von BK-Herr Kemper | 12.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Monsterpocalypse: Neuheiten

Privateer Press präsentieren Neuheiten für Monsterpocalypse.

Privateer Press Monsterpocalypse Neuheiten2

Legion of Mutates Monster: Taharka – 27,99 USD

The Legion of Mutates sends forth their next fighter to embody the voice of the people, their scientists having instilled him with an almost unstoppable force. The once-massive bodybuilder took on the name Taharka after being tempted by the almost unfathomable power of the Legion’s mutagen. In the process, he gained the strength, toughness, and determination of a rhinoceros, and now nothing will remain standing in his wake.

Taharka is a monster with a focus on Rampant Destruction that can be added to any Protectors force. His Thick Skin allows him to lead his force unscathed through the hazards of the battlefield. Even for a massive monster, Taharka has a remarkably Strong Arm, able to casually toss aside even the toughest of foes. Taharka is a true Juggernaut and will stand strong against almost any attack.

Privateer Press Monsterpocalypse Neuheiten3

Masters of the 8th Dimension Monster: The Magistrate – 31,99 USD

No one can truly comprehend the strange creatures of the 8th dimension, so when the Magistrate holds court, it is not the accused that stands trial but reality itself. It can silence all dissent, not with powerful oration skills but with a willpower that alters the course of events. The many faces of The Magistrate each represent a different aspect of its version of the process of justice. It is literally the prosecutor, the jury, and the judge. No one and nothing can escape The Magistrate’s judgment.

The Magistrate is a support monster that can be added to any Destroyers force. It can Extrude Jurors, allowing each to seek out “justice” against their foes but be warned: The Magistrate only has a limited supply before it must return to the 8th dimension. Further, its Entropic Presence Saps the very energy from those that would stand against its version of justice. And should The Magistrate’s foes attempt to activate a plan of attack against it, they will be left with naught but endless Objections.

When purchasing The Magistrate, it is strongly recommended the player also purchase the Jurors and Abrogator unit.

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Masters of the 8th Dimension Unit: Jurors and Abrogators – 29,99 USD

The first wave of Masters of the 8th Dimension units offered more conventional avenues of attack. The Abrogator is the pinnacle of such an approach, acting as a frontline leader of the combined forces of the 8th dimension. Like their visage, their strength also mimics The Preceptor. The Juror, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite, causing damage in ways never before seen on the battlefield. The mere presence of a Juror dominates all before it.

Jurors bring several novel concepts to Monsterpocalypse. They form a powerful Quorum that can control large swathes of territory, and don’t expect it to be simple to remove a Quorum of Jurors—once they are entrenched, it will take incredible destructive force to vanquish them. Should you succeed, you can expect nothing more than a Death Sentence as judgment. Power Sinks anywhere an Abrogator appears. Whether it’s a blast or a brawl, an Abrogator’s attack will Siphon and Gorge all power before it.

Privateer Press Monsterpocalypse Neuheiten1

Legion of Mutates Unit: Slashers and Clicker – 29,99 USD

The Legion of Mutates began their power-to-the-masses campaign with ultimate frontline fighters and incredible battlefield commanders. Now, they focus speed in a way never before seen during the Monsterpocalypse: slashers imbued with the prowess of a cheetah are the fastest creatures on two legs. Their speed translates into devastating attacks that can punch massive holes in any line. And clickers combine the best qualities of human and bat perception to allow them to accurately target any prey with their heavy rifles

Slashers can reach out and attack your enemy almost anywhere on the map. They boast speeds previously rivaled only by fighter jets. When they reach their enemy, they unleash their rending blades in powerful Cleaving attacks. Meanwhile, Clickers take the concept of Heightened Senses to a mind-boggling extreme. When their attack Tags a target, it acts as a signal for the rest of the Legion of Mutates to advance on their prey.

Quelle: Privateer Press auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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    • Und dieser Kitsch zieht sich wunderbar durchs ganze Spiel 🤩

      Habe bisher widerstanden, aber eines schönen Tages treffen sich vielleicht mal Laune und Verfügbarkeit 😏

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