von BK-Bob | 25.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Black Seas: Neuheiten

Bei Warlord Games stechen wieder Schiffe ins Meer.

Black Seas 4th Rates Squadron 1 Black Seas 4th Rates Squadron 2 Black Seas 4th Rates Squadron 3 Black Seas 4th Rates Squadron 4

Black Seas: 4th Rates squadron – 46,00€

Under the structure set out by the Royal Navy rating system which was largely adopted worldwide any ship-of-the-line with fewer than a 160-man crew was considered a ’small ship‘. The largest of these ‘small ships’ were the 4th Rates as they had a complement of 140 men whilst boasting between 46 and 60 guns.

4th Rates with guns at the lower end of the scale were considered too weak to stand in the line of battle and they were largely, although not entirely, phased out of this role during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. They would still see active service in the likes of the East Indies and other far-flung territories.

Contains three vessels (a mixture of resin, plastic & metal) and game aids.

Black Seas 6th Rates Squadron (Battened Down) 1 Black Seas 6th Rates Squadron (Battened Down) 2 Black Seas 6th Rates Squadron (Battened Down) 3 Black Seas 6th Rates Squadron (Battened Down) 4 Black Seas 6th Rates Squadron (Battened Down) 5

Black Seas: 6th Rates squadron (Battened Down) – 42,00€

6th Rates were the smallest of the warships in the Royal Navy rating system, which would have been generally adopted worldwide. This category covered ships with between 20 and 28 guns on a single deck. Although not considered to be powerful enough to take their place alongside larger ships of the line they performed well in other duties and in smaller engagements where the 1st and 2nd Rate man-o-war weren’t necessary. Well known 6th Rates include the fictional vessel HMS Surprise as captained by author Patrick O’Brian’s Capt. Jack Aubrey whilst C.S. Forester’s Horatio Hornblower takes command of HMS Atropos in one of his novels.

This squadron represents the vessels with their gunports closed (battened down).

Contains three vessels (a mixture of resin, plastic & metal) and game aids.

Black Seas Azov 1 Black Seas Azov 2 Black Seas Azov 3 Black Seas Azov 4 Black Seas Azov 5 Black Seas Azov 6

Black Seas: Azov – 27,00

A 74-gun ship-of-the-line armed with 24-pdrs and 36-pdrs. This ship was at the centre of the fight in the Battle of Navarino in 1827. She was regarded as the finest ship in the Russian Navy for at least four years, after which she was left to rot.

Contains 1 resin & metal vessel plus game aids.

Black Seas Blagodat 1 Black Seas Blagodat 2 Black Seas Blagodat 3 Black Seas Blagodat 4 Black Seas Blagodat 5 Black Seas Blagodat 6

Black Seas: Blagodat – 38,00€

A huge 130-gun first rate ship-of-the-line, possibly based on the designs of the Spanish Santisima Trinidad.

Contains 1 resin & metal vessel plus game aids.

Black Seas HMS Agamemnon 1 Black Seas HMS Agamemnon 2 Black Seas HMS Agamemnon 3 Black Seas HMS Agamemnon 4 Black Seas HMS Agamemnon 5

Black Seas: HMS Agamemnon – 23,50€

Known to be Lord Nelson’s favourite ship, HMS Agamemnon was a 64-gun 3rd rate ship-of-the-line with a sleek hull. She saw plenty of active service during the American War of Independence, French Revolutionary War and Napoleonic Wars, most notably at Trafalgar as part of Nelson’s weather column, where she helped force the surrender of the colossal Spanish four decker Santisima Trinidad.

Contains 1 resin & metal vessel with game aids.

Black Seas HMS Speedy 1 Black Seas HMS Speedy 2 Black Seas HMS Speedy 3 Black Seas HMS Speedy 4 Black Seas HMS Speedy 5

Black Seas: HMS Speedy – 14,50€

A 14-gun brig with a very colourful history. She was captured by France in 1794, then re-taken by the British in 1795, captured again by France in 1801 and finally donated to the Papal States in 1802. Furthermore, HMS Speedy was one of the ships that made Thomas Cochrane famous for capturing so many enemy vessels, sometimes even those much larger than his own.

