von BK-Nils | 26.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars: Previews für X-Wing und Legion

Fantasy Flight Games zeigen in neuen Previews die kommenden Erweiterungen, Phoenix Cell für X-Wing, Lando Calrissian und Agent Kallus für Star Wars Legion.

From Out of the Flames

Preview the Phoenix Cell Squadron Pack for Star Wars™ X-Wing

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X Wing Phoenix Cell Squadron Pack 1

Stay on course, Ghost. I’ll knock that cruiser out of your way.
– Hera Syndulla, Star Wars™: Rebels

The Rebel squadron known as Phoenix Cell is renowned for good reason. Founded by Hera Syndulla and with members as legendary as Wedge Antilles and Sabine Wren, this unit has been key to countless Rebel victories. Some of its members were raised by resistors; others left the Imperial Academy to fight the Empire’s tyranny. Regardless of the circumstances of their birth or background, its pilots choose to resist the Galactic Empire together.

The Phoenix Cell Squadron Pack brings this foundational Rebel squad to the table in Star Wars™: X-Wing, including a pair of nimble RZ-1 A-wings and a potent A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter. It also adds iconic aces like Hera Syndulla, Wedge Antilles, Sabine Wren, Ahsoka Tano, and Shara Bey to your squadron, alongside useful faction upgrades like Hopeful and the gunner version of Sabine Wren. It can serve as launch bay into the world of Star Wars: X-Wing or supplement even a veteran player’s Rebel collection with its memorable new pilots and upgrades.

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The Phoenix Cell squadron pack comes with three ship miniatures, 14 ship cards, and 36 upgrade cards.

Phoenix Leader’s Legacy

Hera Syndulla is one of the Rebel Alliance’s first and most versatile aces, and this squadron pack includes not one but two more ships for her to fly: the swift RZ-1 A-wing and the hardy A/SF-01 B-wing .

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Veteran players may also notice that this is a new version of Hera Syndulla, complete with a new subtitle (Phoenix Leader), new pilot ability, and new initiative value: 6. This version of Hera can jockey for position against the quickest foes, like Fenn Rau and other top aces. Her ability also highlights a different side of her: this version of Hera emphasizes her skills as a leader and instructor.

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Two of Hera’s most famous proteges also appear in this pack: Wedge Antilles and Derek “Hobbie” Klivian.

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And even though this reflects Wedge as a fledgling pilot for the Rebellion, before he became known for surviving two trench runs, enemies would be unwise to underestimate this trio of aces. Hera’s ability allows her to set allies up with tokens, which can trigger Hobbie’s ability to shed a red token or give Wedge a deadly double-modified attack—against which the hapless foe rolls one fewer defense die!

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Hera, Wedge, and Hobbie in formation. Because Hera’s ability triggers while a friendly ship attacks, she can wait to see Wedge’s attack roll (and lock reroll) before transferring the token. If Wedge doesn’t end up needing the help, she can assist Hobbie by transferring the focus token to him instead.

Hera also gives a substantial boost to Shara Bey, a hero of Endor appearing in her iconic A-wing for the first time.

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With Hera granting her a focus token to convert a result, Shara Bey’s A-wing can comfortably grab a lock to throw better-than-three-dice attacks.

And yet despite Hera’s prowess as a leader and an aerial duelist, she has at least one rival for the position of the most potent ace to fly with Phoenix Cell. Ahsoka Tano may also have a support-oriented ability,

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but with three Force charges and an A-wing’s maneuverability at her disposal, she can keep up with the greatest aces of the Clone Wars.

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Looking Back, Looking Forward

The A-wing chassis itself also receives an exciting new option in the Phoenix Cell Squadron Pack. Like its successor the RZ-2, some variants of the RZ-1 are capable of rotating their guns to rear. The Vectored Cannons card exists to reflect this capability and create a new playstyle for the redoubtable RZ-1 in the process.

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While the RZ-1’s rotating cannons are not as reliable as the refined versions on the RZ-2, the effect occurs in the System Phase, making an RZ-1 with Vectored Cannons one of the slipperiest ships out there. It is also an excellent combination with the included Starbird Slash,

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allowing an RZ-1 to cruise through a foe with cannons reversed, drop a strain token on it, and then blast it with reduced defenses.

