Der fünfte Black Crab Kickstarter ist aktuell unterwegs.
Black Crab 5: Necropolis Mercenaries
A set of 9 heroic scale miniatures for tabletop gaming.
So here we are, back on Kickstarter for season 5 of Black Crab miniatures! After the last campaign I surveyed backers to see what people wanted to see next and a strong theme was mercenaries, rogues and ne’er-do-wells. So I present to you this band of Miserable Mercenaries. I’ve had a lot of fun picking out designs from Moritz’s archive as well as working from new sketches for some of the new female sculpts. Check out his work on Instagram @blackcrabart
More downtrodden heroes…
…a band of cretinous mercenaries…
…with danger in their eyes and questionable morality.
The Freebies
Alongside the Mercenaries, all backers will receive a free set of metal cast freebies: The Knight and his Retainer.
Knight and Retainer, original sculpts.
The Widow
In addition to the Mercenary sculpts, I have decided to offer an add-on in the form of my most ambitious sculpt to date, based on a very special piece of art by Moritz. Part diorama, part gaming piece, this sculpt consists of 3 individual figures and should appeal to painters and collectors, as much as to all of you gamers and role players out there.
The Widow original sculpt. £16
Original art by Moritz @blackcrabart
Resin Bases
With this campaign I am offering sets of 9 resin „flagstone“ bases (random pick from a set of three designs) with inset Meridian Miniatures logo on the underside. I had these bases designed many years ago but they have failed to see the light until now! You can see some used on the painted examples above.
Resin bases (set of nine) £7
Back Catalog
Kickstarter remains the best way for me to get my sculpts out to you, I always have a huge demand for my previous offerings so here they are for you to add on should you wish. the option to add them will be offered when you pledge.
Horse Head Night Herald £12 (65mm)
Ox Head Night Herald £12 (65mm)
Village Heroes £18
Necropolis Nobels £30
Necropolis Scum £42
Necropolis priests £20
The watchman (metal casting) £7
The Witch (metal casting) £7
The Fishhound (metal casting) £5
The Homunculus collection (11 metal castings 10-20mm) £25
Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 5 Tage.
Herrlich abgedrehte Minis!
Oh, sehr verlockend! Die Minis sind ein Traum!
Ganz toll sind auch die Vorlagen von Black Crab Art!
Sehr toll.
Aber halt wieder UK 😛
Und damit wegen Zoll & Co – NoGo
wenn es einen EU Distributor geben würde, dann ja gerne. aber so….
Tollkirsche is a Hell of a Drug!
Die sind großartig, bin wirklich begeistert. Aber mich schrecken auch die Gebühren ab, die da noch obendrauf kommen werden.