Riot Quest: Chilly Con Carnage
Privateer Press zeigen ein neues Preview für Riot Quest.
Riot Quest: Chilly Con Carnage Hero Preview
It’s time for carnage… Chilly Con Carnage!
The hunt for epic loot in the Wintertime Wasteland continues with Chilly Con Carnage arriving on Kickstarter April 20th!
The latest expansion includes a wintery blizzard of new models, play modes, and more! Check out last week’s expansion preview for stat cards and more from the expansions below.
A new Boss Fight (Malvin was getting all the glory).
Karchev & Deathjack — Boss Fight Expansion
You’re in trouble now! When Karchev the Terrible made the mistake of clamping the Skulls of Hate onto his own warjack body, he became one of the most malicious monstrosities the wintertime wasteland has ever seen! Woe be unto any who find themselves in the path of this unholy terror, for Karchev & Deathjack care not for loot or gear, fortune, or glory…they exist only to destroy. This expansion introduces a new co-op Boss Fight experience for players to “enjoy.” Players can use the special rules insert and 12 Boss cards found in this expansion to battle their Crews against a super-powered Karchev & Deathjack. This mode can be played by 1–4 players, though solo mode can be a bit of a challenge.
Additionally, the Karchev & Deathjack model can be played as a standard member of a player’s Crew in any game mode of Riot Quest. This expansion also includes a normal Hero stat card and Riot Gear cards for when Karchev & Deathjack are played normally!
The all-new Heist Expansion because why just smash and grab loot when a heist is an option?!
Heist Expansion
Welcome to Riot Quest Heist, a brand-new way to play the game using your favorite Heroes, Riot Gear, and Arena maps but with an entirely new path to victory. In Heist, you won’t be earning Scrap or Bounty cards until one player has earned seven victory points. Instead, you’ll be stealing Treasure Chests from around the Arena and trying to return them to your home base before the game ends, all while fending off your opponents, the security system trying to thwart your every move, and the bots on patrol.
This expansion supports free-for-all play for up to 4 players in Riot Quest. In addition to 3 Bot models, Bot cards, Security cards, Alarm tokens, and a new rules insert, this expansion includes the new Gunner Hero Princess Delores Graciela and a new Riot Gear card!
And a whole new Bounty Expansion, with a shiny new deck and spiffy new tokens!
Bounty Expansion
Transform your Bounty tokens into real space with these 8 beautifully sculpted miniatures. Each miniature represents and replaces one of the normal Bounty tokens found in Riot Quest starter boxes. In addition to making your games look fantastic, this set also includes a new 12-card Bounty deck, giving you even more options to wreck face and get paid!
“I like everywhere this is going” you say, “but show me the new heroes already!”
Like I wasn’t going to do just that… it’s in the title even!
New Heroes
The best thing about Riot Quest is the heroes! In addition to Karchev & Deathjack and Princess Delores, Chilly Con Carnage delivers six amazing new heroes — as well as an all new Tag-Team hero! (check out their lore cards below and their stat cards in last week’s insider)
Dreyfus and Flubbin
Malvin, Revenge Artist
The Living Covenant
Widget, Mathelete Archaeologist
“Okay, those are all like super-extra-dope… tell me about the Early Bird option.”
We got you!
Pledge $229 or more
GOLD LEVEL REWARD TIER ONLY AVAILABLE THE FIRST 48 HOURS! Go all in with the full compliment of new releases featured in the Chilly Con Carnage Kickstarter campaign, including the Boss Fight, The Heist expansion, the Bounty Tokens expansion, Mekanolith, The Living Covenant, Tubbin, Widget – Mathlete Archaeologist and get both Dreyfus & Flubbin – Storm Patrol, Malvin – Revenge Artist as well as the new Icy 3D Cooler, and Kommandog Barkevich totally free! Also receive all digital rewards and Treasure Stash Upgrades unlocked as we achieve the stretch goals of this campaign. And you’ll get Prize Tickets and Bounty Tokens that you can use to get rewards from the Loot Vault in the post-campaign pledge manager!
- Karchev and Deathjack: Malignant Fusion Boss Fight
- The Heist Expansion
- Bounty Tokens Expansion
- Mekanolith
- The Living Covenant
- Tubbin
- Widget, Mathlete Archaeologist
- Dreyfus & Flubbin, Storm Patrol
- Malvin, Revenge Artist
- Icy 3d Cooler
- Kommandog Barkevich, the Iron Woof
- Gold Level Prize Tickets and Bounty Tokens
- All Applicable Stretch Goals
Kommandog kommands you to sign up for notifications… the awwdorable compels you…It’s almost time to once again Wreck Face, and Get Paid! Get the details and sign up to be notified when the project goes live at
Quelle: Privateer Press
Also, ich war früher, so zu MKII Zeiten echt großer Fan des WarMa/Hordes-Looks, aber was da so seit MKIII neues rauskommt, find ich, wird optisch immer schlechter. Mir gefallen die neueren Releases bis auf wenige Ausnahmen so gar nicht mehr…
Die sind halt übelst aus der Zeit gefallen.
Klar es ist ihr look and feel aber es ist halt schon arg angestaubt.
Also wenn es sich bei deiner Aussage um die Designs an sich handelt, sind die hier für Riot Quest gedacht, ein Brettspiel in einer alternativen Zeitlinie, die absichtlich stark übertrieben comichaft gestaltet sind (und tatsächlich in vielen Fällen ästhetisch nicht zu Warmachine/Hordes passen), auch wenn sie Regeln für Warmachine/Hordes bekommen.
Ich verstehe das nicht so richtig. Ist das so eine Art Aristeia-Klon im WM/H Universum oder setzt man die tatsächlich im Hauptsystem ein?
Aristeia als Vergleich passt schon da schon.
„Klon“ impliziert aber imho auch sehr, sehr ähnliche Mechaniken, und das stimmt dann doch nicht.
Habe bisher erst ein Spiel Riot Quest gesehen, aber das sah in der Tat recht kurzweilig aus. Seb kann da ggf mehr erzählen.
Die Idee ist ähnlich wie Aristeia.
Ein komplett eigenständiges Spielsystem mit eigenen Miniaturen, die aber auch Regeln für Warmachine/Hordes bekommen, weil warum nicht.
Gedanke war ursprünglich Mal „hey wir haben all diese Bekloppte Ideen für Modelle die nicht wirklich in die normale Warmachine Ästhetik/Lore passen, können wir damit was machen?“ „Hab gehört Brettspiel/Mini Hybriden gehen gerade gut. Denk dir paar witzige Regeln aus und mach Mal.“
Ergebnis ist ein tatsächlich sehr spaßiges, schnell verstandenes Spiel das schon absichtlich ziemlicher Kontrast zum Tabletop sein soll. Funktioniert gut, macht spaß und ist anscheinend auch gut erfolgreich, sonst würde nicht regelmäßig was nachkommen.
Ich bin nicht sicher was zuerst da war, Aristeia oder Riotquest. Oder WHUW.
Aristeia auf 1. Danach kam WHUW. Riot Quest kam zuletzt.