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Hobbie sets up a Starbird Slash on an unsuspecting TIE fighter. With Vectored Cannons, he can now unload on his strained foe.

The standard version of the B6 Blade Wing Prototype is a similar clever retrofit, allowing one B-wing in a list to take a Gunner upgrade in addition to its usual complement.

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This can be an excellent option for Hera Syndulla, as seating her with a Weapons System Officer can help her keep up her firepower while still having locks to hand off to allies.

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The can-do attitude that leads pilots to jury-rig their ships for flexible new tactics is the sort of creativity and risk-taking on which the Rebel Alliance survives.

The Hopeful upgrade also embodies the spirit of the Rebel Alliance, helping ships to stay in the fight and stay alive even when facing terrible losses.

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It is also the first of a cycle of three upgrades in this style: one for the Rebel Alliance, one for the Galactic Empire, and one for Scum and Villainy. Here are designer Brooks Flugaur-Leavitt’s comments on designing Hopeful and its counterparts:

From the beginning of development, I approached these squadron packs as an opportunity to reinforce the narrative and mechanical themes of X-Wing’s original factions. More than just new content, my goal was to create abilities that evoked emotions associated with Star Wars, while also immersing players in the game as a shared story, not just a challenge of skill.

When designing the new faction talents, I struck upon Hopeful and its game mechanic first.  Hope in the darkness is a recurring theme for the Rebel Alliance, and the stories of Rogue One and the Original Trilogy lent themselves readily to a mechanic that triggered after another friendly ship was destroyed. This established the theme and core mechanic for the three cards, the Imperial version becoming „Disciplined“ and the Scum version „Cutthroat“ (both to be featured in future previews), each reflecting how members of that faction are expected to confront adversity and loss.

These cards underscore an important moment in the story of a game of X-Wing, highlighting the reaction of our pilots to the loss of their comrade. Mechanically, they take that setback and build from it, turning the loss of a ship into a new opportunity for the player to affect the course of the game, rather than it being a reason to give up. By emphasizing the moment while also giving a chance to recover when things go poorly, I hope these cards encourage you to lean into the dramatic action in your games and enjoy the stories that result!

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Critical Missions

Many of Phoenix Cell’s most famous engagements would likely be played as scenarios using the rules from the Epic Battles expansion, and so it should come as not surprise that this squadron pack includes several new cards for use in Epic Battles. The powerful B6 Blade Wing Prototype upgrade also comes in a second form usable only in Epic Battles that grants a devastating Range 2-4 attack.

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With Sabine Wren equipped, Hera can blast a target from across the board and help any allies nearby remove their stress.

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If executed correctly, this can help free up the maneuverability of allies to break through enemy blockades or stay on key strategic objectives they need to contest for the scenario. Also included is the Phoenix Squadron command card, which allows you to create a mixed wing with the Ghost and supporting smaller ships.

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This unique formation offers the Ghost and accompanying Sheathipede-class Shuttle or Attack Shuttle some added protection contributed by their selfless RZ-1 A-wing wingmates.

Smooth Talking Smuggler

Check Out Our Preview of the Lando Calrissian Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion

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„Well, he seems very friendly.“
–C-3PO, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Sometimes bravado is better than bravery.

Always sure of himself and possessing a desire to impress, Lando Calrissian leads Rebel missions with a self-confidence rarely seen in a battlefield commander. Fortunately for him, he has the skills–and luck–to back up the bravado and soon you’ll be able to use Calrissian’s abilities to shape your strategies with the Lando Calrissian Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!

Although he may be known as quite the sharpshooter, Lando Calrissian brings more to a mission than just his skill with a blaster. His three signature command cards give him the chance to influence your entire army’s strategy at key points of a battle and playing the right card at the right time could shift the momentum in your favor. What’s more, as a commander, you can equip Calrissian with an array of upgrades that further enhance his ability to help friendly units.

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In our announcement, we told you about Lando Calrissian’s knack for making contingency plans that give you the freedom to use even more command cards. Join us today as we reveal the rest of his command cards, his flawed card and explore new ways he can be customized for battle!

