Spellcrow: Neue Previews
Spellcrow zeigen auf Facebook neue Greens und Konzeptzeichnungen.
Some time ago we showed you a few concepts of Zombie Warriors by Tommaso Lucchetti. Recently, Alessio Cisbani sculpted the first Zombie and we are very curious what you think about this buddy
Leave a comment and remember to follow us for more great hand-sculpted minis!
Good evening! Paul Suvorov sent us his latest sculpted Goblin Mercenary with two unusual weapons
Like our fanpage if you admire his sculpts and please comment. We would love to know your feedback!
Tommaso made a new concept of the Wood Elf Standard Bearer. What do you think?
New miniatures of standard bearers and heroes for Wood Elves are coming soon!
Hi guys! Raffaele Stumpo has just finished sculpting a giant bat based on a fantastic concept by Tommaso Lucchetti.
But it’s not all! This beast will be mounted by a cunning hero who is yet to be shown. What do you think about this miniature? If you love it, follow our fanpage to see more updates on this great model
Alessio Cisbani sculpted another Zombie WarriorLet us know in comments what you think about it, we would love to know your feedback. Remember to follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with our new miniatures!
You will find our miniature ranges on spellcrow.com!
Quelle: Spellcrow auf Facebook
Die Zombies haben was. Sehr schick.
Ich mag die Fledermaus, auch wenn sie ein komischer Hybrid aus Fledermaus und Drache zu sein scheint.
Der Waldelf erinnert massiv an das Artwork des AB der 4ten/5ten Edition
Mir gefällt, bedient schön die Nostalgie