Contains 1 resin & metal vessel with game aids.

Black Seas HMS Surprise 1 Black Seas HMS Surprise 2 Black Seas HMS Surprise 3 Black Seas HMS Surprise 4

Black Seas: HMS Surprise – 18,00€

A 5th rate ship launched as the Unité, sailing for the French Navy before being captured in 1796 by the Royal Navy and renamed HMS Surprise. Perhaps most famously the Surprise served as the main ship for author Patrick O’Brien’s Jack Aubrey and also in the associated film, Master & Commander.

Contains 1 resin & metal vessel with game aids.

Black Seas Indiamen 1 Black Seas Indiamen 2 Black Seas Indiamen 3 Black Seas Indiamen 4 Black Seas Indiamen 5Black Seas Indiamen 6 Black Seas Indiamen 7

Black Seas: Indiamen – 38,00€

East Indiamen or, more commonly, just ‚Indiamen‘ is a broad name for a category of ships that sailed under the licence or charter of the various European trading companies such as those from England, France, Portugal, Sweden, Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands. Capable of carrying both passengers and cargo, the Indiamen were armed to defend themselves from privateers or pirates.

Contains two vessels (a mixture of resin, plastic & metal) and game aids.

Black Seas Razeed 3rd Rate & 4th Rate 1 Black Seas Razeed 3rd Rate & 4th Rate 2 Black Seas Razeed 3rd Rate & 4th Rate 3

Black Seas: Razeed 3rd Rate & 4th Rate – 41,00€

As the smaller ships-of-the-line became less useful in fleet actions due the increasing size and armaments of the larger ships many of them were ‚razeed‘. This was the process of either removing the quarterdeck and forecastle or otherwise cutting them down to have just two decks. The resulting razeed ships were more stable in rough seas as well as quicker. 64-gun 3rd Rate ships were razeed to become 44-gun vessels – these were classed as frigates although they generally performed better than the purpose-built frigates of the day. HMS Indefatigable is a well-known razeed 3rd Rate.

Contains two vessels – one razeed 3rd Rate & one 4th Rate (a mixture of resin, plastic & metal) and game aids.

Black Seas St. Pavel 1 Black Seas St. Pavel 2 Black Seas St. Pavel 3 Black Seas St. Pavel 4 Black Seas St. Pavel 5 Black Seas St. Pavel 6

Black Seas: St. Pavel – 32,50€

A 2nd rate ship-of-the-line built on the Black Sea and became part of the Black Sea fleet. She also saw action in the Mediterranean, where she helped capture several coastal towns and fortifications.

Contains 1 resin & metal vessel plus game aids.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich hatte kürzlich mal zwei kleine Spielchen und man muss einfach mal sagen: Das sieht schon verflucht gut aus, wenn da so ein paar kleine große Schiffe umeinander kreisen.

    Drum liegt jetzt auch die eigene Starterbox in Sichtweite auf dem Basteltisch…

  • Von der Optik top, leider ists schwierig mit Modellen zu spielen, zu filigranen – anfällig… wenn man mich nochmal fragen würde – Oak and Iron, Schiffe sind zwar einfacher, eher Spielfiguren…

    • Wenn man die Modelle mit Bases versieht und sie im Spiel nur dort anfasst, geht das ganz gut.

      Ich fürchte, dass ich mir alle generischen und britischen Schiffe holen werde. Blöd nur, dass mindestens Teile laut meinem Händler nur direkt erhältlich sein sollen.

  • Die Modelle sind wirklich schön.

    Schade nur, dass die Boxen ziemlich teuer wurden. 38 Euro für zwei Handelsschiffe? Dann lieber eine überzählige Brigg verwenden.

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