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Lucky and Good

Effective commanders make the most of the units under their command, deftly maneuvering them across the battlefield and using their individual strengths to gain the upper hand. When this isn’t enough, the best commanders take it upon themselves to singlehandedly save their armies from certain doom.

Lando Calrissian thrives on bending the odds of desperate situations into his favor and his command card Idiot’s Array gives him the chance seize victory when everything seems to be stacked against him.

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Already a great shot with his X-8 night sniper pistol, this card adds the Gunslinger and Marksman keywords to his repertoire for the round, giving him the opportunity to make two ranged attacks and to spend aim tokens to manipulate the results of those attacks.

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Even the most legendary characters would be lucky to generate enough aim tokens to take full advantage of this opportunity on both attacks, but Lando Calrissian makes his own luck. Waiting to play Idiot’s Array later in a battle only increases his chances of playing a winning hand. Depending on which command cards are in your discard pile, Calrissian can gain up to three aim and three dodge tokens when he plays this card, giving him everything he needs to launch two powerful attacks while remaining relatively safe. In fact, with three aim tokens and the Marksmankeyword, Calrissian is all but guaranteed to do the maximum damage with both his Gunslinger attacks combined with his Sharpshooter 2 keyword and the Pierce 1 of his pistol.

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ven though Calrissian’s shots are sure to count, facing down two enemy units is still a risky proposition. Unless he brings them all down, Lando can expect return fire and these shots could pile on the damage. Fortunately, his innate Uncanny Luck combined with the three dodge tokens from Idiot’s Array should help him weather this blistering fire, especially if he’s heightened his Situational Awareness and can spend his dodge tokens to cancel critical results.

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The Rebel troops he fights alongside won’t be able to benefit from Calrissian’s personal dodge tokens, of course, but he still has ways of helping them out. In these situations, a  Portable Scanner  is a particularly useful tool that Calrissian can use to keep his troops safe.

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The benefits get even better when pairing this key piece of equipment with some extra Vigilance that allows a friendly trooper unit at range 1–2 or two corps trooper units at range 1–2 to retain a dodge token for the next round, especially if they’re Nimble Rebels who can continually avoid damage after spending a dodge token.

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High Stakes

When your back is up against the wall, sometimes all you can do is go All In.

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This command card can set up a devastating offensive turn if all your units are in place. Lando can potentially affect a large number of enemy units the turn he plays this card, adding two observation tokens to each enemy unit within range 1-3 and in line of sight. These useful tokens can be spent by friendly units to reroll an attack dice targeting the affected unit, increasing the odds of getting in effective attacks. Unfortunately, Lando will have to put himself in danger to get the most out of this card but can increase his odds of survival and a more effective attack during his activation by gambling on the dice results. Adding or removing dice as a result of this effect happens after rerolls, so Lando can put the odds in his favor with reroll effects like his own Uncanny Luck, aim tokens. and the observation tokens granted by this card. Bear in mind that the results are checked for adding or removing dice before you modify dice results for things like surges, so you will have to actually roll the crit or block results as opposed to converting a surge result to either.

Pressing Your Luck

Some say if you play the game long enough you are bound to lose, and every gamble has consequences as well as rewards. Sometimes external factors alter the deal, and your fallback plans are no longer an option.

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Lando’s flawed card can create some narrow choices the round it is played against him but the effects can be properly planned for. As the opponent likely cannot play this card until the 4th battle round, you can play all three of Lando’s cards in the first three rounds should you need to and then plan on using another command card from your command hand the turn your opponent wants to trip Lando up. Readying upgrades like on your other units, prior to round 4 or having Lando seize the initiative will also help keep options open when the chips are down.

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Senior Scoundrel

Lando Calrissian can talk himself out of almost any situation. But when he can’t, he relies on more than just luck to get him through tricky situations. This concludes our preview of the Lando Calrissian Commander Expansion. May the odds be in your favor!

