von BK-Nils | 29.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

WarTiles: Killteam Token

WarTiles haben passend für die neue Edition von Killteam eine Reihe von Token neu im Programm.

Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Objective 1 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Objective 2 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Objective 3

Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Objective 4 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Objective 5

Kill Teams 2 Objective – 5,98 Euro

This token set is made from 2mm plexiglass with Double-sided overprint dedicated to your favorite grimdark future skirmish games
You can choose 10 variants of colours with grey rewers, depending on which one you are using in-game.
Sets contains:
6x 40mm tokens of chosen variant.
1x 40x46mm tokens of chosen variant.
All tokens have Awers and Rewers, the token at the top is awers, bottom rewers.

Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Orders 1 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Orders 2 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Orders 3

Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Orders 4 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Orders 5

Kill Teams 2 Orders – 3,52 Euro

This token set is made from 2mm plexiglass with Double-sided overprint dedicated to your favorite grimdark future skirmish games
You can choose one of 4 Sets of tokens with 10 variants of colours with grey rewers, depending on which one you are using in-game.
All sets contains 11 tokens of chosen variant. All tokens are 15x17mm
All tokens have Awers and Rewers, the token at the top is awers, bottom rewers.

Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Tokens 1 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Tokens 2 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Tokens 3 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Tokens 4

Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Tokens 5 Wartiles Kill Teams 2 Tokens 6

Kill Teams 2 Tokens – 2,99 Euro

This token set is made from 2mm plexiglass with Double-sided overprint dedicated to your favorite grimdark future skirmish games
You can choose one of 2 Sets of tokens with 10 variants of colours, depending on which one you are using in-game.
Set 1 contains 11 tokens of chosen variant. All tokens in this set are 15mm in diameters
Set 2 contains 8 tokens of chosen variant. All tokens in this set are 20mm in diameters
All tokens have Awers and Rewers, the token at the top is awers, bottom rewers.

Quelle: Hexxy-Shop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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