Andrew May: Medieval Marginalia Miniatures 2 Kickstarter
Andrew May hat einen neuen Kickstarter gestartet bei dem ein neues Set Fantasy Miniaturen finanziert werden soll.
Medieval marginalia images were the inspiration for my earliest sculpts of my career. Last year I successfully produced a set of marginalia minis through Kickstarter and now I am back to expand on that range. Check out the new set of 12 minis below.
In addition I have sculpted a set of 4 hybrid beasts from medieval manuscripts as add on figures.
On top of all that, everyone that pledges for the main set gets a set of four little weirdos for free!
You can of course also pledge for the set of 12 minis that I sculpted for the previous campaign, see below for shiny new photos.
Quite a menagerie I’m sure you’ll agree, scroll down for the images that I collected from archived medieval manuscripts and translated into miniatures.