von BK-Thorsten | 07.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Spellcrow: Neuheiten

Spellcrow hat jede Menge Neueiten zur Vorbestellung.

Spellcrow DesertGuardsHeads 01 Spellcrow DesertGuardsHeads 02

Desert Guards Heads – 5,20 GBP

This set contains 10 Desert Guards Heads ideal for converting Desert Guards and other fantasy miniatures in a 28 mm scale. High-quality resin casts. Require cleaning and painting.

Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz

Spellcrow DesertGuardsTorsos 01 Spellcrow DesertGuardsTorsos 02 Spellcrow DesertGuardsTorsos 03

Desert Guards Torsos – 5,20 GBP

This set contains 10 Desert Guards Torsos ideal for converting Desert Guards and other fantasy miniatures in a 28 mm scale. High-quality resin casts. Require cleaning and painting.

Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz

Spellcrow DesertGuardsLegs 01 Spellcrow DesertGuardsLegs 02 Spellcrow DesertGuardsLegs 03

Desert Guards Legs – 4,48 GBP

This set contains 5 Desert Guards Legs ideal for converting Desert Guards and other fantasy miniatures in a 28 mm scale. High-quality resin casts. Require cleaning and painting.

Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz

Spellcrow Ugruk TarGoblinsMercenariesv3 01 Spellcrow Ugruk TarGoblinsMercenariesv3 02 Spellcrow Ugruk TarGoblinsMercenariesv3 03

Ugruk-tar Goblin Mercenaries v.3 – 7,04 GBP

Set contains 2 resin miniatures of Ugruk-tar Goblin Mercenaries v.3 and 2 bases (25 mm x 25 mm). High-quality resin casts. Require assembling, cleaning and painting.
Scenic bases not included.

Scale: 28 mm

Design and sculpting: Paul Suvorov

Spellcrow Ugruk TarGoblinsMercenariesv4 01 Spellcrow Ugruk TarGoblinsMercenariesv4 02 Spellcrow Ugruk TarGoblinsMercenariesv4 03

Ugruk-tar Goblin Mercenaries v.4 – 7,04 GBP

Set contains 2 resin miniatures of Ugruk-tar Goblin Mercenaries v.4 and 2 bases (25 mm x 25 mm). High-quality resin casts. Require assembling, cleaning and painting.
Scenic bases not included.

Scale: 28 mm

Design and sculpting: Paul Suvorov

Spellcrow WinterGuardsTorsos

Winter Guards Torsos – 5,20 GBP

This set contains 10 Winter Guards Torsos ideal for converting Winter Guards and other fantasy miniatures in a 28 mm scale. High-quality resin casts. Require cleaning and painting.

Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz

Spellcrow JungleGuardsTorsos

Jungle Guards Torsos – 5,20 GBP

This set contains 10 Jungle Guards Torsos ideal for converting Jungle Guards and other fantasy miniatures in a 28 mm scale. High-quality resin casts. Require cleaning and painting.

Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz

Spellcrow StandardGuardsLegs

Standard Guards Legs – 4,48 GBP

This set contains 5 Standard Guards Legs ideal for converting Guards and other fantasy miniatures in a 28 mm scale. High-quality resin casts. Require cleaning and painting.

Design and sculpting: Piotr Pirianowicz

Quelle: Spellcrow


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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