von BK-Marcel | 23.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Turnip28: Neues aus dem Rübenbeet

Es gibt mal wieder Neuigkeiten aus der Turnip28 Welt.

Als erstes wäre da die erste Turnip Tale, welche von niemanden geringeren als Josh Reynolds geschrieben wurde:


Dragged away from working on surely the next classic, Josh has managed to find time to write a short turnip tale for us.

He was one of my favourite authors when he was working with Games Workshop and Black Library so it really blew my mind that he’d be up for writing about turnips!

Follow him here: https://twitter.com/JMReynolds
and on his Curious Fiction page:https://curiousfictions.com/authors/687-josh-reynolds

Anyway, have a peep. Its a great little story. I can’t wait to read more.

Für die 3D Drucker unter den Rübenenthusiasten gab es neue Oberkörper zum selber drucken um  besser gestellte Soldaten, die sich auf die Rübe geben, zu basteln.
Pink Pink 10 Pink 9 Pink 8 Pink 7 Pink 6 Pink 5 Pink 4 Pink 3 Pink 2 Pink 1 Real
Morning morning morning.

@saint_decent has once again returned from the sculpting mines to bring us some more helmets.

These frog mouth jousting helms will make perfect bits for strange lancers, knights and heavy infantry. I’m going to slap some onto great coats for a unit of Grogs.

Make sure you copy paste this link. For some reason, it doesn’t work properly as a hyperlink…

We wouldn’t be able to create these bits without your support so thank you, you right bastards!!

If you don’t have a printer there are several people/companies on the discord who may be able to help you out. They have a role like 3D Prints UK, so just @ them and hopefully they can sort you out.

Please feel free to share these files with whoever you like. They’re free after all.

Next next next: Backpacks full of socks!


Und es wurde die erste Ausgabe des Turnip28 Magazins veröffentlicht:


Friday is here and with the end of the week comes a little surprise.

We finished the Magglet! Its bloated, disgusting and full of turnipy rambling. Find a corner of your office to hide in and give it a read.

Thanks so much to everyone involved. The artists, the writers, editors, those who gave advice and critique, and of course all the wonderful patreons who put up with me on the way.

Its a living document, so I might add a few things as the world develops, and add to the credits, but for now its on to Issue Two and a new season.  


Thanks everyone. Hope you enjoy!


Und es gibt eine neue Einheit/Kult für eure Banden:


I hope you will forgive me, but I have had made a new cult.

My intentions were to improve the quality of the game, and not solely to march a bunch of aggressive hogs round the table.

I’m going to say this again: I did not create this cult so I could march pigs round the table. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the Turnip people.


Der Patreon für Turnip28 ist pay what you want und alle Inhalte wie Regeln, STLs etc sind frei verfügbar ohne Patron zu sein.

Link: Turnip28 auf Patreon


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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