von BK-Thorsten | 20.12.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Historisch

Bad Squiddo Games: Neuheiten

Bad Squiddo Games haben jede Menge Neuheiten im Shop.

BadSquiddo Butscher 01 BadSquiddo Butscher 02 BadSquiddo Butscher 03

The Butcher – 12,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Resin
Sculptor: Ristul

Firstly, you need to check out the scale pic in the gallery, this boi is BIG.

Whilst usually slow and cumbersome, the butcher can reach speeds of 37 miles per hour when locked into a sprint. Whilst the thundering footsteps are a clear sign of the imminent danger, the first thing to hit you is the unbearable stench of decay. The faster the creature runs, the more of its putrid insides pour out. It’s only instict is to feed, and once it has decided a target, only it’s only destruction will stop the hunt.

Cast in highest quality resin, supplied unpainted. Make sure to follow the usual resin precautions when prepping (be careful of dust, and wash in soapy water before priming). One single piece miniature approx 53mm from the feet to the top of his arched back. See the gallery for a scale pic.

Sculpted by Ristul.

SUPPLIED UNPAINTED Shown painted by Warpfiend Studios

BadSquiddo Squeaky 01 BadSquiddo Squeaky 02 BadSquiddo Squeaky 03 BadSquiddo Squeaky 04 BadSquiddo Squeaky 05 BadSquiddo Squeaky 06

Cherished Pet „Squeaky“ – 16,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Resin
Sculptor: Ristul

Firstly, you need to check out the scale pic in the gallery, this is BIG.

Nobody knows where Squeaky came from, or if there are others of it’s kind. They just turned up one day and nearly scared everyone to death. It turns out you can’t judge a book by it’s cover though, and Squeaky (named due to the squeaks they make when excited, much like a guinea pig) is adorable and loving to their new companions. Squeaky’s super muscley legs allow them to carry their friends across many turbulent terrain.

It can be assembled without the howdah, see other pics for the parts. Also see the pics for cool things on the back!

Cast in highest quality resin, supplied unpainted. Make sure to follow the usual resin precautions when prepping (be careful of dust, and wash in soapy water before priming). Three piece miniature – Squeaky, rock and howdah. See the gallery for a scale pic.

Squeaky is about 43mm from foot to top of head, fully assembled with howdah and rock it’s about 69mm

Sculpted by Ristul.

SUPPLIED UNPAINTED Shown painted by Warpfiend Studios

BadSquiddo Masks A

Masks Pack A – Nature (19) – 12,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Resin
Sculptor: Ristul

Something a bit different. These can be used as masks, but also conversion pieces for a whole manner of purposes. If you ever need some faces peeking out of a void, we got you. The back of these is blank and slightly curved so they fit nicely over your minis face. Every mini is different so you may need to make some adjustments for a tighter fit, like filing off the minis nose (ow).

Cast in highest quality resin, supplied unpainted. Make sure to follow the usual resin precautions when prepping (be careful of dust, and wash in soapy water before priming). 19 single masks for 28mm scale minis, supplied on three sprues.

Sculpted by Ristul.

SUPPLIED UNPAINTED Shown painted by Warpfiend Studios

BadSquiddo Masks B

Masks Pack B – Zany (20) – 12,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Resin
Sculptor: Ristul

Something a bit different. These can be used as masks, but also conversion pieces for a whole manner of purposes. If you ever need some faces peeking out of a void, we got you. The back of these is blank and slightly curved so they fit nicely over your minis face. Every mini is different so you may need to make some adjustments for a tighter fit, like filing off the minis nose (ow).

Cast in highest quality resin, supplied unpainted. Make sure to follow the usual resin precautions when prepping (be careful of dust, and wash in soapy water before priming). 20 single masks for 28mm scale minis, supplied on three sprues.

Sculpted by Ristul.

SUPPLIED UNPAINTED Shown painted by Warpfiend Studios

BadSquiddo CapybaraFamily 01 BadSquiddo CapybaraFamily 02

Capybara Family (7) – 12,50 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Jo Brumby

NOTE: These are realistic sized capybaras for 28mm, if you have our Capycannon or Charles the Giant Capybara, those ones are significantly larger, see the gallery for a comparison!

