von BK-Pascal | 26.03.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Artel W: Neuerscheinungen

Artel W haben neue Miniaturen in ihr Sortiment aufgenommen.

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It`s been a while since we made new releases, so this is the right time probably.
We are still working on finding ways to receive payments, but there’s some kind of good news, everyone! We’ve released several new miniatures on Boosty.com (link is in the first comment) and this is the only place where they can be purchased for now.
Sorry, all prices are in rubles, but this is the only way for now. New released models (Supreme Lord-Inquisitor Alfred Chekov, Kannoneer Nedd Orkgle, Rogue Skipper Bjorn Hagridsson AAAAND Airborn Shokk Skwad ov da Iron Horde) are available for purchase as separate posts with one-time payment. One more post is created for paying DHL shipping fees. If you don’t buy it, the shipping will be free of charge but performed by Russian Post, which can take significantly longer time.
Once you’ve paid for all the posts you are interested in, please send us an email at info@artelw.com to arrange shipping. Please make sure to put “Boosty Purchase” in the subject line)
Another way to support Artel is by subscribing to our Boosty account at a token price. For now there are no exclusive features for subscribers, but we’ll certainly come up with something nice very soon 🙂
Please note that you have to sign in on Boosty to make an order and secure its shipping.
P.S. For other purchases – just PM us or send an email to info@artelw.com, there is a way to arrange it through Boosty too… a bit tricky, but it`s working 🙂
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Guys, I know you`re on the fence right now, but, really – if you need our new miniatures use Boosty.to/artelw. For now it`s the only way – and it helps us to keep heads above the surface.
And, with that being said, check the progress we made on Skullraisers Chosen 🙂

Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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