von BK-Bob | 13.06.2021 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Tabletop Scenics: Hospodars Gelände

Tabletop Scenics bringen passendes Gelände für die Hospodars von Kromlech heraus.

Tabletop Scenics Village Stone Fences 1 Tabletop Scenics Village Stone Fences 2 Tabletop Scenics Village Stone Fences 3 Tabletop Scenics Village Stone Fences 4 Tabletop Scenics Village Stone Fences 5

Village Stone Fences – 14,99€

This set contains parts to assemble three corner walls and three straight walls.

Dimensions (straight wall):
Height: 0.8″ / 2 cm
Width: 1.2″ / 3 cm
Length: 6.1″ / 15.5 cm

Dimensions (corner wall):
Height: 0.8″ / 2 cm
Width: 3″ / 7.5 cm
Length: 3″ / 7.5 cm

Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Watchtowers 1 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Watchtowers 2 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Watchtowers 3 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Watchtowers 4 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Watchtowers 5 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Watchtowers 6

Dwarven Watchtowers- 29,99€

This set contains parts to assemble two Dwarven Watchtowers – each stands several meters tall, easily watchting over the rooftops of dwellings, with guard watching for inside and outside threats. The roofs are detachable and doesn’t have to be glued to the tower, allowing for an easier placement of miniature inside.


Height: 6.5″ / 16 cm
Width: 3.3″ / 8.5 cm
Length: 3.3″ / 8.5 cm

Tabletop Scenics Village Gates 1 Tabletop Scenics Village Gates 2 Tabletop Scenics Village Gates 3 Tabletop Scenics Village Gates 4 Tabletop Scenics Village Gates 5 Tabletop Scenics Village Gates 6 Tabletop Scenics Village Gates 7

Village Gates – 14,99€

This set contains parts to assemble one set of gates, one corner wall and two straight walls. The gates can be assembled without the top part, to achieve a more ‚ruined‘ look.

Dimensions (straight wall):
Height: 0.8″ / 2 cm
Width: 1.2″ / 3 cm
Length: 6.1″ / 15.5 cm

Dimensions (corner wall):
Height: 0.8″ / 2 cm
Width: 3″ / 7.5 cm
Length: 3″ / 7.5 cm

Dimensions (gates):
Height: 5.5″ / 14 cm
Width: 1″ / 2.5 cm
Length: 9.25″ / 23.5 cm

Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Brewery 1 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Brewery 2 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Brewery 3 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Brewery 4 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Brewery 5 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Brewery 6

Dwarven Brewery – 24,99€

This set contains parts to assemble one Dwarven Brewery. Every day in it’s hall dwarven craftsmen will prepare famous pints and store it in barrels ready to ship to the southern parts of Dwarven kingdom. Passed from generation to generation, this building is one of the oldest in the village, next to Boyar’s house.


Height: 4.5″ / 11 cm
Width: 9″ / 23 cm
Length: 7″ / 18 cm

Tabletop Scenics Boyar's House 1 Tabletop Scenics Boyar's House 2 Tabletop Scenics Boyar's House 3 Tabletop Scenics Boyar's House 4 Tabletop Scenics Boyar's House 5

Boyar’s House – 29,99€

This set contains parts to assemble one Boyar’s house. This two-storey house creates a great centerpiece to a dwarven village, standing higher than other clansmen dwellings. It’s impressive size can be of tactical importance on wargaming table!


Height: 10″ / 14.5 cm
Width: 10″ / 21.5 cm
Length: 11.5″ / 29.5 cm

Tabletop Scenics Ancestors Memorial 1 Tabletop Scenics Ancestors Memorial 2 Tabletop Scenics Ancestors Memorial 3 Tabletop Scenics Ancestors Memorial 4 Tabletop Scenics Ancestors Memorial 5 Tabletop Scenics Ancestors Memorial 6 Tabletop Scenics Ancestors Memorial 7 Tabletop Scenics Ancestors Memorial 8

Ancestors Memorial – 49,99€

This set contains parts to assemble one Ancestors Memorial – an entrance to the dwarven kingdom, carved in solid rock and sculpted in a shape resembling one of the legendary clan leaders. It’s crown has been adapted to make space for a large guard force and even a cannon!


Height: 10″ / 25.5 cm
Width: 10″ / 25.5 cm
Length: 9.5″ / 24.2 cm

Tabletop Scenics Village Smithery 1 Tabletop Scenics Village Smithery 2 Tabletop Scenics Village Smithery 3 Tabletop Scenics Village Smithery 4 Tabletop Scenics Village Smithery 5 Tabletop Scenics Village Smithery 6

Village Smithery – 29,99€

This set contains parts to assemble one Village Smithery with whetstone and anvil. A vital part of dwarven community, it provides weapons for Warriors, tools for Miners, rifles and much more!


Height: 6″ / 15 cm
Width: 9″ / 22.5 cm
Length: 7″ / 17.5 cm

Tabletop Scenics Wooden Dwelling 1 Tabletop Scenics Wooden Dwelling 2 Tabletop Scenics Wooden Dwelling 3 Tabletop Scenics Wooden Dwelling 4 Tabletop Scenics Wooden Dwelling 5 Tabletop Scenics Wooden Dwelling 6

Wooden Dwelling – 16,99€

This set contains parts to assemble one Wooden Dwelling – a home to a dwarven family, it is a common sight among clansmen structures in the far north.


Height: 4″ / 10 cm
Width: 9″ / 23 cm
Length: 5.5″ / 14 cm

Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Inn 1 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Inn 2 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Inn 3 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Inn 4 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Inn 5 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Inn 6 Tabletop Scenics Dwarven Inn 7

Dwarven Inn – 24,99€

This set contains parts to assemble one Dwarven Inn – one of the most important places in the village, where dwarves and mercenaries of far north gather to celebrate victories, mourn the dead… or take part in an occasional brawl.


Height: 5″ / 12.7 cm
Width: 9.5″ / 24.5 cm
Length: 8″ / 20 cm

Tabletop Scenics Stone Dwelling 1 Tabletop Scenics Stone Dwelling 2 Tabletop Scenics Stone Dwelling 3 Tabletop Scenics Stone Dwelling 4 Tabletop Scenics Stone Dwelling 5 Tabletop Scenics Stone Dwelling 6

Stone Dwelling – 16,99€

This set contains parts to assemble one Stone Dwelling – a common building in a dwarven village, which houses a family of a wealthier dwarven merchant, warrior or craftsman.


Height: 4″ / 10 cm
Width: 9″ / 23 cm
Length: 5.5″ / 14 cm

Quelle: Tabletop Scenics


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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    • Glaube die sind eher für Rank & File Spiele oder abstrakte Gebäuderegeln gedacht. Man kann die Dächer wahrscheinlich einfach nicht ankleben, aber bei der Schmiede und dem Inn sollte das Abnehmen währen dem Spiel dann schon schwieriger sein.

      Ansonsten aber eine sehr schöne und günstige Reihe, da hat man wirklich viel aus dem Material herausgeholt ohne wahnsinnig viele Schichten zu benutzen. Finde es auch sehr gut dass Kromlech sich traut so große Projekte auf die Beine zu stellen. Denke mal dass noch eine Welle von Zwergen kommen wird, und dann hat man da schon ein sehr rundes Paket zusammen.

  • Wow, die sehen echt super aus, da könnte man fast mit einer Zwergenarmee anfangen. Darauf ein Bier.

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