von BK-Herr Kemper | 03.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

Unit9: Mai Patreon

Das sind Modelle für den Mai Patreon von Unit9.

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Unit9 – Mai Patreon

Hi everyone,

It’s time to present what will be available to you in May. This month is a real treat for fans of cyberpsychos, cyberpunks and representatives of all kinds of street gangs. The new characters came from the VooDoo Posse and Metal Slammers gangs. Pepe Gede hacker and priest of the VooDoo Posse gang is a true master of soul conjuring and programming. Together with faithful members of their family, they rule the misery in Sleepless City. Cutter and Supernova are virtuosos in hand-to-hand combat. One of them likes simple solutions, while the other is more sophisticated in choosing a fighting style …

Shape Mod3 combat drones are a cheap and alternative means of solving corporate problems by force. They are sent wherever the loss of more technologically advanced cyborg soldiers will be an unnecessary cost. However, in a duet with augmented human operators, they make up killer teams.


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Unit9 – Spinner Tank (2nd Tier Loyalty Reward) – Preview

Hi everyone,

quick update. Probably, many of you are waiting for what we’ve prepared for 2nd tier Reward. We have a real bomb for you – the huge Spinner Tank. It joins the Protector (rewards for 3 months of continuous support). So far, it is one of our largest models that have been designed. Spinner Tank will be available for download in approximately one week, at the latest two, when it is fully pre-supported. Next reward is on the drawing board.

We hope you like it.




In den Kommentaren zu Patreons, Kickstartern oder anderen digitalen Angeboten finden sich regelmässig ähnliche Fragen und Anmerkungen: z. B. „Gibt es die auch physisch zu kaufen?“ , „Gibt es auch ältere Modelle?“, „Was kostet das?“… 

Deswegen habe ich mich bemüht die meiner Meinung nach wichtigsten Infos zusammen zu sammeln und euch hier zu präsentieren:

  • Preise pro Monat (excl. VAT):  9,00 USD pro Monat – es gibt *keine* kommerzielle Tier zum Vertrieb gedruckter Minis
  • Pre-Supported
  • 50% Discount auf ältere Modelle im MyMiniFactory-Shop: MyMiniFactory
  • gedruckte Exemplare sind derzeit *nicht* erhältlich – ggf. werden sie direkt über HINT vertrieben.
  • derzeit 890+ Patreons

Link: Unit9 auf Patreon

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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