von BK-Bob | 06.10.2021 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Crowdfunding

The Lamplighters Team: Kickstarter läuft

Das Guild Ball Community Project sammelt für eine neue Gilde auf Kickstarter Geld.

The Lamplighters Team for Fantasy Football

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 1

We intend to create the Models for the Lamplighters Team for Fantasy Football

Their trade is a solitary one. Out at all hours of the night in the worst bit of town, on a wobbly ladder with nothing to defend yourself but a stick with a large match on the end. Rumour has it that the Lab Rats use them as messengers, ferrying information around between secret labs that is best kept hidden.

Makes sense when you think about it. You can see all sorts when folks don’t pay attention to you. Nobody bats an eyelid at a Lamplighter.

That’s all about to change, if their new captain has her way. The old captain popped his clogs all of a sudden, leaving those in charge to have some serious thoughts about their team’s future. Nightlight shone brightest out of all of the favourites and took the captaincy. Apparently Nightlight has the skill, heart and most importantly, the feet to stand out in this game.

Nightlight has a lot to prove. I just hope that the team’s brightest light doesn’t dim twice as fast.”

The new shining light of mob football – the Lamplighters Team take to the pitch! With their captain Nightlight at the helm, the Lamplighters burn brightest when scoring goals but be careful – it might just be lights out for their opponents!

GBCP is looking to bring a set of seven high quality, 32mm miniatures (six players and a ball) to your games of mob football, fantasy football or even your role-play games! But sport fans – we need your help!

The GBCP is a fan driven, totally unofficial effort to continue to bring the nail biting footie action (with a little bit of punching, naturally) of mob football to your gaming table. This is our first Kickstarter but not our first batch of models!

What we want to build

We intend to create models for the Lamplighters team for mob football. We have already completed artwork for them and our sculptor is in progress of creating the first models as well.

Here is the artwork of the Team created by the wonderful Kybol.

Find @Kybol via:  Instagram

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 2

Nightlight and Soot

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 3


The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 4


The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 5


The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 6


We already got started!

We are committed to get the team in your hands as quickly as possible and this is also why we have decided to get started.

Phosphor is already coming along nicely, don’t you think?

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 7

WIP Phosphor

There also might be a hint towards something else be hidden in the lines and picture above. Keen thinkers might get it 😉

Previous works

The team has already gotten its feet wet and has plenty of experience with sculpts for this game!

Here are some examples of what we worked on in the past

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 8

Hop Treader

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 9

Honourful Dog Sheperd

Two models given away as part of the Guild Ball World Team Championship 2021 goodie bag.

Both miniatures above will be given as an freebie with the successfully funded Kickstarter and the .stl files will be uploaded and made available for you.

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 10

Dirge is already available to you. We suggest you follow this link and give this beautiful model a try.


We worked with  Robbie Crickley to get the token set done. Shoutout to him for  THIS set of fantastic tokens!

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 11

He’ll also create something else for all of our Kickstarter supporters. Stay tuned for updates on this future free addition as we get closer to its completion!

Stretch Goals:

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 12

4500€: We will add two more models to the MobFootball team. One of them a Colleague of theirs who deals in handling mercury off field and one girl who takes care of the teams metal needs by working with a cruicible for smelting.

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 13

5100€: We will task our sculptor to add a goal post and a ball in order to complete the team

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 14

5600€: A set of team flavoured scenic bases stls will be added to the Kickstarter

The Lamplighters Team For Fantasy Football 15

6000€: We will add two terrain pieces .stl to the Kickstarter


What happens to the money

All of the money earned with this kickstarter goes towards the creation of this team and any projects we can fund for the future.

100% of the budget will be utilized to create content for the GBCP, the game and the community while no profit will be made by the team members.

What happens with the .stl files?

They are yours! We will refrain from posting them up on any 3d print files hosting homepages for 6 months but you are free to share, print and do whatever you want with the files.

(yes this includes everyone who wants to take the files and put them up for print4hire).

After the 6 months we will upload them to our sharing page as well and fully submit them to the public domain.

It is our goal to have the files available for everyone at one point and to fully empower the community to support each other with this 3d printeable team.

We trust that everyone understands that not exclusivity is our goal but inclusion of the whole playerbase.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 4 Tage.

Quelle: The Lamplighters Team for Fantasy Football


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Schön das es neues Futter für Guild Ball gibt.
    Der Preis für ne konplette Gilde ist mehr als fair, sofern man jemanden mit Drucker kennt.

    Hätte gern etwas mehr Kommunikation im Kickstarter, so ist es mehr nen Vorverkauf mit Kickstarter als Vertrieb.

    • Ja die Kommunikation ist nicht die Beste, bedenke aber bitte, dass es sich um ein Community Projekt handelt. Hier macht niemand groß Gewinn.
      Solltest du an mehr Infos interessiert sein, dann schau doch in den Discord Server des Projekts.
      Da gibt es jede Menge Infos auch zu kommenden Teams etc.

  • Da ging mir gerade ein wenig das Herz auf als ich die Nachricht von einem neuen Team für GB gesehen habe…
    Auch wenn das bei uns leider eingeschlafen ist, sehe ich GB weiterhin als eines der schönsten Spiele an, die ich je gespielt habe.

  • Habe mitgemacht und freue mich sehr über die neue Truppe! Einen Drucker habe ich und eine Verbreitung ist ausdrücklich gewünscht! 🙂

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