von BK-Christian | 22.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Riot Quest: Chilly Con Carnage Kickstarter

Die neue Erweiterung zu Riot Quest wird ab sofort finanziert.

The once-great Iron Kingdoms are now a pile of smoldering ruins. But there’s treasure everywhere . . . if you’ve got the gumption to fight for it! You’ll need a crackerjack crew, gobs of gear, and lots of love for the chaos of battle if you’re going to score the best leftover loot in the land. But watch out! It’s every human, dwarf, elf, and gobber for themselves in this outrageous quest for bodacious booty!

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Riot Quest is a fast-moving, highly unpredictable skirmish board game for 2–4 players using hobby miniatures. Players assemble a crew of 5–10 Heroes and an equal number of Riot Gear cards to compete in a chaotic battle to loot a dungeon’s treasures and rack up victory points for the win.

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NOTE: RIOT QUEST uses fine-scale hobby miniatures that are supplied unassembled and unpainted.

What is Chilly Con Carnage? That’s just our awesome name for this Kickstarter project that includes these super-fun new expansions and heroes for Riot Quest:

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You’re in trouble now! When Karchev the Terrible made the mistake of clamping the Skulls of Hate onto his own warjack body, he became one of the most malicious monstrosities the wintertime wasteland has ever seen! Woe unto any who find themselves in the path of this unholy terror, for Karchev & Deathjack care not for loot or gear, fortune or glory . . . they exist only to destroy. This expansion introduces a new co-op Boss Fight experience for 1–4 players that can use the special rules insert and 12 Boss cards found in this expansion to battle their Crews against a super-powered Karchev & Deathjack.

Additionally, the Karchev & Deathjack model can be played as a standard member of a player’s Crew in any game mode of Riot Quest. This expansion also includes a Hero stat card and Riot Gear card for when Karchev & Deathjack are played normally!

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Welcome to Riot Quest Heist, a brand-new way to play the game using your favorite Heroes, Riot Gear, and Arena maps but with an entirely new path to victory. In Heist, you won’t be earning Scrap or Bounty cards until one player has earned seven victory points. Instead, you’ll be stealing Treasure Chests from around the Arena and trying to return them to your home base before the game ends, all while fending off your opponents, the security system trying to thwart your every move, and the bots on patrol.

This expansion supports free-for-all play for up to 4 players in Riot Quest. In addition to 3 Bot models, Bot cards, Security cards, Alarm tokens, and a new rules insert, this expansion includes the new Gunner Hero Princess Delores Graciela and a new Riot Gear card!

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Transform your Bounty tokens into real space with these 8 beautifully sculpted miniatures. Each miniature represents and replaces one of the normal Bounty tokens found in Riot Quest starter boxes. In addition to making your games look fantastic, this set also includes a new 12-card Bounty deck, giving you even more options to wreck face and get paid!

New Heroes

The best thing about Riot Quest is the Heroes! In addition to Karchev & Deathjack and Princess Delores, Chilly Con Carnage delivers six amazing new Heroes, including an all-new Tag-Team Hero!

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These gorgeous miniatures were painted by Erik Swinson and Clay Williams/M3 Studios!

Das sind die Pledges:

We’ve got a bevy of reward levels and bonus loot to go with them! Whether you’re a seasoned treasure hunter or new to the loot-life, we’ve got a reward level that will fit you like a Wold Body Glove.

All Rewards may be Added-On a la carte for the amount shown. Funds may be added during the campaign or later in the pledge manager. 

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Add-ons gibt es auch:

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Genau wie Stretch Goals:

We’ve got a pile of Stretch Goal rewards planned out for the Chilly Con Carnage campaign, including new Riot Gear cards and a Treasure Deck for your „Treasure Stash,“ sweet digital rewards, and the Loot Vault, where you’ll be able to select premium extras with the Prize Tickets and Bounty Tokens you accumulate as our funding increases.

As we unlock new goals, we’ll post more, so there will always be something shiny around the corner!

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Hier kommt auch wieder das Konzept der Lootboxen zum Tragen:

Included in our Stretch Goals are several Stretch Goal “Pay Days.” When we unlock a Pay Day, you’ll receive “virtual” Prize Tickets and Bounty Tokens that will add up as our funding rises higher and more Pay Days are unlocked.

Your pledge level determines how many Prize Tickets and Bounty Tokens you will receive each time a Pay Day is unlocked. In the pledge manager after the end of the campaign, you’ll be able to spend your Prize Tickets and Bounty Tokens on sweet rewards from the Loot Vault!

