von BK-Herr Kemper | 01.10.2021 | eingestellt unter: Moderne

Spectre Miniatures: Spectre Operations Neuheiten

Von Spectre Miniatures gibt es Neuheiten.

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Spectre Miniatures – Spectre Operations Neuheiten

New Squads and Tech!
We have an exciting new release to finish September strong with 2 new squads are joining the ranks of Spectre Miniatures at 5pm BST today!
The Agents Crisis Response Squad can be used to represent a fictional branch of a Government Organisation, or other Agency Members. They could also be used to represent civilian clothed SOF, Intelligence or Law Enforcement operators working in a mentor or covert role in an urban environment.
The Criminal Element Heavies can be used to represent any Criminal organisation anywhere in the world, as well as Mercenary groups or even some nations Law Enforcement or Specialised Military Units.
These new additions are accompanied by the VGB (Very Good Boy), a speculative near future Unmanned Ground Vehicle, inspired by appearances in pop culture and recent advances in advanced robotics and drone technology.
These new additions will be available to purchase here later today: https://www.spectreminiatures.com/collections/new
Following our office move, we found that we had some supplies to offer a limited number of Metal Covert Packs!
These sets will be available from 5pm BST Today. Each Metal pack will contain 6 random figures from Spectre, including an unreleased, discontinued, or limited figures or objectives from Spectre Miniatures.
We are not limiting the covert packs this time, but please be aware that if multiple packages are purchased, the packages will include 1 or 2 of the same figure due to the way they are made up.
Covert Packages will be available here: https://www.spectreminiatures.com/…/prod…/covert-package

Quelle: Spectre Miniatures FB

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • der Robo-Hund, da läuft es mir kalt den Rücken runter und ich muss an die neuere Serie ala War of Worlds denken.
    Modelle sind gut gemacht

  • Der Roboter erinnert stark an die Prototypen von Boston Dynamics, wie dem Big Dog. Die Minis finde ich nicht schlecht!

  • Die Minis erinnern mich stark an Ghost Recon Breakpoint, besonders der Herr in der Mitte des ersten Bilds. 😉

  • Mag an einer anderen Bemalung zu liegen, aber die Qualität der Minis scheint einen kleinen Sprung gemacht zu haben. Bei den vorigen Releases kamen mir immer einige Details entweder grob modelliert oder einfach verwaschen gegossen vor. Die Teams selber sprechen mich nicht so mega an, ein bisschen zu viel Call of Duty Kitsch finde ich (auch wenn es bei dem Spiel ja im Prinzip genau darum geht…).

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