von BK-Nils | 12.05.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

AntiMatter Games: Darkstar Rift Kickstarter

Mit dem Darkstar Rift – 3D Printable Miniatures Game Kickstarter von AntiMatter Games geht es zurück in die Tiefen des Meeres, im Fokus steht eine 2-Spieler Box und weitere Modelle und Geländestücke.

Darkstar Rift – 3D Printable Miniatures Game

Print and play an underwater adventure game!

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The deep underground ocean known as the Shadow Sea has held mysteries for thousands of years, remains of ruined civilizations that built advanced cities and technological wonders in the abyssal depths. As the world of Theira falls into chaos, small bands of adventurers and mercenaries dive into the waters of the underground sea to hunt for the legendary ruins of Darkstar Rift for treasures and artifacts that can help their forces survive the cataclysm of war.

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The goal of this project is to produce a 3D printable tabletop campaign adventure for two or more players, set in our Uncharted Realms world using the DeepWars rules. Player will each command a warband of underwater adventurers and mercenaries and battle through multiple game scenarios to recover sunken treasure and artifacts.

Backers will get everything needed to print their warband and sea monster miniatures, bases, scenery, maps, game cards, markers, and rules to make an immersive 3D tabletop game environment. Backers can also choose to get a complete boxed set of Darkstar Rift with pre-printed resin warbands, maps, markers, rulebook and dice, everything needed to get going.

The game comes with three printable STL warbands in the quest for Darkstar Rift, competing against opposing warbands or adventuring in a solo game.

  •  Fortune Hunters – Pirates and rogues using ancient ether-tech dive suits and constructs that they salvaged and repaired. They rely on heavy armor and brute force to more than the other forces. 

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  •  Dark Mariners – Twisted and mutated beings of the deep sea, who rely bio-technology as they prowl the abyss. They are able to use dark magic to summon or control entities of the ethereal void. 

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  • Nereids – Marine beings created through dark magic as a mixture of sea serpents and humans, allied with many sea creatures. Nereid rely on speed and control over sea creatures to win the battle. 

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Also included are 3D STL files for multiple types of vicious sea creatures that will hunt down the warband. These pieces will also be provided as 2D pictures to print as paper markers.

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There is also interactive scenery that can provide treasure or be deadly obstacles. These pieces will be provided as 2D files to print on paper to put on the maps and as 3D files to print.

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The contents of the two-player boxed set are shown below. The set is a complete campaign adventure for two players, and will also include rules for solo play.

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The game is played on printed paper maps, some of which are shown below. The size of the map are is 18″x24″, so games can be played on any tabletop area. The boxed sets come with printed maps, with each map made up of two 18″x12″ sections.

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Here is an example of painted Ethereal Eye, showing the detail of the minis and how well they can turn out.

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and the Dark Mariner Vanguard Praetorian

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And the Dark Mariners Pureblood Captain

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Pledge Levels

There are Three main pledge levels to choose from. All of the pledge levels get the  printable version of Darkstar Rift and all unlocked STL and PDF stretch goals, but higher pledges include printed miniatures or printed and professionally painted miniatures. Shipping for physical boxed sets is not included in the pledge amount and will be calculated based on weight and country when the shipment is ready. See the Shipping section below for more information.

  •  Basic- $1: This pledge is just for moral support but you can add pre-printed models to it and change the pledge value accordingly.
  •  Adventurer – $30: This pledge includes all STL files for warbands, sea monsters and scenery as well as printable PDF rules, cards and markers. There are 50 STL models to start, with stretch goals adding to the haul.
  •  Vanguard – $85: This pledge is for only the physical 2-player boxed set for Darkstar Rift. This includes two pre-printed resin warbands of your choice (from the original three and any others that are unlocked), 2 resin sharks, 2 resin squid, printed rulebook, game cards,  markers, maps and a set of dice.
  •  Commander – $110: This pledge includes all of the printable STL files and the physical 2-player boxed set for Darkstar Rift. This includes two pre-printed resin warbands of your choice (from the original three and any others that are unlocked), 2 resin sharks, 2 resin squid, printed rulebook, game cards,  markers, maps and a set of dice.
  •  Admiral – $450: This pledge includes all of the printable STL files and the physical 2-player boxed set for Darkstar Rift with per-printed miniatures.  In addition, the two warbands are professionally painted by E. Louchard, the creator of the game and author of „Painting Scaly Beasts“.

