von BK-Christian | 01.03.2021 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Neuheiten

Privateer Press zeigen ihre Neuheiten.

PiP Warmachine Falcir

Falcir, The Merciless – Retribution Warcaster – $19.99

House Ellowuyr of Ios is known for a great many noble reasons, such as the quality of the soldiers they produce or their unique style of armor. Falcir herself is neither well known nor noble, but she is one the House’s most powerful assets. Those who know of her call her “The Merciless,” but these words do not do justice to the true nature of this warcaster. Falcir is House Ellowuyr’s executioner, and she is brutally exceptional at the task.

Falcir is no simple headsman. She is an executioner of individuals, ideals, organizations, and even armies, and she is called to duty when every hint of a threat must be removed or when a point must be made to the enemies of Ios. She does not accept surrender from foreign soldiers nor does she allow them to flee. To face her is to face one’s own meticulously planned and inevitable demise. Falcir calculates every angle of a conflict, every possible outcome, and ensures her forces have a plan to deal them swiftly.

When battle ensues, Falcir’s force of will manifests as strange symbols, “bounties” that hover over her foes, marking them for death. In no more than the blink of her eye, these symbols will shatter, unleashing all manner of arcane mayhem onto those marked, all as Falcir had planned.

Falcir, The Merciless is a Retribution warcaster that brings a new style of gameplay both to Retribution and to WARMACHINE as a whole. Falcir herself is a melee powerhouse, best suited to fighting single hardier targets (such as Colossals or Gargantuans) on her own instead of wading into units of enemies She relies of her army to deal with the “chaff” of the opposing force but aids them not only through her spells but also with her unique bounty mechanic. At various points throughout the game, Falcir can place bounty tokens on enemy models and units, which can be spent by her army to provide a wide variety of effects, such as reducing an enemy unit’s accuracy or speed or increasing the damage dealt to the enemy by friendly Faction models. This bounty mechanic requires players to plan ahead, knowing not only which models/units need to have tokens placed on them but also to what effect they intend to use them later.

PiP Aeternae Retribution Myrmidon 1

Aeternae – $39.99

The Aeternae myrmidon was manufactured by House Vyre at the behest of House Ellowuyr as compensation for an unknown agreement. Aeternae myrmidons feature some of the latest Vyre innovations in warjack weaponry. They wield a pair of Distortion Voulges, massive bladed weapons that cause their enemies to reverberate with arcane energy and be repelled with each successful blow.

Most notable is the Aeternae’s shoulder-mounted Shatter Cannon, an insidious gun that fires a steel sphere payload faster than the speed of sound. Within these steel spheres is a unique type of crystal found only deep in the earth beneath Ios. When agitated by extreme impacts, the crystals begin to expand at a marvelously fast rate—a single handful of crystals will expand as large an adult Iosan in just a matter of seconds. Any enemy the sphere doesn’t simply pass through will find this payload lodged in their innards just moments before the crystal package within expands violently.

Aeternae warjacks are heavy-hitting Vyre-style warjacks with a powerful armor-piercing ranged attack. They work well with any warcaster in the Faction but in particular have good synergy with warcasters that can amplify the power of their Shatter Cannon, such as Lord Arcanist Ossyan (PIP 35046).

PiP Death Archon Minion Archon

Death Archon – $39,99

As the war between the infernals and the Archon-backed mortals of the Iron Kingdoms wages on, a new and strange entity has made its presence known: massive, hooded creatures born aloft on wings of bone and wielding fierce Iron Reapers, the Death Archons have come.

No one is sure where these creatures came from or who they answer to, if anyone. The first Death Archon manifested at the Battle of Henge Hold, rising from a mountain of fresh corpses upon which stood Barnabas, the Lord of Blood. This angel of death floated a few moments in front of the gatorman before giving a faceless nod and turning itself to the battle below. It immediately set itself upon a pair of Thamarite Archons and tore them in half before diving into the chaos of battle below.

The Death Archons seem to be attracted to carnage, care little for the souls of mortals, and have a strange distaste for other Archons. At any engagement in which they appear, a Death Archon will hunt down other Archons first before turning itself upon infernal forces in the battle.

Death Archons are unlike other Archons in that they collect corpses and do not protect the souls of friendly models. Additionally, Death Archons have Animosity [other types of Archon] and Vendetta [other types of Archon], meaning they cannot be included in an army with non-Death Archons, and they are particularly good at destroying them.

The Death Archon can utilize corpses it collects to increase its own damage output, mobility, or to reduce the damage of enemy models near it. In combat, the Death Archon reaps entire swathes of enemy models with a pair of Range 3 Iron Reaper melee attacks, both of which have the Blood Reaper ability that allows them to hit every model in their melee range with each attack. This is all topped off by its Chain Attack: Death Chill, which means anything that survives the two swings of its Reapers will find itself stationary and waiting for death.

The Death Archon is a Mercenary Minion solo that works for the following Factions: Convergence, Crucible Guard, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador, Protectorate, Retribution, Circle Orboros, Legion of Everblight, Skorne, Trollbloods, and Grymkin.

Quelle: Privateer Press


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Abgesehen von den Schädelfressen an Gürtel und Sensen finde ich den Death Archon sehr ansprechend modelliert.
    Wenn Power Creep Typ 1 heißt: moar Archons, kann Power Creep Typ 2 fast nur noch Anti-Archon-Tech sein. So kenne ich PP. 😄👍

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