von BK-Thorsten | 07.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Neuheiten

TTCombar haben einige neue Sci-Fi-Geländeteile im Shop.

TTCombat PlasmaRelay 01 TTCombat PlasmaRelay 02 TTCombat PlasmaRelay 03 TTCombat PlasmaRelay 04 TTCombat PlasmaRelay 05 TTCombat PlasmaRelay 06 TTCombat PlasmaRelay 07

Sector 4 – Plasma Relay – 28,00 GBP

„Thermal vents are overloading, sir! The plasma is leaking!“

„Excellent, that’s exactly what’s meant to be happening.“

„Yep, shall we get some lunch?“

The Sector 4 – Plasma Relay continues the theme of Sector 4: lots of pipes! These pipes have a unique design, using layered MDF to create the illusion of pulsing energy pylons, connecting individual relays together.

There are a bunch of pipes that all connect to hubs, from the smaller connectors to the large plasma relay towers and giant arc reactors. Each of these connectors allows you to build your set in thousands of ways, including plenty of vertical configurations to elevate your games to new heights!

All Industrial Hive kits are designed to work together, utilising an innovate clip system to enable every piece to attach to another. Using the in-built modularity you can attach stairs to walkways to platforms to offices to pipes to silos to walls all in a continuous mass of metal (well, MDF) to create literally billions of different board layouts. All this modularity will make your games in the sprawling Industrial Hive more fun than ever.

The set contains:

  • 4x Platforms
  • 3x Half Silos
  • 5x Large Clip on platforms
  • 10x Half Walkways
  • 3x Walkways
  • 32x Baricades
  • 2x Ladders
  • 3x half Ladders

This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for sprawling games of 28-32mm gang warfare set in a dense jungle of machinery.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Platform: 100mm 100mm 120mm
Half Silo 100mm 100mm 60mm

TTCombat ElectronFacility 01 TTCombat ElectronFacility 02 TTCombat ElectronFacility 03 TTCombat ElectronFacility 04 TTCombat ElectronFacility 05 TTCombat ElectronFacility 06 TTCombat ElectronFacility 07

Sector 4 – Electron Facility – 28,00 GBP

Need a new energy supplier other than the big 6? We got you covered. Our new electron facility is equipped with a state of the art control tower to facilitate delivery of high powered energy to your compound. Best part is that with your own electron facility, you control the price. Kind of.

The Electron facility contains long pipes, short, double length pipes, basically it has all the pipes you need to make a truly realistic industrial playground. Perfect for those games that need a more industrial or futuristic feel.

The set is completely modular, allowing you to build your pipe network in thousands of combinations. Also, the modularity allows this kit to be combined with multiple INH kits. Yes you make it even larger then just this one large kit.

The pieces of the Pipelines have been designed to easily pop together, meaning they don’t need gluing so you can use them for different builds each game. Alternatively you can stick them together, making a strong and sturdy pipe network.

The set contains:

  • 1x Big power station
  • 1x Pipe hub
  • 11x Boxes
  • 4x Double length pipes
  • 9x Pipes
  • 6x Small pipes
  • 3x Pipe spacers
  • 4x Tesla plug in end caps
  • 3x Broken end caps

This kit is made from 3mm MDF, easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop. Great scenery to use with modern and futuristic 28-35mm wargames.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Power station 13.2cm 16cm 18cm
Connector Blocks 4cm 4cm

TTCombat AirScrubbingPlant 01 TTCombat AirScrubbingPlant 02 TTCombat AirScrubbingPlant 03 TTCombat AirScrubbingPlant 04 TTCombat AirScrubbingPlant 05 TTCombat AirScrubbingPlant 06 TTCombat AirScrubbingPlant 07 TTCombat AirScrubbingPlant 08

Sector 4 – Air Scrubbing Plant – 28,00 GBP

„Oh jeez *cough* whats that smell?!“

„Erm… it wasnt me boss“

„Switch on *cough* the *cough* vents!“

The Sector 4 – Air Scrubbing Plant brings even more modular pipes and platforms to the range. Small to large pipes and multiple platforms means you can add or expand this with other kits in the Sector 4 range to make the ultimate in all air cleaning kits (or just one really big board!).

There are a bunch of pipes and platforms that all connect to hubs, viewing platforms, containers, vents, reactors and more across the Sector 4 range. Each of these connectors allows you to build your set in many different ways, including plenty of vertical configurations to elevate your games to new heights!

All Industrial Hive kits are designed to work together, utilising an innovate clip system to enable every piece to attach to another. Using the in-built modularity you can attach stairs to walkways to platforms to offices to pipes to silos to walls all in a continuous mass of metal (well, MDF) to create literally billions of different board layouts. All this modularity will make your games in the sprawling Industrial Hive more fun than ever.

The set contains:

  • 3x ground vents
  • 1x set of storage tanks
  • 9x box connectors (some with platforms)
  • 11x pipes
  • 9x small pipes and ends
  • 2x small stairs
  • 1x upright storage tank
  • 4x danger end caps

This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for sprawling games of 28-32mm gang warfare set in a dense jungle of machinery.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Vent 121mm 121mm 44mm
Container Platform 109mm 85mm 121mm

TTCombat IndustrialGubbins 01 TTCombat IndustrialGubbins 02 TTCombat IndustrialGubbins 03 TTCombat IndustrialGubbins 04 TTCombat IndustrialGubbins 05 TTCombat IndustrialGubbins 06

Industrial Gubbinz – 12,00 GBP

„There is so much stuff! Why have we got to move it all?“

„It’s either this is or fixing the plasma leaks and I don’t fancy getting zapped“

„…Yeah I gue- *OW!* MY FOOT!!“

The Industrial Gubbinz bits and pieces set is designed to bring detail and depth to your kits and bases! There are over 150 pieces of MDF and 160 pieces of greyboard to make gears, wheels, pipes, grates, detail sheets and more. Industrial in design but miniature in nature, this is an excellent accessory kit to our INH range.

This kit is made from 3mm MDF and has been designed for sprawling games of 28-32mm gang warfare set in a dense jungle of machinery.

Model supplied unpainted and requires assembly. We advise using PVA glue for the best results. Any miniatures are for scale only and not included.

Wheel 41mm 51mm 52mm

TTCombat Produkte werden in Deutschland über den Verlag Martin Ellermeier vertrieben.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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