von BK-Pascal | 24.06.2022 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

3DArtGuy: Juni Patreon

Im Juni hat 3DArtguy wieder ein paar STL-Dateien für Patreonunterstützer veröffentlicht.

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Hi everyone,

For the month of June, I am pleased to release a new SciFi pack. First we have the supernatural warrior. Bonded to a gauntlet with cosmic origins, she uses its powers to fight crime and be a general badass. But unlike that giant purple teletubby with a gauntlet, she actually looks good wearing it!

We also have a pair of snipers specialised in infiltration. Boasting state of the art stealth and sensor equipment, they pick off their targets with patience and positioning. They come with a sniper tower to help them get a better vantage of their prey.

Finally we have the vampire soldier. With supernatural strength, she can bring terrifying firepower to bear but is a crack shot when the need arises.

Here is the complete list of what’s available in the June Sci Fi Pack:

Tier 3

Supernatural Warrior Standing Pose (parts and single version)

Supernatural Warrior four head variations

Supernatural Warrior Attack Pose (parts version)

Supernatural Warrior Diorama (single version)

Sniper Standing Pose with three head variations (parts and single version)

Sniper Sitting Pose (single version)

Vampire Soldier Cannon Pose (single version)

Vampire Soldier Sniper Pose (single version)

Sniper Tower with Helmet (single)

Tier 2

Supernatural Warrior Standing Pose (single version)

Supernatural Warrior Attack Pose (single version)

Supernatural Warrior four head variations

Sniper Standing Pose three head variations (single version)

Vampire Soldier Sniper Pose (single version)

Quelle: 3DArtGuy auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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