NOTE: Only Bronze, Silver, and Gold reward levels are eligible for Prize Tickets and Bounty Tokens. The Spectator and Retailer reward levels do not receive Prize Tickets and Bounty Tokens. Provided this campaign reaches at least $60k in funding, each Retailer Reservation will ship with three copies each of The Wastelander and Feora – the Forsaken variant miniatures featured in the Loot Vault rewards, as well as three copies of each unlocked Treasure Stash Upgrade Stretch Goal reward. 

If the campaign ends before you have enough Prize Tickets or Loot Tokens to claim everything you want from the Loot Vault, you’ll be able to Add-On any Prize Ticket reward for $15 and any Loot Token reward for $8—but wait until the end to see just how many Prize Tickets and Loot Tokens get unlocked for your reward level!

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Infos zum Porto:

Shipping will be charged after the Kickstarter has completed based on actual costs to ship the rewards. We will collect your shipping information through our pledge manager once the campaign ends.

Rewards shipping to Canada, Australia, UK and EU will be sent Duty Paid. For all other international destinations, backers will be responsible for any local import duties or taxes.

Below is a list of rough estimates to ship the BOSS FIGHT & THE HEIST pledge level. Depending on your reward, shipping costs may go up or down. Multiple boxed sets will cost more, a single model will cost less.

NOTE FOR BACKERS IN THE UK AND EU: As you know, recent changes in the UK and EU are having a dramatic effect on the customs protocols and taxation for imported goods. We are doing our best to stay abreast of all changes while striving to keep shipping costs as low as possible. Pricing below represents our best estimates with the information that is currently available, but this information is changing and being updated frequently by the many governments and institutions involved in regulating the import of goods. All information is subject to change.

As a matter of policy, we do not ship to P.O. boxes, but contact us directly if this presents a difficulty for you.

(All shipping cost estimates below in U.S. dollars.)

  • United States – $8+
  • Canada – $16+
  • Australia – $22+
  • United Kingdom – $23+
  • EU – $23-26+
  • Non-EU Europe (Duty Unpaid) – $20-30+
  • Asia (Duty Unpaid) – $14-25+
  • REST OF WORLD (Duty Unpaid) – $25+

Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 15 Tage.

Quelle: Riot Quest: Chilly Con Carnage


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Puh…schon sehr spezielles Design.
    Ist quasi das Warma/Hordes Design in noch überdrehten, oder?

    • Riot Quest ist ein eigenständiges Spiel. Angelehnt an das Warmachine Universum, jedoch in einer Alternative Zeitschiene. Die Modelle erhalten Warmachine Regeln und sind damit in beiden Systemen nutzbar.

    • Bin da voll und ganz bei dir, mich spricht das durch das sehr spezielle Design auch so überhaupt nicht an.

      Es wirkt ein wenig, als hätte man Super Mario und Spyro the Dragon mit Warmachine gekreuzt. Wenn es jetzt nur die Promobemalung wäre – okay. Aber das ganze Spiel ist ja so überzogen dargestellt. Super WarMa Explore quasi… 😀

  • Das ist ja meines Wissens die zweite Erweiterung.
    Ist das ein gutes Zeichen, wenn Grundspiel und die erste Erweiterung via Retail rauskam und jetzt ein KS aufgezogen wird? Das soll jetzt kein trollen sein. Diese Frage würde ich mir genauso stellen, wenn Aristea plötzlich via KS weitergeführt werden würde

    • Das muss kein Zeichen für irgendwas sein.

      Das kann zwar Unsicherheit beim Absatz sein, aber auch ein veränderter Marketing-Ansatz. Oder auch eine Mischung aus beiden.
      CMON ist das beste Beispiel dafür: Das meiste ließe sich auch so verkaufen, aber mit KS eben viel direkt, ohne Zwischenhändler, mit geringem Risiko und mit Vorkasse.

      Dazu kommt: Tabletop ist, vielleicht von GW abgesehen, ein Nischenmarkt. Die meisten Hersteller werden Mühe haben, größere Erweiterungen vorab zu finanzieren könnte ich mir vorstellen.

      Btw. Überhaupt nicht meins. Wirkt auf mich wie Steampunk auf LSD.

    • PP geht es halt nicht gut, eine Weile schon klar, deswegen haben
      sie ihre Nebensystem auf ein KS gefolgt von Retail System umgestellt.

      Warcaster wird ja nur so weiter ausgebebaut, was sie aber von Anfang an so komuniziert haben.
      Das dürfte noch ne Weile so weiter gehen bis es in die eine oder andere Richtung kippt.

  • Mir gefällts tatsächlich in Ansätzen. Ich kaufe mir einzelne Miniaturen die ich dann in Warmachine verwende. Finds für mich einfach schick wenn ich einzelne Minis in meiner Armee habe die von der Standardoptik abweichen und sich selbst nicht ganz so ernst nimmt

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