von BK-Pascal | 24.10.2021 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines, Zubehör

Redgrass Games: Painters Lite Everlasting Wet Palette

Redgrass Games haben eine überarbeitete Version ihrer Nasspalette veröffentlicht.


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The Everlasting Wet Palette Painter Lite utilises our most advanced hydration system yet, with perfected ergonomics and at our most affordable price.
Endorsed by scores of professional painters globally.
The best hydration system in the world for acrylic paints.
Long-lasting, mould-resistant foams.
Custom-made for miniature painting Hydration Papers.
50 hydration sheets, 2 foam pads, 1 Everlasting Wet Palette Painter Lite.


A great value wet palette with our v1 everlasting hydration system.

The paint won?t dry out during your painting session. You can stop painting for days. With our hydration system, and our smooth surface, you will be able to perform advanced technics.

Made for miniature painters looking for a good sized wet palette, that is compact and easy to carry. It?s perfect for small to medium sized paint stations. The Painter Lite Wet Palette can be extended using the lid as a second palette.

A perfectly designed and resistant wet palette:

Made from durable ABS plastic, with a low profile and TPE seal. The size is perfect for most miniature painting setups.

Our hydration paper is unique:

Our unique formula membrane creates a surface that moisturises your paint with minimal bleeding or overflowing. This stable surface helps you to master the most advanced painting techniques. It?s also easy to use; each sheet is pre-cut to the correct size.

Our foam is the perfect match for our paper:

Designed to have a very smooth surface, neutral colour and capable of absorbing and holding a high volume of water for its weight.

Naturally mould resistant; significantly reducing the likelihood of mould growth . Even after a few days using the same water- no bad smell. Regular cleaning with mild soap and water will preserve the foam and ensure hundreds of hours of use.

Engineered to the minute details: Everlasting Wet Palette Painter Lite was custom designed for miniature painting, taking into account desk space, key painting ergonomics to maximise fun while painting and make it the best.

What?s in the Painter Lite Pack bundle:

1 Best Wet palette ? Everlasting wet palette painter lite
2 hydration foams
50 sheets of hydration paper
1 strap band

Size: 15cm x 20 cm (5,9? x 7,9?)


Preis: 24,90 Euro


Quelle: Redgrass Games


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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    • Keine eingelassenen Magnete um das Zubehör anzudocken. Betriebswirtschaftlich natürlich schlau die Form der alten als Lite Version in der Produktreihe zu halten. Sind dann drei Größen, andockfähiges Zubehör erst ab der nächstgrößeren Version. Und so auch einen Grund das kleine wiederverwendbare Papier in Produktion zu halten. Wobei ich da gerade gar nicht sicher bin, ob das in dem Päckchen ist, scheinen das alte noch zu verballern.

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