von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.03.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Ragnarok: Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter

„Ragnarok“ ist ein Kickstarter für böse, nordische Fantasy-Zwerge.

Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 2

RAGNAROK – White Metal 28mm Norse Fantasy Miniatures

Evil Dvergr Dwarves by Dark Age Legend, Colin Patten sculptor for Gripping Beast and Warlord Games

Dvergr:  Evil brethren of the ‘true‘ dwarves. Cruel and cunning, long had they harboured their envy and hatred of mankind, especially those who dwelt in the fabled halls of Valhalla. Only the patronage of the Gods of the Vanir and Aesir had held them back from sweeping down from their mountain vastness of Nidavellir to destroy them. Dvergr are the largest of the dwarven races and comprise many clans, each with their distinctive characteristics. Their hair and beards, never brown, are either white or black. Another distinctive feature of the Dvergr is that although they still have pride in their beards most favour shaving their heads.

Like many creatures of the dark, Dvergr, being closer by nature to Goblins rather than true dwarves, dress in black. Their helms, chain hauberks and their trews and tunics being always of that dark hue. Dvergr are well trained in the arts of war, which they continually practice amongst themselves until a greater enemy unites them to common purpose. They fight in close ranks of armoured infantry, favouring the long pike and polearm as their primary weapon. They are keen of sight and their archers are second only to the bows of the elves (note Dvergr are often referred to amongst men as black elves).

In combat, always at the front and first into battle, bellowing frightful oaths charge the warriors of the dreadful berserk brotherhoods. These brotherhoods fight either naked or draped in the furs of their favoured beast, whether bear, boar or wolf. Only the largest and most fearsome are admitted to their fell ranks!!

This range is based on the Norse Mythos incorporating elements of Wagners Ring Cycle. It will continue to be developed and include Dokalfar (dark elves) Draugr undead forces, Ice and Fire Jotnar (Giants),  The armies of the Einherjar (Valhalla’s Heroic Warriors) and of course the essential monsters, and the Gods of the Vanir and the Aesir. Exciting times ahead!

Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 3 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 4 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 5 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 6 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 7 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 8 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 9 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 10 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 11 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 12 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 13 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 14 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 15 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 16 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 17 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 18 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 19 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 20 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 21 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 22 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 23 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 24 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 25 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 26 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 27 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 28 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 29 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 30 Ragnarok Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter 1

Pledge Level:

Der Kickstarter bietet ein breites Spektrum an Pledges an – hier ein paar Beispiele:

  • Any Standard 8 Figure Pack 12,00 GBP

    Choose any one of our ‚Standard 8 figure packs.‘ Please note, you will need to use this pledge multiple times depending on how many packs you wish to order. You will be able to select the specific packs in our pledge manager once the campaign is over. £12 per pack.
    Please see shipping costs at the bottom of the main page.
    Please note that the Bonehead figures and Ulfhednar, in the photo, have had their male nudity obscured to comply with Kickstarter standards.

  • Small Dvergr Raiding Party 21,00 GBP

14 figure raiding party comprising 14 randomly selected Dvergr drawn from our standard packs and one random Hero figure.
List Price £23
Kickstarter Price £21
Please see shipping costs at the bottom of the main page.
Please note that the Bonehead figures and Ulfhednar, in the photo, have had their male nudity obscured to comply with Kickstarter standards.

  • Small Dvergr Warband 41,00 GBP

Small Dvergr 28 fig Warband
4 Fig Dvergr Command pack + Draco standard
4 Fig unit Berserkers [2 x Boneheads 2 x Ulfhednar randomly selected]
4 Fig unit of Dvergr Archers [randomly selected]
8 Fig unit Polearms and Shields [randomly selected from standard packs]
8 Fig Unit Schiltern [randomly selected]
List Price £45
Kickstarter Price £41
Please see shipping costs at the bottom of the main page.
Please note that the Bonehead figures and Ulfhednar, in the photo, have had their male nudity obscured to comply with Kickstarter standards.

  • Dvergr Warhost 150,00 GBP

The Complete Dvergr 117 figure set, along with a special freebie of a pack of 8 Draugr Mercenaries straight off the Black Ship Naglfar!
List Price £184
Kickstarter Price £150 plus free 8 figure Draugr Mercenary Pack worth £14!
Please see shipping costs at the bottom of the main page.
Please note that the Bonehead figures and Ulfhednar, in the photo, have had their male nudity obscured to comply with Kickstarter standards.


Stand: 6.000+ GBP – Ziel waren 3.000 GBP

Ende: April 9 2021 8:56 AM CEST

Link: Ragnarok: Evil Dvergr Dwarves Kickstarter


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Finde die super und gerade auch die Draugr sehr vielversprechend.
    Von Patten gibt es auch noch eine passende Serie nicht-dunkler Zwerge bei Conquest Games. 🙂

  • Sagt mal, habt ihr euch echt die Mühe gemacht das Gehänge der Berserker zu schwärzen? Auf anderen Seiten war es ohne NSFW usw. zu sehen. 🙂

    • Bei Kickstarter steht der Hersteller hätte das geschwärzt, damit Kickstarter es nicht sperrt.

  • Erinnern stark an die alten Vendel Miniatures Zwerge mit leichten Ergänzungen.
    Die Darth Vader Helme find ich allerdings eher unpassend.

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