von BK-Christian | 24.03.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

The Barons‘ War 3: Kickstarter läuft

Der dritte Kickstarter zu The Barons‘ War läuft und ist finanziert.

The Barons‘ War 3 – 28mm Medieval Miniatures

New, highly-detailed, 28mm medieval miniatures, terrain and campaign setting called ‚Death & Taxes‘ for The Barons‘ War tabletop game.

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Seth Markgraf kindly offered his King John pledge miniature from BW2 to help us with this campaign.  This was available to anyone who backs during the first 24 hours (before 8pm GMT 22.03.21). It will be included in your completed pledge when we fund successfully. We will NOT be releasing this figure as it belongs to Seth.


For many years, Andy Hobday (me) has had a great passion for the often overlooked periods of British history. One of these being The Barons’ War– an English civil war that took place in the early 13th-Century between rebellious barons (and their French allies including Prince Louis of France) against King John.

After chatting with renowned sculptor and good friend Paul Hicks about The Barons’ War the decision was made to work together to create a range that not only represented the arms and armour of the time but could be used for other locations too.

The miniatures have been designed to work with The Barons’ War rules released via a previous Kickstarter, and not only that, they’ll work for both sides of the conflict! Additionally, they work well for games that take you Crusading in the Middle East, particularly the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Crusades (and a few years/decades on either side). The Barons’ War range also works well for games like Saga and Lion Rampant.


We are bringing a complete campaign setting to Kickstarter inspired by the playsets of our childhood. It is the first for The Barons‘ War and we are hoping that with your backing we can make it happen.

In the village of Wimentun, we find ourselves, a berewick of the King’s manor of Duneham-on-Trent, administered by Philip Mark de la Mare, High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and the Royal Forests and his deputy Eustace de Lowdham, the Sheriff’s hatchet man.

Initially appointed by King John, Philip was not a popular man; he and his relatives were judged a „bad lot“ with the whole family mentioned explicitly in the Magna Carta. At Runnymede, King John agreed to many clauses, but clause 50 specifically called for his family’s end.

Rebel forces have recently taken control of this area, including Wimentun, and are now asking for taxes to be paid.  The villagers who are supporters of the crown have recently paid taxes to King John, therefore, resisting paying for a second time. Unfortunately for the locals accompanying this request for further taxes has been the threat of their village being burned to the ground if payment is not made. 

„You must pay up if you want to enjoy the new King’s peace“, the Sheriff had said.

With a Civil War raging in England and the rebels with the upper hand due to Prince Louis joining the fight from France this is where our campaign starts…

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Death and Taxes will be a PDF campaign booklet providing a story, character background and scenarios in which to use the figures and terrain we are looking to fund during this Kickstarter. It will be a FREE reward to say thank you at the end of a successful campaign for all backers on completing their pledge.


The range of figures which we are aiming to fund focuses on the key antagonists from the campaign story with the rules for using them included inside the Death and Taxes digital campaign booklet. These new packs will also add more Armoured Foot Sergeants, a Mounted Knight/Sergeant Musician, a Mounted Priest, Outlaws and Villagers to The Barons‘ War range.

The terrain the scenarios will play out on is also part of this funding campaign and offered both physically and digitally.  Being an English village of the period, we believe it can also be used for many different battles during The Barons‘ War.


This is the basic pledge level for this campaign. You get to choose the packs you want in white metal, then add up the total and pledge for that amount. You can choose one pack, two packs, ten packs – as many as you like!

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You will also receive a PDF copy of the Campaign Booklet ‚Death and Taxes‘ to be used with The Barons‘ War rules.

You are able to increase your pledge amount to add any figure packs including any unlocked stretch goals throughout the campaign. If the campaign is successful you will also have access to the pledge manager.


This pledge level enables you to back for one of each of the initial 10 figure packs.

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You will also receive a PDF copy of the Campaign Booklet ‚Death and Taxes‘ to be used with The Barons‘ War rules.

You are able to increase your pledge amount to add any figure packs including any unlocked stretch goals throughout the campaign.  If the campaign is successful you will also have access to the pledge manager.


With the campaign being set in the Village of Wimentun we really want to be able to offer the setting for your tabletop.  We thought long and hard about the best way to make appropriate terrain available and decided the digital sculpting route was the answer.

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The terrain the campaign scenarios will play out on is a big part of this funding campaign and is offered both physically and digitally.  Having created an English village of the period, we believe it can also be used for many different battles during The Barons‘ War not just ‚Death and Taxes‘.

Being digitally sculpted allows us to offer the terrain in two ways:


For those of you who have your own printer, we can deliver digital files saving you shipping costs and enabling you to print at will the items you personally need for your games.

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We have organised ourselves to be in a position where we can print the items for you offering physical products where a 3D printer isn’t readily available. We are initially able to offer 50 of each of the following pledges, each supplied unpainted.

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A successful Kickstarter will enable us to increase our printing capacity so we can grow our range of high-quality resin printed terrain and print on demand for you. With the growth in our capacity, our future plans would be to extend the range filling your tabletops with some of the best medieval terrain available.

If you want to back for both terrain and miniatures choose the terrain pledge either ‚Digital Terrain Files (STLs), The Hamlet (physical terrain) or Wimentun Village (physical terrain)‘ pledge level and add extra to your pledge amount for the figures you want.  For example, to back for both The Village and The Antagonists choose the Village of Wimentun pledge level and add £60 to your pledge amount for a total of £260.


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We have set a campaign goal of £8,000 which is enough to have production moulds made for the initial release and to produce the figures as well as print the terrain.  We also have a bunch of Stretch Goals and Add-ons lined up ready to go, something we learned we needed from previous The Barons‘ War campaigns with the first of these being available at £10,000. These extras will all be figure packs.

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Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 11 Tage.

Quelle: The Barons‘ War 3 – 28mm Medieval Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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