von BK-Thorsten | 03.12.2022 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Anvil Industry: Waffenzubehör

Anvil Industry haben einige neue Anbauteile für diverse Waffen im Shop.

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New resin release! Regiments weapon accessory sets are out now – we have a vast range of scopes, silencers and more for your infantry.
Check out these combinations we have made then get stuck in enhancing your own minis!

Quelle: Anvil Industry auf Facebook

Link: Anvil Industry


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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