What’s better than one capybara? A whole family! Argh they are so cute, and so chill. A definite must have, you can figure out why later on.

Sculpted by Jo Brumby.

Supplied unpainted, 7 single piece minis cast in high quality metal, 28mm scale.

BadSquiddo Corgis 01 BadSquiddo Corgis 02

Corgis (4) – 7,50 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Alan Marsh

What cuties! Yip yip! Due to popular demand, these ROYAL corgis that were originally part of the Queen Elizabeth II set are now available by themselves. So there is no excuse not to have hundreds of corgi minis now really.

Sculpted by Alan Marsh, shown painted by John Morris.

Supplied unpainted, 4 single piece minis (two different sculpts) cast in high quality metal, 28mm scale.

BadSquiddo Elizabeth ATS

Queen Elizabeth II: ATS – 5,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Alan Marsh

During WW2, Elizabeth served in the ATS, against expectation as it was presumed she would join the WAAF. The ATS had an unfair reputation of being one of the lesser desired organisations for women to join, so this was huge positive publicity.

The pack consists of one miniature, cast in high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale, single piece and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges. Supplied unpainted.

These miniatures work perfectly in both historical settings but also pulp scenarios such as Operation Sea Lion.

Sculpted by Alan Marsh, shown painted by John Morris.

BadSquiddo Elizabeth Coronation

Queen Elizabeth II: Coronation – 10,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Alan Marsh

„Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.“

Queen Elizabeth II was coronated in 1953 and became the UK’s longest serving monarch. This was the first televised coronation! Here she is shown on that day, draped in all the traditional finery.

The pack consists of one miniature, cast in single piece high quality pewter, sculpted by Alan Marsh. 28mm scale, supplied unpainted.

This miniature works perfectly in both historical settings but also pulp scenarios and even fantasy.

Sculpted by Alan Marsh, shown painted by John Morris.

BadSquiddo Elizabeth Later

Queen Elizabeth II: The Later Years – 8,50 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Alan Marsh

Queen Elizabeth II was the UK’s longest serving monarch, from 1953 to 2022. This miniature shows her as many remember her from the recent years – chilling out in her iconic single colour outfits, with a couple of corgis.

A wonderful tribute that can be put into your tabletop gaming but equally dioramas.

The pack consists of five single piece miniatures, cast in high quality pewter. 28mm scale, supplied unpainted.

Sculpted by Alan Marsh, shown painted by John Morris.

Quelle: Bad Squiddo Games


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Schön das Annie der Queen ein Andenken widmet. Nichts was ich unbedingt bräuchte aber für den ein oder anderen Briten sicherlich nice to have.

  • Die Queen Sachen sind ja ganz nett, der Rest sieht aus als ob das mein 6jähriger Sohn geknetet hätte.

    • Du hast Nachwuchs?
      Eventuell lernt der in der Schule, wie man Kritik konstruktiv verpackt und ein nicht beleidigendes Feedback gibt – evtl. bringt er es dir dann ja auch bei, dann gewinnen alle! 😛

      • Was es nicht alles gibt, nicht wahr? 😉

        Was soll man da konstruktiv dazu sagen? Manches bleibt besser in den Schubladen der Modellierer.

      • Nö, Bene hat schon Recht. Wenn dein 6-Jähriger das kann, dann solltest du das ja schon lange können. Ich schlage vor, du sculptest mal welche und wir bewerten die dann?

      • Brauchst nur auf meine Facebook Page gehen. Konstruktive Kritik ist immer gerne gesehen. ;-). Natürlich auch alles andere wenn euch danach is, nicht sehe das nicht so eng.

      • Sehr befremdlich, dass man nicht mehr seine eigene Meinung äußern darf, nur weil sie negativ zu dem gezeigten Produkt ausfällt!
        Ich finde die gezeigten Minis eher beschämend in ihrer Qualität. Wenn eine Miniatur eine reelle Person darstellen soll, sollte sie meiner Meinung nach zumindest entfernte Ähnlichkeit besitzen. Diese Minis hier sind einfach nicht gut gemacht – meiner Meinung nach.
        Und Meinungen sind nunmal nicht diskutabel, zumal ich nicht finde, dass die Äußerung von Der schwarze Tod beleidigend war.

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