von BK-Bob | 27.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Black Crab 5: Necropolis Mercenaries Kickstarter

Der fünfte Black Crab Kickstarter ist aktuell unterwegs.

Black Crab 5: Necropolis Mercenaries

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A set of 9 heroic scale miniatures for tabletop gaming.

So here we are, back on Kickstarter for season 5 of Black Crab miniatures! After the last campaign I surveyed backers to see what people wanted to see next and a strong theme was mercenaries, rogues and ne’er-do-wells.  So I present to you this band of Miserable Mercenaries. I’ve had a lot of fun picking out designs from Moritz’s archive as well as working from new sketches for some of the new female sculpts. Check out his work on Instagram @blackcrabart

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More downtrodden heroes…

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…a band of cretinous mercenaries…

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…with danger in their eyes and questionable morality.

The Freebies

Alongside the Mercenaries, all backers will receive a free set of metal cast freebies: The Knight and his Retainer.

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Knight and Retainer, original sculpts.

The Widow 

In addition to the Mercenary sculpts, I have decided to offer an add-on in the form of my most ambitious sculpt to date, based on a very special piece of art by Moritz. Part diorama, part gaming piece, this sculpt consists of 3 individual figures and should appeal to painters and collectors, as much as to all of you gamers and role players out there.

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The Widow original sculpt. £16

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Original art by Moritz @blackcrabart

Resin Bases

With this campaign I am offering sets of 9 resin „flagstone“ bases (random pick from a set of three designs) with inset Meridian Miniatures logo on the underside.  I had these bases designed many years ago but they have failed to see the light until now! You can see some used on the painted examples above.

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Resin bases (set of nine) £7

Back Catalog

Kickstarter remains the best way for me to get my sculpts out to you, I always have a huge demand for my previous offerings so here they are for you to add on should you wish. the option to add them will be offered when you pledge.


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Horse Head Night Herald £12 (65mm)

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Ox Head Night Herald £12 (65mm)

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Village Heroes £18

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Necropolis Nobels £30

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Necropolis Scum £42

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Necropolis priests £20

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The watchman (metal casting) £7

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The Witch (metal casting) £7

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The Fishhound (metal casting) £5

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The Homunculus collection (11 metal castings 10-20mm) £25

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 5 Tage.

Quelle: Black Crab 5: Necropolis Mercenaries


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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