von BK-Herr Kemper | 18.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Vanguard Miniatures: Neuheiten

Vanguard Miniatures präsentieren ihre Neuheiten auf Facebook.

Novan Regulars – Locust Battle Striders 2 Novan Regulars – Locust Battle Striders 3 Novan Regulars – Locust Battle Striders 4  Novan Regulars – Locust Battle Striders 1

Novan Regulars – Locust Battle Striders – 11,25 GBP

One of the first “Battle” class Striders deployed by Novan Regulars regiments the Locust is basically an enlarged and upscaled scout strider. The venerable Mk1 has only one weapons hard point like the scout strider that inspired it, and is often now deployed as a heavy recon unit and sometimes as a command vehicle due to the greater internal space (port side) allowing for the fitting of a command and control suite.

The Mk2 has two weapon hardpoints. It is common practise in many regiments to field the Mk1 and Mk2 machines together as a team.

Set contains:

2 x Locust kits (one of each hull variant) with modelling options


  1. These are resin cast models
  2. Figures shown for scale purposes only
  3. Model height 35mms approximately
  4. Bases not included

Novan Elites – Marauder (A) Battle Striders 2 Novan Elites – Marauder (A) Battle Striders 3 Novan Elites – Marauder (A) Battle Striders 4 Novan Elites – Marauder (A) Battle Striders 5  Novan Elites – Marauder (A) Battle Striders 1

Novan Elites – Marauder (A) Battle Striders – 12,50 GBP

The Marauder was the first “Battle” class Strider created exclusively for the Novan Elites, a very advanced design at the time of its introduction. A fast rugged chassis married to modular weapon pods its longevity in service has been testament to its capabilities.

This (A) variant is armed with a twin medium calibre rotary cannon chin turret and two guided missile batteries in the shoulder pods.

Set contains:

2 x Marauder battle striders


  1. These are resin cast models
  2. Figures shown for scale purposes only
  3. Model height 40mms approximately not including antenna
  4. Bases not included

Quelle: Vanguard Miniatures auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Mit jeder Preview rückt die echt teure Bestellung unaufhaltsam näher… wie erklär ich das nur meiner Freundin…

    • Die sind total klein, fallen fast nicht auf und sie bekommt im Gegenzug eine neue Pommestheke für ihre getunte Karre? 😀

      Hab habe neulich zwei Hände voll mit Leutchen und ein paar Panzer und Minikampfläufer als Deko für meine AT-Titanen beschafft.
      Tolle Mini-Minis,ich find das Vanguard wirklich super.

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