von BK-Bob | 25.11.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Printable Scenery: Rise of the Halflings Kickstarter

Printable Scenery sind mit Gebäuden für Halblinge auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

Rise of the Halflings

Warlock and Halflings STL Files for Dungeons and Dragons and tabletop battles

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A bold adventure into the fantastical world of Reign of Arcane.

Conceptualized by film industry concept artist Johnny Fraser-Allen and developed into high-detail, print-ready models by Matt Barker and the team at Printable Scenery.

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Rise of the Halflings is the first in a series of fully realized settlements that make up the larger world of the Reign of Arcane universe. Each campaign focuses on a unique township, its buildings, population, and the civil grievances between its factions.

This first step into our larger, narrative-driven fantasy realm is the perfect setting for tabletop games, from Dungeons and Dragons to galaxies far, far away.

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Along with the highly-detailed buildings and terrain pieces, we are also launching our range of collectible-quality character miniatures. Each miniature will come in 28mm and 70mm versions. You will have pre-supported and unsupported options, including an unsupported option without the base.

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All our miniatures come in both Heroic 28mm scale and 70mm Collectible Scale.

For each of our miniatures, you will also get a twin Battle Sculpt. So they can change into an aggressive battle-ready pose at a moment’s notice…. be warned!

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Alternate ‚Battle Sculpt‘ for each miniature

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You can select the Warlocks Pledge, the Halflings Pledge or, if you want both, select the Warlocks & Halflings Pledge. You will receive all the STL files from your chosen pledge, as well as all the free stretch goals for that pledge. If you select the Warlocks & Halflings Pledge, you will also receive the free bonus items as well as all the free stretch goals.

Select the Warlocks Pledge and you will receive the STL files for the Tower of the Navigator, Barrel Riders Barracks, Wyrmway, Parapets, and the Docking Platforms, as well as all the Stretch Goals labeled Warlock.

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Select the Halflings Pledge, and you will receive the STL files for the Seven Members of the Gardening Guild, Forest Forts, Dragon Hedgerows, and the Palace of the Druid, as well as all the Stretch Goals labeled Halfling.

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The Halfling Pledge includes seven members of the Gardening Guild and their ‚Battle Sculpts‘

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If you select the Warlocks & Halflings pledge you also receive the free bonus items below.

All items are delivered as optimized STL file packs to print on your home 3D printer.

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If you select the Warlocks & Halflings pledge you also receive the free bonus items below.

All items are delivered as optimized STL file packs to print on your home 3D printer.

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All our buildings come complete with fully sculpted and interior details, ready for your models to fight through or garrison.

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Stretch Goals:

Free stretch goals are a big part of our Kickstarters, and Rise of the Halflings takes it to new heights as we reveal some entirely unexpected stretch goals.

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While halflings traditionally built by digging down and out, the new City would employ the unheard-of construction of a second story. To adapt to this change, the residents labored to heap great mounds of earth up over even the tallest manor to merge hillside and homestead.

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Paling in comparison to the channeling powers of the Tower of the Navigator, The Casting Domes concentrate the power of a Warlock’s arcane instruments to one central point. They enhance the range and potency of any spell cast within, though the full extent of the domes powers have never been fully tested.

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A good number of Halflings volunteer themselves to the Rangers Guild, who patrol deep in the ancient woods untouched by the devastation of the Great Wyrm. Refusing to use any Dwarven or Warlock-made devices, they man the forest forts and keep a wary eye out for any danger.

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The Black bile of the Great Wyrm enabled the wingless creature to fly, and soon the Great Warlock was using it to float experimental airships using ‚barrel tech‘. The city’s Halfling youth eagerly volunteered service to the great man and his fleet, becoming the first of the Barrel Riders.

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From the classic finery of yesteryear to the modern uniforms of those manning the walls and airships of the modern era, the craft of the halfling tailor is said to rival that of the elves. Readymade cloaks, waistcoats, and trousers pile the shelves of these portable outfitters, yet made-to-order garments are their specialty.

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Soon the skies about city were bustling with experimental airships, built around the ‘Barrel-Tech’ that filtered the black bile into a gaseous substance that produced lift.

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A quaintly built dwelling in comparison to some of the more modern hillock manors about the newly rebuilt city, the Gardener’s Guild Hall serves as both a meeting place and toolshed for its diligent members as they restore the greenery in areas devastated by the Wyrm.

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Ever engaged in his endless studies of the Draconic bile and its properties, the Great Warlock is a man of few words. No Halfling knows from where he hails, for many it was enough that he alone bound the Great Wyrm to his will and saved the last of the village from its devastation. To some he is the savior of the Halfling race and welcome guest, to others he represents the death of their culture and an unwelcome occupation…

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Ortegar Deepwood’s name was forgotten by most long ago, now known to all Halflings as simply, ‘The Druid’. After the Great Warlock saved the Halfling folk from the Wyrm, the Druid prophesied that he would bring about a greater evil and retreated into what remained of the great woods. Here he resides in his tree-top palace, a refuge for any Halfling from their Warlock overlords…

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Once the black bile had been refined into Archanical fuel its arcane possibilities were limitless, though it remained highly combustible. Its potency was incredibly volatile when mismatched with the wrong concoction, so the Warlock built the Abacustodian.

