von BK-Bob | 30.09.2022 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Black Powder Epic Battles: Zuaven & Kavallerie

Warlord Games kehren bei Black Powder Epic Battles mit Zuaven und Kavallerie zum Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg zurück.

WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 4 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 5 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 6 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 7 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 8 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 9 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 10 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 11

Black Powder Epic Battles – American Civil War Confederate Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade – 32,00€

Resplendent in their stylish coloured uniforms the zouave light infantry were involved in all major battles of the American Civil War. Arguably the most renowned of Confederate zouave regiment being the Louisiana Tigers.

Fighting on horseback and armed with pistol, sabre and carbine, the role of cavalry during the civil war was more as mounted infantry, reconnaissance and patrol units rather than the shock cavalry of previous eras. Skirmishers were an important element of armies of both sides, providing skirmish screens for main units and harrying enemy flanks.

This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete Confederate brigade comprising one Zouaves regiment of 100 men, a regiment of cavalry a regiment of dismounted cavalry, and a regiment of skirmishers.

WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 4 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 5 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 6 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 7 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 8 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 9 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 10 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade 11

Black Powder Epic Battles – American Civil War Union Cavalry & Zouaves Brigade – 32,00€

With their dashing, brightly coloured uniforms the zouave light infantry regiments were involved in all major American Civil War battles. There were several renowned zouave regiments in Union service such the 14th Brooklyn, Fire Zouaves and Duryée’s Zouaves.

Fighting on horseback and armed with pistol, sabre and carbine, the role of cavalry during the civil war was more as mounted infantry, reconnaissance and patrol units rather than the shock cavalry of previous eras. Skirmishers were an important element of armies of both sides, providing skirmish screens for main units and harrying enemy flanks.

This plastic set provides enough models to field a complete Union brigade comprising one zouaves regiment of 100 men, a regiment of cavalry, a regiment of dismounted cavalry and a regiment of skirmishers.

WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Casualty Markers 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Casualty Markers 2

Black Powder Epic Battles – American Civil War Casualty Markers – 20,50€

During the cause of the game a Black Powder General will have a need to track their army’s casualties. These casualty markers feature prominent markers enabling just that – track wounds effectively and with a visual flourish. These are generic, and are thus suitable to be painted up as either Union or Confederate troops.

Although designed with the Black Powder Epic Battles: ACW scale in mind, the practice lends itself to equally well to miniatures games of any scale set in the American Civil War period.

Each pack contains 6 cavalry casualty bases and 12 Infantry casualty bases, in Warlord ResinTM.

WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Gettysburg Battle Set 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Gettysburg Battle Set 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Gettysburg Battle Set 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Gettysburg Battle Set 4 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Gettysburg Battle Set 5 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Gettysburg Battle Set 6 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Gettysburg Battle Set 7

Black Powder Epic Battles – American Civil War Gettysburg Battle Set – 143,00€

Fought over the first three days of July in 1863, the battle for Gettysburg proved to be the high tide of the Confederacy and the turning point of the American Civil War. The Confederate army of North Virginia, under General Lee, and fresh from victory over the Union at Chancellorsville, assaulted the Army of the Potomac under Union General Meade at the crossroads town of Gettysburg in the deadliest battle of the entire conflict. The battle ended following the near suicidal attack known as Pickett’s Charge which led to the battered rebel army withdrawing from the field. Lee’s invasion of the North has been halted.

This box set contains over 2,000 men. Each of the two armies are presented on colour-coded plastic sprues; the push-fit pieces are extremely easy to assemble – enabling you to quickly get to the business of gaming this fascinating era of history on the epic scale it deserves. You’ll also find some MDF scenery to lend your battles extra authenticity.

Epic Battles: American Civil War – Gettysburg Contains:

  • Union army (blue plastic) – 8 infantry regiments, 1 Zouave regiment, 1 cavalry regiment, 1 dismounted cavalry regiment, 1 skirmishers regiment, 8 cannon & 8 mounted commanders
  • Confederate army (grey plastic) – 8 infantry regiments, 1 Zouave regiment, 1 cavalry regiment, 1 dismounted cavalry regiment, 1 skirmishers regiment, 8 cannon & 8 mounted commanders
  • Green plastic bases for all figures
  • A5 Black Powder rulebook
  • 36-page American Civil War background, scenario and supplemental rule booklet
  • Flag sheets for both Union and Confederate forces
  • Laser-cut MDF farm building
  • Laser-cut MDF Snake fences
  • Six D6 dice

WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set 1 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set 2 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set 3 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set 4 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set 5 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set 6 WG Black Powder Epic Battles American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set 7

Black Powder Epic Battles – American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set – 90,00€

In 1861, the Southern States saw Abraham Lincoln’s election to President of the fledgling United States of America as a direct threat to their states‘ rights and way of life. America was united no more, the Union split as a new Confederate States of America was formed in the South, starting the American Civil War. Lincoln, determined to preserve the Union and end slavery, raised the Army of the Potomac and throughout the nation brother fought brother. Over the next four terrible long years American armies tramped across American fields and burnt American farms as Americans killed Americans in a war the likes of which the nation had never seen before.

The Epic Battles system allows for gamers to refight these battles on a huge scale. The game is based on the familiar award-winning Black Powder rules system, with a few period-flavour tweaks to cement the battles in the ideologies of American Civil War doctrines.

Guts & Glory contains:

  • Plastic figures and bases for 6 infantry regiments, 1 Zouave regiment, 1 cavalry regiment, 1 dismounted cavalry regiment, 1 skirmishers regiment, 6 cannon & 6 mounted commanders
  • A5 Black Powder rulebook
  • 36-page American Civil War background, scenario and supplemental rule booklet
  • Flag sheets for both Union and Confederate forces
  • Laser-cut MDF Dutch-style barn
  • Laser-cut MDF Snake fences
  • Six D6 dice

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich finde es gut, dass Warlord mit dem neuen Mixed Sprue nun endlich etwas Abwechslung in die Grundboxen packt. Kommt wahrscheinlich für die meisten die das spielen etwas zu spät, aber immerhin wird nachjustiert.

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