von BK-Bob | 09.03.2021 | eingestellt unter: Napoleonisch, Weltkriege

Wargames Atlantic: French Resistance & British Riflemen

Mit der französische Résistance und den britischen Schützen bringen Wargames Atlantic zwei neue Sets auf den Markt.

Wargames Atlantic Partisans (1) French Resistance 1 Wargames Atlantic Partisans (1) French Resistance 2 Wargames Atlantic Partisans (1) French Resistance 3 Wargames Atlantic Partisans (1) French Resistance 4 Wargames Atlantic Partisans (1) French Resistance 5 Wargames Atlantic Partisans (1) French Resistance 6 Wargames Atlantic Partisans (1) French Resistance 7

Partisans (1) French Resistance – 29,95€


1940. France is occupied by the Germans and the Vichy government does Hitler’s bidding. In the cities and throughout the countryside, brave bands of French men and women work together to slow the Nazi war machine. Air drops of supplies, weapons, and communication gear by Allied forces help keep France in the fight.

This hard plastic box set allows you to build up to 32 partisans equipped with rifles, grease guns, MP-38/40s, Bren guns, Sten guns, grenades, pistols, and more. The set also includes a wide variety of head types to allow for use in other theaters and conflicts.

Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. Not for Children. Contents may vary from photos.

Sculpting: Thieu Duong

Illustration: Peter Dennis

Figure Painting: Matthew Leahy

Multi-Buy Deals!

Buy 3 Boxes for $95/£70

Buy 5 Boxes for $145/£105

Buy 10 Boxes for $265/£190

Wargames Atlantic British Riflemen 1 Wargames Atlantic British Riflemen 2 Wargames Atlantic British Riflemen 3 Wargames Atlantic British Riflemen 4 Wargames Atlantic British Riflemen 5 Wargames Atlantic British Riflemen 6 Wargames Atlantic British Riflemen 7 Wargames Atlantic British Riflemen 8

British Riflemen – 29,95€


The famous Riflemen of the British army fought from Spain to the final shots of La Haye Sainte on the field of Waterloo. Fighting in pairs and able to accurately aim and fire up to two shots per minute, Wellington’s Rifles were an instrumental factor in Napoleon’s defeat.

This hard plastic box set allows you to build up to 32 Riflemen equipped with their famous Baker rifles and even an option to do a volley gun! You will be able to model the figures advancing, firing, loading, and with a variety of heads including bare and bandana-wearing for more variety.

Review at Anton’s Wargame Blog

Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. Not for Children. Contents may vary from photos.

Sculpting: Thieu Duong

Illustration: Peter Dennis

Figure Painting: Matthew Leahy

Historical Research: Maxwell McDougall

Multi-Buy Deals!

Buy 3 Boxes for $95/£70

Buy 5 Boxes for $145/£105

Buy 10 Boxes for $265/£190

Quelle: Wargames Atlantic


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Auf The silver bayonet bin ich auch sehr gespannt. Aber genauso sind die natürlich super für das napoleonische Musket und Tomahawk. Die Resistance Minis sind aber auch stark. Ich muss endlich Mal meine Afghanen von Wargames Atlantic bemalen

  • Die Rifles müssen her! Mit Black Powder, Chosen Men und dem angekündigten Shakos & Bayonets für M&T sollte ich dann auch genug Regelbücher für sie zur Auswahl haben.
    Besonders gefällt mir bei dem Bausatz, dass auch ein Nock-Gewehr enthalten ist.

  • Beide Sets gefallen mir und müssen in mein dezentrales Lager zur Unterstützung der lokalen Einzelhändler aufgenommen werden.

    Welch ein Kontrastprogramm zu dem Review gestern von Warlord Games. Hier aus Kunststoff schön die Nischen bedient. Ich mag einfach Kunststoff zum Umbauen und modifizieren.

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