Each pledge level can be modified with the addition of Add-Ons, shown  at the bottom of the page. Simply increase your pledge amount for the Add-On you want. At the end of the project, we will ask which models you have added in the Pledge Survey. If we are able to reach the funding level of various stretch goals, new items will be unlocked and be added to the rewards.

Backers at the Adventurer level and up get PDF copies of our rulebooks, including  ShadowSea, DeepWars and the Blood Reef supplement, the Grace Flynn –  Tides of Forever solo adventure, The Stygian Depths dungeon supplement  and our painting guide. We will also include 14 printable PDF maps,  dungeon tiles and game cards to use with the miniatures.

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Stretch Goals

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3D File Design

The rewards for this project come as 3D STL files, not physical   models. The STL files are used by a 3D printed to print the actual  model, so backers will need access to a 3D printer, either their own  printer at home or through a printing service. Miniatures are single-part or sliced into parts, where it helps in printing or when  there are different part options, such as different weapons. Each  miniature also comes with its own scenic sculpted base, either separate  or integrated.

For best results, we recommend resin printers as they will  capture  all of the fine detail of the models, though filament (FDM)  printers  will produce great results also. Scenery STL files are designed  for FDM  printing and come sliced and keyed and are set up to fit within  a  print area of 220 x 220 mm.

STL rewards will be delivered via download links two weeks after the  project ends to allow time for all of the payments to go through  (Kickstarter has up to a 21 day week waiting period for funds to be  delivered).


We are providing the new models with a pre-supported STL for those that want them. Pre-supported models are created with Chitubox.

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Pre-Printed Miniature Add-ons

Backers can choose to get a Pre-Printed miniature from the Core  Rewards and unlocked Stretch Goals. All small to medium sized miniatures  are printed in resin for maximum detail level. Huge models and scenery are available in FDM filament (PLA is our standard choice) with infill 20% to have a good balance between detail,  strength and price. These are treated as Add-Ons that are added to a  pledge simply by adding the $ amount for the model you want. For those  that just want Pre-printed models, you can pledge the $1 level and then  put in the amount of the models instead of $1. Here are some examples of printed miniatures.

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Pre-printed rewards will be printed and shipped within 4-8 weeks of the end of the project for those 3D files that are already   completed.  Shipping of pre-printed items is handled outside the  kickstarter project and calculated based on weight per country.  Typically, shipments in the US will be $5 for anything under one pound  in weight. For the EU or UK, it will be $15 for anything under 8 ounces.  Due to new changes in the UK for international shipping, we will also require an extra 20% to cover VAT charges.

Miniatures will come with protective packaging and a game card with statistics and background information for our games.

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Painted Miniatures

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We will have a limited number of painted sets of the warbands for Darkstar Rift. Painting will be done by E. Louchard, the creator of deepwars and author of „Painting Scaly Beasts“, Here are some examples of painting quality that we are targeting. If you would like any of the other miniatures painted, please inquire for more details.

About Our Team

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DeepWars is a skirmish game set in the Uncharted Realms world, which will be having its own RPG for 5E rules coming soon. All miniatures will be compatible with the Uncharted Realms RPG.

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Risks and challenges

We have successfully run ten Kickstarters since 2012 so we know what it takes to run a project and fulfill rewards promptly. All of the main rewards have been sculpted and tested, so they should be ready for delivery on time. Risks are mainly for stretch goals and making sure all 3D models are produced in a timely fashion. There may be a delay for some stretch goals if the artist is backlogged. All backers will be notified of progress on stretch goals and if any delays occur.

Quelle: Darkstar Rift – 3D Printable Miniatures Game auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Auch wenn ich immer noch keine einzige Mini bemalt habe, weder Resin, Metal noch Druck, bin ich da auch wieder dabei. Mir gefällt das Setting und eines Tages hab ich vielleicht mal Zeit dafür.

  • Ich finde die PDF Unterwasser Maps interessant. Hat sich jemand schon mal welche als Spielmatte (Mousepad oder ähnliches) drucken lassen. Weil so Meeresbodenmatten gibt es irgendwie bei keinem Anbieter. Oder kennt jemand einen?

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