von BK-Herr Kemper | 04.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Monsterpocalypse: Neuheiten

Privateer Press präsentieren Neuheiten für Monsterpocalypse.

Privateer Press Monsterpocalypse Neuheiten2

Masters of the 8th Dimension Monster – The Preceptor – 26,99 USD

It would be understandable for anyone living through the Monsterpocalypse to be baffled by the forces arrayed on both sides. Of all those fighting over the future of Earth, the Masters of the 8th Dimension are surely the strangest. No formal dialog has been established with these beings, and their origin is not entirely understood, but their motivations are clear. There was one broadcast across all channels when they first appeared; they explained their goal as if speaking to children. They bear humanity no ill will, but they seek to eliminate the multiverse. The beings who pilot these great constructs that are capable of stepping from one reality to another as easily as you or I would cross the street have tired of the myriad versions of reality and the noise it causes in their senses. They see the Monsterpocalypse as the focal point of much of that disturbance and have started their war with all of reality here. The first shot of that war was fired by The Preceptor, the leader of their forces and the monster sent to start teaching the universe to behave.

The Preceptor is a monster that can be added to any Destroyers force. This angular fiend is capable of Redirecting enemy fire back at its opponents and has a Devitalizing presence. The Kinetic Distortions that emanate from this extra-dimensional construct cause reality to weaken around it. When it goes hyper, it makes Rapid Fire attacks with its massive arm cannons, and every shot it makes Siphons power from its enemy.

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Draken Armada Monster – Gausamal – 25,99 USD

The third Draken Armada monster that humanity was introduced to is the most extraordinary. Gausamal is a serpentine creature that is truly at home in space. Her grace and intelligence are easy to see, but her rage is ultimately terrifying. When calm, she uses subterfuge to defeat foes. But when things look their darkest, and she embraces the heated emotions that all Draken are capable of, she becomes an avatar of destruction humanity is lucky to have on our side.

Gausamal is a highly mobile monster that can be added to any Protectors force. Not only is she able to soar over a city with ease, she also uses her mystichnical powers to generate a cloud of particles that Cloak her from view or shift small targets with a force that humans can only describe as Telekinesis. Her serpentine form is difficult for other monsters to get a handle on, making her an Unwieldy target for throwing into buildings. The blasts of cosmic fire that spew from her mouth Disintegrate buildings, and when she goes hyper, that same energy empowers all of her attacks to Annihilate any target. When her rage overcomes her, she wraps her body around enemy monsters, Constricting their movements and ensuring they stay exactly where she wants them.

Privateer Press Monsterpocalypse Neuheiten1

Zerkalo Bloc Monster – Zavod 075 – 28,99 USD

The final waves of a Zerkalo Bloc invasion force are comprised of mobile support elements. After the first shock of the breach assault and the establishment of a base of operations, the invasion shifts to conquest mode. This is when the massive tracked factory mechs are finally brought to bear. The first of these mobile smoke-belching monstrosities to be seen in the battles of the Monsterpocalypse was Zavod 075. It trundled along behind Voyaka 099, scooping up the debris left in the battleship’s wake. This detritus was then fed into the factory’s massive resource hopper and sifted through for useful material to be built into more frontline troops. Any who scoff at the fighting prowess of one of these machines should beware. Their massive digging arms are more than capable of staggering melee attacks, and each one has a large cannon mounted in its chest.

 Zavod 075 is a support monster that can be added to any Destroyers force. This rolling factory possesses multiple ways to reinforce its army, whether using its construction capacity and onboard materials to Summon new units or Manufacturing the remains of enemies into fresh allies. The units that follow it into battle act as a Wrecking Crew, destroying buildings to keep their monstrous leader fully fueled. When Zavod 075 goes hyper, its ability to create new units is somewhat reduced, but it is more than capable of Salvaging any nearby debris to gain more power.

Quelle: Privateer Press auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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