von BK-Thorsten | 17.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Neuheiten

Es gibt mal wieder einige neue MDF-Bausätze von TTCombat.

TTCombat Hallowedruins 01 TTCombat Hallowedruins 02 TTCombat Hallowedruins 03 TTCombat Hallowedruins 04 TTCombat Hallowedruins 05 TTCombat Hallowedruins 06 TTCombat Hallowedruins 07 TTCombat Hallowedruins 08

Hallowed Ruins – 20,00 GBP

Why is it always the corners that are left ruined? What happened to all the ruined walls? Do they just build the corners stronger and then cut corners on the walls? I have so many questions…

Corner ruins are a quintessential sight on the battlefields of the far future and the Hallowed Ruins set contains the finest hand picked corner ruins. With 7 of them, you can use a single set of Hallowed Ruins to fill up a board for one of those smaller team based killy games, or combine multiple for a whole board full of ruins!

The 3 different sizes of ruins provide great variety in terrain. With plenty of windows to shoot out of (or into) as well as multiple storeys there’s no shortage of tactical options available with this kit.

This set contains a whole battlefield in one package:

  • 1 large cathedral ruin
  • 2 large office ruins
  • 4 small ruins

This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for 28-32mm gothic sci-fi games, though would work well in any gothic fantasy setting as well.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Average Dimensions WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT
Small 100mm 95mm 80mm
Medium 130mm 140mm 180mm
Large 180mm 220mm

TTCombat RazedMercantine 01 TTCombat RazedMercantine 02 TTCombat RazedMercantine 03 TTCombat RazedMercantine 04 TTCombat RazedMercantine 05 TTCombat RazedMercantine 06 TTCombat RazedMercantine 07 TTCombat RazedMercantine 08 TTCombat RazedMercantine 09 TTCombat RazedMercantine 10

Razed Mercantine – 16,00 GBP

Aisle 1: canned rations and pasta. Aisle 2: frozen goods. Aisle 3: angry, hungry alien devourers from another world.

The Razed Mercantine was designed as a versatile set of corners that can be used alone, or as a single building. Each section is able to slot into place to make the full building with plenty of space inside for all manner of infantry.

As standalone sections each part has plenty verticality and wall space to secure your troops behind. One of the sections even has most of its sign remaining, letting you put your own stamp on what kind of merchant used to sell their wares here.

This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for 28-32mm gothic sci-fi games, though would work well in any gothic fantasy setting as well.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Sign Section 160mm 190mm 140mm
Ladder Section 170mm 103mm 140mm
Windows Section 150mm 180mm 86mm
Door Section 150mm 150mm 140mm
Combined 270mm 270mm

TTCombat PraetoriumImplacable 01 TTCombat PraetoriumImplacable 02 TTCombat PraetoriumImplacable 03 TTCombat PraetoriumImplacable 04 TTCombat PraetoriumImplacable 05

Praetorium Implacable – 24,00 GBP

Behold! This towering edifice is the prime example of the might of the empire, none could hope to topple it… Why is half of it missing…?

The Praetorium Implacable is one of our largest and most imposing kits designed to be used in the wars of the far future. This gargantuan structure has multiple levels and is replete with gothic detailing.

With large open floors, you’ll have plenty of space to hide away your squads of power armoured space warriors, or maybe even a flying tank! Each floor is 120mm tall and this monstrous terrain piece has 4 of them.

This building is also a great way of getting a good vantage point for your snipers, the 2 pulpits can handily fit miniatures on bases of up to 40mm and offer a great view of the battlefield far, far below.

This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for 28-32mm gothic sci-fi games, though would work well in any gothic fantasy setting as well.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Dimensions 90mm 195mm 490mm

TTCombat Razeddistrict 01 TTCombat Razeddistrict 02 TTCombat Razeddistrict 03 TTCombat Razeddistrict 04 TTCombat Razeddistrict 05 TTCombat Razeddistrict 06 TTCombat Razeddistrict 07 TTCombat Razeddistrict 08 TTCombat Razeddistrict 09 TTCombat Razeddistrict 10 TTCombat Razeddistrict 11 TTCombat Razeddistrict 12 TTCombat Razeddistrict 13

Razed District – 20,00 GBP

Buildings of the far future are some of the flimsiest and strongest structures possible. There’s always a corner or two that are seemingly indestructible, even in the face of overwhelming firepower.

This set provides a selection of ruined, multi level buildings and plenty of additional scenery to scatter around. A single Razed District is a fantastic way of quickly filling out a board with a great variety of terrain. If you’re looking for easy and affordable scenery for your games, the Razed District is the perfect first kit, even if you’ve never made MDF scenery before.

The corner ruins in this set can be left unglued allowing you to store them flat, perfect for those of us with too much scenery to store. Small tabs on each of the floors let the ruined building sections stack, giving you a bit more height and visibility over the battlefield. The top floors lock into place so you can decide on taller or shorter ruins each game, and disassemble them afterwards for the next fight.

Walls and shipping containers make for much needed line of sight breaks, while scattering the barricades, dragons teeth, and tank traps helps make areas of the battlefield more infantry friendly.

This set contains a whole battlefield in one package:

  • 4 large corner ruins
  • 4 small corner ruins
  • 2 shipping containers
  • 3 broken walls
  • 5 barricades
  • 2 tank traps

This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for 28-32mm gothic sci-fi wargames, though could easily be used in other sci-fi settings.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Small 1-Storey 80mm 80mm 70mm
Large 1-Storey 115mm 115mm 70mm
2-Storey 120mm 120mm 130mm
Containers 50mm 100mm 50mm
Walls 100mm 31mm 70mm
Barricades 78mm 47mm 28mm
Tank Traps 50mm 45mm

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Also die Ruinen-Sets für je 20 GBP sind echt mal nice für den Preis. Absolut TOP wäre es natürlich auch, wen man zu den Neuhigkeiten und dem Link auf den eigenen Shop dort die sachen auch schon finden kann, und sei es nur zur Vorbestellung oder dass man sich den Link für später speichern kann 😉

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