Kommandanten zu spielen.

  • Ich würde mir ja so gern die ersten 3 Ausgaben holen, da mich die Inhalte für RoSD mega interessieren… Aber der rest halt leider Null, weswegen die 20€ jeweils dann deutlich zu teuer sind 🙁

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