Spellcrow: Weitere Previews
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Hi guys! Some time ago, we asked Raffaele to sculpt a little throne to put on the back of The Great Anteater. When we saw the result, Piotr Pirianowicz immediately started sculpting the Goblin hero, and here is the complete model
What do you think about it? If you find it nice, like and follow our fanpage
Hi guys, what do you think about the shield of the Goblin hero? If you like it, follow our fanpage
Recently, Paul Suvorov designed and sculpted a Goblin Mercenary carrying a traditional sling. We love it
What do you think this Goblin could say? Share your ideas in comments – the best quote will grab two other Goblin Mercenaries by Paul
Remember to follow our fanpage for more great minis!
Quelle: Spellcrow auf Facebook