von BK-Herr Kemper | 11.01.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Novus Landing: Kickstarter

Novus Landing ist ein Kickstarter für Sci-Fi STL Modelle.


Die Kampagne:

Welcome to Novus Landing – a seedy, dangerous spaceport on the edge of the galaxy!


This is the third 3D STL Kickstarter I have created in the world of „The Ignis Quadrant“. This Kickstarter provides support-free minis, scatter terrain, space ships of all sizes, vehicles, and more for you to produce at home on your FDM or resin 3D printer. Rewards are for digital STL files to print the products shown and described in this campaign. Rewards are split into three categories: Scatter/Terrain,  Space Ships/Vehicles, and Minis – designed to be used together or independently, and all for normal tabletop gaming scale (28-32mm). All these models should work great for games like Starfinder, Star Wars Legion, Fifth Age (5e), Dark Matter (5e), and Cyberpunk games like Infinity (Note that each of those games listed  have all rights reserved, and this campaign is not affiliated or associated with those brands or trademarks).


** PLEASE NOTE – This Kickstarter is for digital files (STLs) to make all these items on your own home 3D printer – these are not physical goods **


**NEW BACKERS** – This project is successfully funded, and the first 4 stretch goals are unlocked, with the next coming @ $22k.  There’s over 35 support-free minis,  7 large vehicles/ships, and 80+ scatter STLs included!

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This project includes a large collection of thematic minis including aliens, creatures, characters, NPCs, androids, drones, and more!

  • High-quality miniatures, suitable for resin-level detail but also great quality on FDM printers
  •  NO supports are needed for any of these miniatures, in resin or FDM. This is accomplished by smart posing and design, and slicing/keying where needed.
  • All models have been test printed and ready to drop on print bed and go.
  • All minis are included in based versions (pictured below), and also unbased for you to base yourself, use in dioramas, etc. Where split/keyed versions are needed, complete versions are also offered for those that want them. Some are designed to use with flight bases, such as these free ones I have on Thingiverse or the great ones by LITKO . I also released all the mini bases from this project for free HERE.

WHY SUPPORT-FREE? Support-free is not just for FDM printing, it works GREAT for resin too. Support-free designs have many benefits, including being generally harder to break during travel and play (thicker components, merged geometry), less prone to print failure, and less (if any) cleanup and post-processing. You can throw a bunch on your printer, walk away, and come back confident – and get more models on your table faster!


The minis range in size from small creatures, to HUGE alien beasts. Scale is roughly 32mm (similar in size to Reaper Bones). The below image shows renders of all the models included with the minis set, and will be updated as stretch goals are unlocked.

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Vehicles & Spaceships:

Every space port needs some space ships! This project includes many space ships of various types and sizes – ranging from large, multi floor ships to small, sleek fighters. All ships are designed to print and assemble on FDM printers of most sizes, and designed to open for easy play and detailed interiors (many of the ships and vehicles will fit on resin printers as well). There’s also many other interesting vehicles to help flesh out your space sport and scifi locations. They are all sized for play similar to the minis and terrain (28-32mm). Like everything in this Kickstarter, the vehicles print support-free, with the exception of a few odd-shaped pieces like window glass. Check em out:

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Scatter & Terrain:

This project has all kinds of fun, modular terrain and scenery to build a wealth of different environments like cantinas,  warehouses, landing pads, gambling dens, outdoor markets, and more. It’s far-future Scifi in theme, but much is styled to work great with near-future Cyberpunk as well. All items print support free, and are split/designed/optimized for easy printing, painting, and assembly (if needed). The below image shows renders of all the models in some sample configurations included with the scatter set & all-in pledge levels, and will be updated as stretch goals are unlocked:

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Stretch Goals:

I have all kinds of stretch goals planned – enough to nearly triple the core reward content! You can see what’s unlocked in the graphic below. Unless otherwise noted, the models that are unlocked are in the previews above. Some stretch goals will be mini focused, some scatter, some a big vehicle, and others a mix – but I am attempting to balance the added stuff overall.

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Free Stuff:

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Who doesn’t like free stuff? There’s many free items released, and more coming, to sweeten the pot and give you something to print while the KS is in progress.

I have released my second set of SCIFI DUNGEONSTICKS, which you can download and print right now. You can access all the other free releases in THIS THINGIVERSE COLLECTION. In addition, all the bases I have designed for this campaign are available for free HERE (which match my last free set of SCIFI BASES). The previous free/bonus models from my last scifi project, The Ignis Quadrant are also perfect test examples of the quality of what’s in this project, available HERE.

NOTE: Thingiverse has been flakey lately – if things aren’t loading for you, you can download the free preview files and bases in Dropbox HERE.

I’ll also be running a painting contest like I did for The Ignis Quadrant, so  stay tuned for that!


Stand der Finanzierung: 22.000 USD (Ziel waren 10.000 USD).

Ende: 31. Januar 2021 15:34 CET


  • 1 Set 20,00 USD
  • 2 Sets 30,00 USD
  • All-In 40,00 USD

Link: Novus Landing KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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