von BK-Thorsten | 28.08.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Bad Squiddo Games: Neuheiten

Bad Squiddo Games haben einen ordentlichen Schwung an Neuheiten im Shop.

BadSquiddo GuineaPigs2 01 BadSquiddo GuineaPigs2 02

Guinea Pigs Pack 2 (8) – 8,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Jo Brumby

Guinea Pigs! Squeep!

The first pack was such a success that, well, the miniatures world needs more guinea pigs right! This pack features more of a range of breeds including the fluffy texels, crested and peruvian.

They’re a bit smaller than the first pack to bring them in line with our other animals such as the bunnies, but they still fit great together as guinea pigs do come in a variety of sizes. If you’re wanting more realistic then this is the pack for you, if you’re ambivalent – then all the packs!

These 8 individual sculpts are by “King of the Animals” Jo Brumby, and they have turned out marvellously! Shown painted here by Andrew Taylor

BadSquiddo GiantBunnies 01

Giant Bunnies (3) – 8,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Jo Brumby

Giant Bunnies! These are actually scaled to 28mm and based on those giant house bunnies such as the French lop and Flemish Giant. You could of course use them as smaller bunnies in larger scales games and dioramas, or HUGE GODZILLA SIZE BUNNIES in smaller.

We do standard lil bunnies too, the scale between the two is shown in the gallery also next to a 28mm mini. The tallest bunny is 23mm from head to base.

These 3 individual sculpts are by “King of the Animals” Jo Brumby, and they have turned out marvellously! Shown painted here by Andrew Taylor

BadSquiddo Alpacas 01

Alpaca Family – 10,50 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Jo Brumby

Yes that one alpaca is sitting down in a loaf! While 4 alpacas, this set comes as 3 units as two of them link to a lovely cuddle. There is nothing stopping you putting some filler in the gaps and separating them though (other than their loneliness…only do that if you can live with yourself after)

These 4 individual sculpts are by “King of the Animals” Jo Brumby, and they have turned out marvellously! Shown painted here by Andrew Taylor

BadSquiddo SquirrelRiders 01 BadSquiddo SquirrelRiders 02 BadSquiddo SquirrelRiders 03

Fairy Cavalry: Squirrel Riders (3) – 12,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Phil Hynes

Fairies can only travel so far before their teeny wings get achey, so that’s why they need to enlist extra cute critters to help them on those long marches. The cuteness directly correlates to the speed of the animal, that’s just how it is.

See the side gallery for scale next to a 28mm figure. Minis between 21-23mm from top of fairy head to base.

Supplied unpainted.

Cast in high quality white metal, 3 single piece miniatures. Shown painted by John Morris.

These figures were originally part of the Bear’s Head Miniatures range and were purchased by Bad Squiddo in 2022.

BadSquiddo ForestFriendsRiders 01 BadSquiddo ForestFriendsRiders 02 BadSquiddo ForestFriendsRiders 03

Fairy Cavalry: Forest Friends (2) – 10,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Phil Hynes

Fairies can only travel so far before their teeny wings get achey, so that’s why they need to enlist extra cute critters to help them on those long marches. The cuteness directly correlates to the speed of the animal, that’s just how it is.

See the side gallery for scale next to a 28mm figure. Minis between 21-25mm from top of fairy head to base.

Supplied unpainted.

Cast in high quality white metal, 2 single piece miniatures. Shown painted by John Morris.

These figures were originally part of the Bear’s Head Miniatures range and were purchased by Bad Squiddo in 2022.

BadSquiddo Frankenstein

Frankenstein & The Bairn – 8,50 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Metal
Sculptor: Phil Hynes

As the son of Victor Frankenstein, the bairn shares a surname, so it is ok to call him Frankenstein too. So long as you don’t call him a monster or a frightful abomination, that is just rude. All he wanted was to make his old man proud, not knowing he was proud of him since his first „Urrrrrrr“.

Two minis, supplied unpainted cast in high quality metal. Single piece, 28mm scale. Frankenstein is 28mm from feet to eyes, the bairn is 36mm from feet to eyes.

These were originally part of the Bear’s Head Miniatures line and were purchased by Bad Squiddo Games in 2022.

BadSquiddo ScenixBaseDock 01 BadSquiddo ScenixBaseDock 02

Scenic Base: The Dock – 6,50 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Resin
Sculptor: Stavros Zouliatis

This scenic base will really show off a miniature you’re particularly proud of, or perhaps could be incorporated into larger terrain. The dock has a barrel, treasure chests, bottles,broken bag of skulls and of course – a Squiddo.

Cast in highest quality resin, supplied unpainted. Make sure to follow the usual resin precautions when prepping (be careful of dust, and wash in soapy water before priming). One single piece casting. approx 43 x 40mm footprint. See the gallery for pictures showing scale next to a 28mm human.

Sculpted by Stavros Zouliatis

Shown painted by Warpfiend Studios

BadSquiddo ScenicBaseWell 01 BadSquiddo ScenicBaseWell 02

Scenic Base: The Well – 6,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Resin
Sculptor: Stavros Zouliatis

This scenic base will really show off a miniature you’re particularly proud of, or perhaps could be incorporated into larger terrain.

Cast in highest quality resin, supplied unpainted. Make sure to follow the usual resin precautions when prepping (be careful of dust, and wash in soapy water before priming). One single piece casting. approx 45 x 38mm footprint. See the gallery for pictures showing scale next to a 28mm human.

Sculpted by Stavros Zouliatis

Shown painted by Warpfiend Studios

BadSquiddo ScenicBaseDen 01 BadSquiddo ScenicBaseDen 02

Scenic Base: Skull Den – 6,00 GBP

Brand: Bad Squiddo Games
Scale: 28mm
Material: Resin
Sculptor: Stavros Zouliatis

This scenic base will really show off a miniature you’re particularly proud of, or perhaps could be incorporated into larger terrain. Piles of skulls are overgrown by vines or alien tentacles…

Cast in highest quality resin, supplied unpainted. Make sure to follow the usual resin precautions when prepping (be careful of dust, and wash in soapy water before priming). One single piece casting. approx 50 x 38mm footprint. See the gallery for pictures showing scale next to a 28mm human.

Sculpted by Stavros Zouliatis

Shown painted by Warpfiend Studios

Quelle: Bad Squiddo Games




Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Schöne releases. Ich freu mich, dass sie den Peter Cushing-Frankenstein von Bears Head Miniatures übernommen hat. Weiß jemand, was mit denen eigentlich passiert ist? Hab nichts mitbekommen, aber die Website ist schon länger nicht mehr erreichbar und nun tauchen Phils Minjs anderswo auf.

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