von BK-Christian | 14.02.2022 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

3D Printable Hive City: Kickstarter

Freunde von Hexfeldern könnten bei diesem Kickstarter fündig werden.


This project was born out of the need to represent a fully customizable Campaign Map for use with any Sci-Fi/Dark Grimm/Futuristic Board game, Role playing game or simply for display.

The final City you could achieve with those tiles, can fit a wide array of universe. From „Blade runner“, to „Total Recall“ to any post apocalyptic and Dark universe likeNecromunda“, „Titanicus“, „40k“ …

Friends and I use to play many Dark Grimm and Futuristic games with miniatures like Necromunda, Kill Team and the urge for a fully modular city with several levels emerged as soon i got my first 3D printer in 2019.

After conclusive print tests, the project became as strong and real as the community around started to grow.

With almost a thousand followers at the PopovLaboratory that were suggesting, voting, sharing ideas, we now have a full set of tiles covering different games well known to all. (Specially Old and New Necromunda, but also 40k, Kill Team etc…)

Those sets will continue to evolve through the Stretch Goals and beyond. I am committed to produce more all along 2022 going to the wasteland and covering other themes and game universes.

By sharing those digital files, players around the world will be able to represent any futuristic Hive Cities of their needs, and play their favorite games using it as a medium to their Campaigns.

3D Printable Hive City Kickstarter 1

4 Tiles radius Hive – Could be up to any height and size you need“

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  • Each Tile have 6 slots at the Back allowing to clip what we call „Connectors„. Those Connectors keep the tiles firmly connected together allowing the hive to be moved without loosing parts.

I made this choice because it’s was the only way to exchange a tile for another in an existing setup without having to undo everything.

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  • In addition, these slots also allow to clip „Extensions„. An Extension represents an annex to a Territory. Like Planetary Defense, Storage, Armored outer shell,  Elevators …

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  • Each Tile also have 6 carved holes at the back allowing to connect „Upgrades“ . Upgrades comes in 3 Sizes and allow to build stages and rise your Hive. (Tier2)

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  • There are no limits to how high your Hive will go as soon as you keep using „Sockets Tiles„. Socket tiles are a 2nd Version of Original tiles. This version includes 6 Sockets to support any Upgrades.

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Depending on how you want your Hive to look, you could print it only with Sockets Tiles, or keep the Original to cover any surface level for a smoother look.

Once printed, you can choose to paint them. In the following examples we have decided to go for a Martian theme to reveal all the details.  But at this point, it’ll be up to you to decide.  Original tiles size is close to Epic40k or Titanicus scale. Those could be used as much as scenery as campaign materials.

Painted by Ryufaktor (Follow the link for more detailed views)

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Each of the tiles shown on this page have already been printed, tested and according to your 3D Printer are 100% as detailed as what you see here.

  • This Project have been built with Resin 3D Printer in mind. And each tiles will be provided Pre-Supported for you to escape painful adjustments when printing.

Those support have been a long time research, as it has to be as strong as possible for your printing not to warp and avoid too much suction. The challenge was to deal between the Geometric hex base and the Scenery on the top of it.

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Das sind die Pledges:

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The Unlocks are the list of stretch goal that can be achieved.

  • It starts at 3500€ and each time the project go +2000€ (some are +1000€) you’ll unlock one free Stretch Goal (Tier3).

This is not All or Nothing, so as soon as it goes to the next stretch goals, it starts unlocking its content step by step.

It exists 5 Unlocks categories :

  • Modular : A set of 5 tiles that connect together (Roads, Rivers, Wall …)
  • Extensions : More extension variety (First unlock is Extension themselves)
  • Legendary : A set of 1 or 2 tiles that represent Epic or Famous territories.
  • Territories : Add a set of Territories following a new theme.
  • Variants : New version of existing tiles allowing a situation (Infested, Destroyed, …)

23 Stretch Goals are listed upon.  7 Stretch Goals are shown below.  And more „hidden“ to unveil !

… it could goes up to :

  • Magnet System to replace the Connectors.
  • Rule set to cover each territories specifications.

„Wants more Unlocks ? Share it like an under-hive bubonic plague“.

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Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 10 Tage.

Quelle: 3D Printable Hive City


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich stehe auf solche Hextiles… bin auch bei Hexton Hills so all in.

    Auch wenn sie unpraktisch sind… kann mir nicht vorstellen wie das gestapelt gut wirken soll bzw praktikabel ist.
    Und es dauert lange zu drucken… aber es sind Hexfelder-Kartendinger mit denen man Spielfelder für Kampagnen bauen kann aaaahhhh

  • Ich werde mir das wahrscheinlich auch holen, gibt ne schöne 3D-Kampagnenkarte. Hat einer von Euch schon entdeckt, wie / wo man da markieren kann, welcher Spieler grad welches Hexteil besitzt? Bei den GW Dingern gabs ja Löcher, in die man farbige Fähnchen stecken konnte. Klar, Hobbybohrer zur Hand würde hier auch gehen, aber vielleicht habe ich ja einen eleganten Punkt übersehen.

    • Zu Beginn der Kampagne wurde das besprochen, und der designer hat auch gesagt, das er ein System für genau das zeigen wird…bisher ist aber soweit ich sehe noch nichts enthüllt. Klang aber so, als ob er sich dieser Anforderung sehr wohl bewusst ist.
      Ich selbst warte vorallem auf die „blank tiles“, um eigene tiles gestalten zu können…soll aber auch noch kommen.

    • Für die Socket Tiles gibt es diese ‚Mauern‘, sieht man auf dem 6.-letzten Bild hier. Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, bekommt gibt es alle Tiles in einer Socket und Blank version.
      ‚Depending on how you want your Hive to look, you could print it only with Sockets Tiles, or keep the Original to cover any surface level for a smoother look.‘

  • sehe ich dass richtig und die Flanken sind bei diesem Terrassenaufbau immer Offen und man guckt auf das Fachwerk der Unterkonstruktion? Das fände ich optisch jetzt nicht so prall…

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