von BK-Thorsten | 21.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Tabletop World: Neues Haus

Tabletop World haben ein neues schickes Haus für anspruchsvolle Spieltische.

New Year Special Offer!

During these trying times and our ongoing Graveyard Kickstarter campaign we managed to create a new building for you! We are proud to present you our new Timbered House! It is built in 32mm Heroic scale with plenty of interiors, stairs, functional doors and windows to take your gaming experience to the next level. It’s fully modeled interior makes for a great stage for your skirmish games or RPG sessions.

The New Year Special Offer will last until the end of the year 2021 and it presents a Timbered House preorder offer with lots of perks.

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We are offering coupon codes that you will be able to purchase until the end of year 2021. You will be able to use the coupons from the 1st of January 2022 at our web-shop. New Year Special Offer gives you a far bigger value for your money:

Coupon code in value of 50€ ($57) you can get for 44€ ($49)

Coupon code in value of 100€ ($113) you can get for 85€ ($96)

Coupon code in value of 200€ ($226) you can get for 166€ ($188)

Coupon code in value of 300€ ($339) you can get for 243€ ($275)

Coupon code in value of 500€ ($565) you can get for 395€ ($446)

Coupon code in value of 1000€ ($1130) you can get for 770€ ($870)

Coupon code will be sent to your e-mail address as a personalized Tabletop World designed Christmas Card you can even put under your Christmas tree. We will put your name in the coupon code design, but if you wish to present it as a gift to someone, just make a note during the checkout with the name you wish us to put on the coupon code.

Also, if you decide to order our new Timbered House with the New Year coupon you will be getting a Supplies accessories kit from our range as a free gift!

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In addition, all of you who buy the New Year Coupon will have the exclusive right to buy the Timbered House and it will not be available to the general public (password protected) until all of your orders are completed and models are sent to your addresses.

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You will be welcome to make an order you wish from the 1st of January using the coupon you get in your e-mail. You will be able to order our new Timbered House and/or any of our other products including the Graveyard!

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Products will be shipped out from the 1st of January and customers with coupons will get their houses first!

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Shipping will not be charged with the coupon order, but will be calculated on the full order you make after the New Year. VAT will be charged for the coupon codes for all EU orders.

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Note that our new Timbered house will be priced at 125€ ($141) and it will contain all the parts shown on this kit picture. All other photos are made for representation and contain some accessories that are not included in the Timbered House kit. They can be ordered separately in our web-shop.

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Quelle: Tabletop World


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Diese Gutscheine machen als Privatperson keinerlei Sinn.
    Legt ihr diesen in den Warenkorb, wird euch auf den Gutschein nochmal Vat berechnet.
    Ein 500€ Gutschein kostet euch somit 493.75€, ihr spart also keine 105€, sondern im Endeffekt nichts.
    Wie kommt man auf solche Ideen?

  • 500 Euro Gutschein = 483,75 Bezahlen
    500 Euro ohne Gutschein bestellen = 600 Euro bezahlen….

    Also erspart man sich schon einiges…

  • Ich denke, die Verwirrung kommt, weil auf die Preise bei Tabletop World immer noch die dortige MwSt. draufkommt. Nicht wie bei uns, wo die MwSt. stets im angegebenen Preis enthalten sein muss.

    Die Alternative ist, sich an hiesige Händler zu wenden, die Tabletop-World-Sachen führen. Das ist kaum teurer als der TW-Preis mit MwSt., es ist nur evt. nicht immer alles vorrätig und muss erst (nach-)bestellt werden.

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