The Hunt Continues

Check Out Our Preview of the Agent Kallus Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion Agent Kallus Commander Expansion 1

„All troopers, focus your fire on the…the Jedi!“
–Agent Kallus, Star Wars™: Rebels

When the threat of Rebel insurgency is sufficient to warrant appropriate action, the agents of the Galactic Empire’s Imperial Security Bureau are deployed. Utilizing ruthless tactics and sheer cunning, the ISB quickly addresses any lapse in loyalty to the Imperial cause. Today we delve deeper into the methods of one of the organization’s most senior members in the Agent Kallus Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!

Aleksandr Kallus is a formidable operative with considerable combat ability in the field, though his true strength can be found orchestrating his forces and anticipating his prey. His three signature command cards give him the chance to influence your entire army’s strategy at key points of a battle and playing the right card at the right time could shift the momentum in your favor. What’s more, as a commander, you can equip Agent Kallus with an array of upgrades that further enhance his ability to help friendly units.

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In our announcement, we told you about Agent Kallus’ flexibility in making contingency plans that offer greater options in the Command Phase. Read on as we reveal the rest of his command cards, his flawed card, and how he can best fit into your battle plans!

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Disruption and Disarray

Knowing your foe is crucial to anticipating their attack, and Agent Kallus excels at doing his research. By carefully orchestrating an ISB Investigation into the key players of the opposition,

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Kallus can curtail tactical avenues and disrupt the enemy’s plans with ease. This command card requires you to think ahead but can be pivotal – closing off options for your opponent at just the right time. Moving into melee combat with the likes of Luke Skywalker may be a death sentence for most, but Kallus can even make a jedi more manageable with some proper planning. The effect of this command card can turn off a devastating play like Son of Skywalker and other 1-pip cards in the subsequent round.

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Following up with Kallus’ Face Me card in the next Command Phase could further even the odds against such a powerful foe by insuring Kallus will activate first,

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possibly moving in to grab a dodge token or two from the Agile 1keyword granted this round which will help him block any lightsaber strikes. Even if the enemy commander has some tricks in mind, this reliability is further backed up by Kallus’ Cunning keyword, which will break any ties when determining priority should some trickery unfold.

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Focused Fire

In the chaos of the battlefield, identifying primary targets is vital for a coordinated attack. Showing no mercy, Kallus employs Ruthless Tactics when pursuing his prey – calling out threats so his forces can readily prioritize their fire.

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This effect becomes more potent if the enemy is suppressed to a level equal or beyond their courage value, making for a natural synergy with supporting forces with the Suppressive keyword. The observation tokens granted by this command card allow subsequent units to spend the tokens to reroll attack results. Notably, each attack on an enemy unit applies an observation token to their target afterwards, so focusing fire with multiple units can yield benefits throughout the round. These observation tokens can be built up for a powerful culminating attack, or spent incrementally, benefitting each unit as needed after the first. In addition, Kallus can perform a free recover action after playing this card, allowing him to ready useful upgrades that exhaust like Ascension Cables or to reconfigure his J-19 Bo-rifle for ranged or melee combat.

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Waivering Loyalty

Though the ISB prides themselves as being the enforcers of loyalty to the Galactic Empire, the dedication required to uphold these ideals can come at a cost. Over the course of Star Wars™: Rebels Kallus had Developing Sympathies for the Rebels he hunted,

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eventually questioning his allegiances altogether as his narrative progressed. In terms of gameplay, this flawed card is a tool your opponent can leverage at an inopportune time, causing Kallus to make some difficult decisions. Thankfully Kallus’ can surround himself with a number of options to help mitigate the effects of this card. Simply keeping Kallus at full health prevents your opponent from playing his flawed card, so keeping Kallus out of sight until he is ready to strike or healing him up with supporting units and upgrades can keep his loyalties sound. Alternatively, if you want to stay aggressive and simply try to mitigate the suppression, upgrades like Endurance or Strict Orders can help keep Kallus from falling back during his next activation.

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No Assignment Too Difficult

Agent Kallus is a tactically flexible support commander for your Imperial Forces whose options in armament, tactics and contingency plans allow him to respond to any threat. His cunning forethought systematically eliminates the enemy’s options while increasing his own chances for success. Beware enemies of the Galactic Empire, the Imperial Security Bureau likely knows your next move, and they will be ready!

Star Wars X-Wing ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Star Wars Legion ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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