This towering device could calculate the effects of any given substance in relation to the Archanical fuel without having to directly mix said components. It could take days for the ivory runes to tick over into the right order once activated, but if read correctly one would be able to determine the appropriate balances required for a safely infused arcane recipe.

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Known to the punters who frequent the stall as the ‘Boar’n’Nag’ on account of the wood carved boar’s head and the rather patronizing taverner who serves each pint with a shake of her head, this mobile distillery is a popular spot to end the hard workday before heading homeward.

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The tree forts provide the Halfling Rangers with plenty of elevation, but to protect the base of the great trees from attack wooden palisades were erected. Even here the Halfling’s ingenious designs shone through, making the forts a formidable bastion.

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An oddly fashioned building, this domicile for the halflings employed within the Archanical Compound was designed by the great warlock to best compliment the new architecture of the Arcane while complimenting the existing styles preferred by traditional halfling master builders. Small touches such as these further endeared the Great Warlock to the steadily growing halfling populace, making it even more difficult for those concerned with the loss of their culture to voice such complaints.

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The Transfuical Hybridizer has separate chambers to load ingredients, then feeds them through to the central distillery where they are mixed with the Archanical fuel. The resulting mixture can then be observed and documented by the Warlock in the reinforced containment unit. When the Light is green, the magic’s clean.

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The advancements in Archanical engineering may have propelled the halfling cityscape into an undreamed-of future, but the potions, elixirs and ancient remedies remain steadily in the tried-and-true past of the halfling apothecaries. The medicines bottled in this potion stall are so well trusted that they are even traded with among the dwarves of the mountains by the halfling bargemen who venture out that far – for a small percentage, of course.

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Gribstone Collic was the first of the young Apprentices to return with the Great Warlock on what would become a ritual trip to acquire aspiring minds every 9 years. That was well over fifty years ago now, and the quiet boy has grown into a swarthy, brooding Warlock that any sensible Halfling avoids.

It is in the skies, far from the Tower of the Navigator, that Gribstone has found his calling as the cunning and ruthless commander of the Great Warlocks sky fleets.

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With his hands busied with the many archanicical contraptions of his making about the Tower of the Navigator, the Great Warlock entrusted one of the Halfling folk who dwelt in the great city to be his staff bearer as a way of endearing himself to the populace. To those who saw the Warlock as their saviour, the staff bearer was the highest hope a youngster could aspire too. The current staff bearer is a studious fellow by the name of Diggelsby Burrower, in his third year of service of the standard seven.

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As comfortable as Halfling Hillock Homesteads are, they are not built with the big-folk in mind. And so there was constructed the Warlock Hall of Residence. A fine building, equipped with living quarters enough to provide rest for the studious Warlock Apprentices that helped their master in his studies of the Arcane.

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The Archanical Bialic Compressor was one of the first pieces of archanical technology built by the Warlock and his Halfling Master Builders. This rather noisy contraption relied on the constant workings of its cylindrical bellow to stir up the fumes of the Wyrm’s bile fluid, much like the workings of its actual gut, where they would be distilled in the compressor above.

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Where the ancient woods remain untouched from the devastation of the Great Wyrm, are hidden the barracks of the Halfling Rangers. Here a halfling is free to return to the old ways of the simpler days. Refusing the use of any dwarven- or warlock-made construction materials, the simple hillock-housed barracks shelter a good number of those who volunteer themselves to the Rangers Guild.

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Trym Deephollow sells her curative wares from the rounded wagon named ‘The Grateful Galipot’. Be it Lotion or Potion and every tincture in between, Trym will sort out any customer with the right remedy. Here at her stall, you can you can have her mix a fresh concoction for you, buy right off the shelf or even brew your own in her customer’s cauldron from her wide range of ingredients or the ones you’ve bought yourself, for which she’s always happy to trade at fair prices.

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Crucial for measuring the intake of Archanical fuel required to power the Airships over and around the mountainous landscapes surrounding Wollockshire, this device works in parallel with the Meteorological Disseminator to ensure a steady flight and safe return for all ships in the Warlocks fleet.

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Though the Archanical Bile Extractor could only drain so much of the Great Wyrm’s black bile a day, the beast itself was eternal, so long its warlock master lived in any case. Hesitant to waste so much as a drop, Archanical Repositories began to crop up throughout the compound. These barrel-like orbs could hold significant stock of the fuel and were constructed to feed the ever-going work of the archanical engineers.

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Dell Greenbottle owns and operates the portable whiskey bar fondly known by its regular patrons as the ‘Pine Piglet’ on account of the wood-carved boars head it boasts for a sign. The hard-working sky crew and many toiling gardeners of the city are fond of a ‘Pint’o’Piglet’ as the one syrupy liquor she serves is named.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 13 Tage.

Quelle: Rise of the Halflings


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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