von BK-Marcel | 24.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

WilhelMiniatures: Caves&Creeps KS

Helge Wilhelm Dahl hat einen Kickstarter für ein paar neue Minis aus seiner Schmiede gestartet.

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Caves & Creeps is a collection of hand sculpted fantasy miniatures. The miniatures can be used for any 28mm tabletop game, and will bring something unique to your Wargames or Roleplaying experience. They are also fun to paint and perfect for collectors.


My journey into the miniature hobby started early. I went with my older sister and father to a hobby store. She wanted a Lord of the Rings kit, and as she was getting something, I wanted something too! I picked up my first metal Space Marine at the age of seven. I have been painting, converting and sculpting miniatures ever since!
I have always enjoyed making up my own miniatures the most, and even when I started the hobby, I seldom glued the pieces together the way the instructions told me to. From simple head and arm-swaps I gradually moved onto more advanced conversion, using piles of different bits and greenstuff. In recent years I have wanted to make something that was purely my own, so I started sculpting miniatures from scratch. This little gang of creeps is my best work yet, and I really hope you will enjoy them as much as I do!

The Miniatures

The miniatures in this set is a diverse collection of fantasy characters. They are all hand sculpted and cast in my home studio. The miniatures are cast in one piece, which includes a textured base. This means that no assembly is required, and the miniatures will be ready for painting straight from the box!

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The Crestfallen Knight

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He set out on a noble quest to slay the Great Dragon and save his land from its terrible wrath! But the Dragon could not be found, and after years of wandering trough the endless caves,  the Knight finally went mad. 

The Witch

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The deadliest poison known to man, can be extracted from the Black Fungus that grows deep within the cave. To end her greatest rival, she must find it. Each tile of her attire is inscribed with runes of protection, to help her along the way. 

The Wizard

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 The Wizard stumbles through the darkness, looking for his only hope. The Spring of Life is rumoured to flow in the very depths of the cave. He clutches a worn book in his ancient hands, containing the only written description of the path. The Wizard can no longer read the precious words, but his finger still runs across each page while he mutters to himself in a long forgotten tongue

The Gnome Knight on Cave Beast

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Few adversaries dare approach the Knight as she rides the ferocious Cave Beast, but she always keeps her axe sharp, as the caves are full of creeps. 

Der Kickstarter hat sein Ziel bereits erreicht und geht noch 6 Tage.

Link: Caves&Creeps auf Kickstarter


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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