Wargame Exclusive: Imperial Steel Commissar
Von Wargame Exclusive kommt mit dem Imperial Steel Commissar eine Verstärkung für die Armeen der Menschheit in der fernen Zukunft.
Hello, friendsWhen courage borders on recklessness and you are constantly on the spearhead of attack – you can’t remain unharmed.Fierce battles didn’t leave a single piece of flesh, over time, everything was replaced by steel.But the spirit of this commissar is unbreakable and serves as an example of resilience for the whole empire.Our new modelIMPERIAL STEEL COMMISSAR – https://wargameexclusive.com/…/imperial-steel-commissar/– 40k Heroic scale
– 5 weapon options
– 25 mm Scenic base
Contains power sword and 4 gun options: Master-Crafted pistol, twin-linked pistol, bolt pistol & plasma pistol.
Quelle: Wargame Exclusive