von BK-Thorsten | 28.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände, Zubehör

TTCombat: Pinsel und Gebäude

TTCombat haben nun auch Pinsel im Sortiment und natürlich gibt es Nachschub an MDF-Gebäuden.

TTCombat ArmyLargeDrybrush

Army – Large Drybrush – 4,00 GBP

The Army – Large Drybrush is designed for getting some quick highlights onto your miniatures, a squad at a time.

TTCombat ArmySmallDrybrush

Army – Small Drybrush – 3,50 GBP

The Army – Small Drybrush is designed for getting some quick highlights onto your miniatures, one model at a time.

TTcombat ArmyBasecoatBrush

Army – Basecoat Brush – 4,00 GBP

The Army – Basecoat Brush is designed for – you guessed it – base coating! Get some paint down quickly with this brush.

TTcombat ArmyLayerBrush

Army – Layer Brush – 4,00 GBP

The Army – Layer Brush offers accuracy in your painting, perfect for those first few coats of paint. Get a solid layer down!

TTCombat ArmyDetailBrush

Army – Detail Brush – 3,50 GBP

The Army – Detail Brush is for those small details. Whether you’re painting lenses, gun barrels, sword hilts, or elbow pads, you’ll need a brush for details.

TTCombat ArmyFineDetailBrush

Army – Fine Detail Brush – 3,50 GBP

The Army – Fine Detail Brush is made for the smallest parts. We all hate painting eyes, so why not make it a little easier with a nice, small, pointed brush?

TTCombat TerrainBasecoatBrush

Terrain – Basecoat Brush – 5,00 GBP

The Terrain – Basecoat Brush is specially designed for getting a lot of paint down quickly. The flat design makes sure you’re only painting what you want to paint, and has plenty of bristles to hold a lot of paint!

TTCombat TerrainLayerBrush

Terrain – Layer Brush – 4,00 GBP

The Terrain – Layer Brush is made for painting your scenery to a high standard. If you’re picking out wood panels, painting floors, or radar dishes, this brush offers great coverage with a fine, flat point.

TTCombat TerrainDetailBrush

Terrain – Detail Brush – 3,00 GBP

The Terrain – Detail Brush is for putting those finishing touches onto your scenery. Picking out a few roof tiles in a different colour, painting window sills, or getting nice hazard stripes will all elevate your scenery to the next level.

TTCombat TerrainTexturingBrush

Terrain – Texturing Brush – 5,50 GBP

The Terrain – Texturing Brush is the brush you want for adding a little lived-in feel to your kits. If you want your MDF scenery to look a bit more three-dimensional, use this to add some quick and easy random texturing to large areas of your kits.

TTCombat TerrainStipplingBrush

Terrain – Stippling Brush – 4,00 GBP

The Terrain – Stippling Brush is made for adding a little extra detail to your kits. For when you’re painting small patches of rust, dirt, or scrapes, the Stippling Brush is your best friend. It’s tough and small for long lasting accuracy.

TTCombat BolsteredBunker 01 TTCombat BolsteredBunker 02 TTCombat BolsteredBunker 03 TTCombat BolsteredBunker 04 TTCombat BolsteredBunker 05

Bolstered Bunker – 16,00 GBP

We’ve heard tales of these Bunkers withstanding hordes of enemies even when only stationed with a small number of infantry.

The Bolstered Bunker, promotes 2 levels of fortification for units to safely fire from alongside this it has a 360 degree viewing allowing you to defend from every angle. The bunker can also be fitted with defence turrets on the very top of the kit.

The Bolstered Bunker is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in sci-fi skirmish games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 215mm 215mm 119mm

TTCombat BolsteredGenerators 01 TTCombat BolsteredGenerators 02 TTCombat BolsteredGenerators 03 TTCombat BolsteredGenerators 04 TTCombat BolsteredGenerators 05 TTCombat BolsteredGenerators 06

Bolstered Generators – 16,00 GBP

These Generators are crucial to the continuing production of military arms

These Generators are fantastic for line of sight blocking and objectives within Tabletop skirmish games, with the set containing 2, they can be split up and can be strategically placed to make them both hard to capture and to defend.

The Bolstered Generators are made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in sci-fi skirmish games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Double 202mm 124mm 140mm
Single 123mm 124mm 140mm

TTCombat Bolsteredlandingpad 01 TTCombat Bolsteredlandingpad 02 TTCombat Bolsteredlandingpad 03 TTCombat Bolsteredlandingpad 04

Bolstered Landing Pad – 12,00 GBP

It hit us one day, as we were taking over control of planet after planet, that we were not doing enough to save the universe so we decided to put a big turbine on the underside of our landing pads, allowing us to move them freely between strategic locations without having to build more!

The Bolstered Landing pad makes for excellent line of sight blocking terrain, and a fantastic objective. It’s big enough to fit even the largest of vehicles.

The Bolstered Landing Pad is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in sci-fi skirmish games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 260mm 290mm 60mm

TTCombat BolsteredFactory 01 TTCombat BolsteredFactory 02 TTCombat BolsteredFactory 03 TTCombat BolsteredFactory 04

Bolstered Factory – 16,00 GBP

With aerial bombing raids becoming more and more frequent we had to adapt, with this in mind we took all our military production underground to better defend against such raids.

The bolstered Factory is a great addition to the table top with it sporting multiple line of sight blocking features alongside it’s impressive objective capabilities.

The Bolstered Factory is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in sci-fi skirmish games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 267mm 267mm 116mm

TTCombat Bolsteredcomstower 01 TTCombat Bolsteredcomstower 02 TTCombat Bolsteredcomstower 03 TTCombat Bolsteredcomstower 04 TTCombat Bolsteredcomstower 05

Bolstered Communication Tower – 12,00 GBP

The military claim these communications posts are for strategic use only, but lets be honest we all know one of those antennas is streaming the football!

This Communication Tower bolsters a wide range of uses on the table top from it’s impressive height it gives a fantastic vantage point alongside this the barricades promote line of sight blocking. Could also be used as an objective in a skirmish game.

The Bolstered Communication Tower is made from 3mm MDF. It is a great scenery kit to use in sci-fi skirmish games, and will work perfectly with 28-32mm games and miniatures.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 143mm 143mm 364mm

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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