von BK-Bob | 28.03.2021 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

ThunderCougarFalconBeards: Dwarves for Fantasy Football Kickstarter

Greebo Games sind erneut mit einem Fantasy Football Team auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

ThunderCougarFalconBeards – Dwarves for Fantasy Football

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It’s wonderful that nobody questions your team choices, but nothing makes you feel more like a coach, than ThunderCougarFalconBeards.

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Wait a minute… the estimated delivery time is after only three months? A Greebo campaign?!

Oh yes, and here’s why: We’ve started production already! We’re convinced that we can at least reach the main campaign goal, which is why we started the whole manufacturing process. Therefore, the second you complete your Pledge Manager (let us remind you, if you don’t complete it, there will be no shipment, so do it!) your package will be processed and sent, as simple as that.

We want to open and close this campaign in a record time, and we’re confident that we can do it!

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To follow, we would like to demonstrate to you how our renderings are identical to what you will receive:

The top image is the digital 3D rendering of the piece, the bottom one is a photo of the actual miniature you will get.

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You can also get more teams by raising your pledge by the corresponding amount (79 euros)

For each teampurchased, you will get a complete set of stretch goals. This goes for multiple purchases as well!

Stretch Goals:

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FOR UK CUSTOMERS: Due to Brexit, we can only guarantee shipments to the UK with no customs duties for orders up to €180 (which include postage). 

Orders which cost more than €180 COULD be subject to UK customs duties.


DHL will be used for all packages and orders, and the shipping costs will be calculated automatically based on weight and  your zip code. Usually, prices are as follows:

  •  EUROPE: €10/20
  •  USA – CANADA: €13/23
  •  REST OF THE WORLD: €25/40

NOTE:  Please check here whether your zip code is considered by DHL to be as a „remote area“. Should it be so, please be aware that shipping costs will be increased because of that.  DON’T charge for shipping costs during the campaign; shipping costs will be charged after the campaign through our store-based pledge manager

Based on past experiences, shipping costs will be charged after the campaign through our store-based pledge manager, based on the actual cost of shipping the contents of your pledge and any additional rewards you selected. This method allows us to be fair to all our backers, as shipping is rarely a “one-size-fits-all” affair: furthermore, we can also provide you with more stretch bonuses, and (possibly) a selection of different shipping options. We will ship your rewards at our cost to our international hubs.
Please keep in mind that these are just estimates, and costs may rise based on weight increases generated by unlocked stretch goals, optional purchases on your part and your postal code. We also cannot ship to PO Boxes, either domestically or internationally. Due to the size of each package, the risk of a package “bouncing back” to us is simply too high.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 2 Tage.

Quelle: ThunderCougarFalconBeards – Dwarves for Fantasy Football


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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    …zum einen mag ich keine Zwerge, zum anderen kein Resin (das ich mit selbst drucken kann) – hier bin ich also aussen vor.

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    • Ich hab hier bisher nur zwei Greeblood-Figuren und werd mir auch beim aktuellen Kickstarter nur drei Figuren statt dem kompletten Team holen (mir gefällt der Spielstil von Zwergen-Teams bei BB nicht). Aber mir sind die Steppinglines bisher nicht stark aufgefallen. Hast du deine Modelle schon grundiert? Könnte mir vorstellen, dass die Steppinglines im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Moldlines nach dem Auftragen der ersten Farbschicht deutlich weniger auffallen.

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