von bkredaktion | 13.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Ninja Division: Neuheiten

Es gibt einen neuen Mini-Boss für Super Dungeon Explore und zwei neue Auswahlen für Relic Knights von Ninja Division.

Ninja Divison Chained Knight 1 Ninja Divison Chained Knight 2 Ninja Divison Chained Knight 3 Ninja Divison Chained Knight 4

Ninja Divison Chained Knight 5 Ninja Divison Chained Knight 6 Ninja Divison Chained Knight 7

Chained Knight – 31,99 GBP

Chained Knight Masterclass Miniature!

One of Araphel’s most terrifying devotees is a hulking figure known simply as the Chained Knight. Such is Araphel’s influence over him that even his name has been consumed and forgotten. Whatever he once was, now he is Araphel’s sword arm, put to use when subtlety has run its course. Even so, many say they sometimes see a flicker of defiance on his face, as if something within him still resists his dark mistress.


  • 1x Chained Knight Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x Chained Knight Mini-Boss Explore Card
  • 1x Chained Knight Mini-Boss Arcade Card
  • 1x Unique Treasure Card
  • 1x 50mm Black Base

Take your Super Dungeon hobby to the next level with Super Dungeon: Masterclass! This premium line of resin models is specifically designed for hobby enthusiasts and gamers alike! Featuring Heroes and monsters from throughout the realms of Crystalia, these finely detailed miniatures bring the world of Super Dungeon to life as never before. Each Masterclass miniature includes cards that allow it to be used in your games of Super Dungeon!

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up and assembly may be required.

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Ninja Divison Jenner The Seeker 1 Ninja Divison Jenner The Seeker 2 Ninja Divison Jenner The Seeker 3 Ninja Divison Jenner The Seeker 4

Jenner the Seeker – 22,99 GBP

Jenner is a charming, easy-going sort. Yet most people do not realize that, behind his ready smile and razor wit, is a dedicated paladin of The Six Peers. Haha! I thought you’d jump. No, no, it’s no joke. You need to learn more about paladins as well as the pirates. Jenner is a member of the Ossyrian Order, the so-called Black Paladins. They are the outcasts of the Orders, the cousin that the others don’t acknowledge in polite company. Ossyrians use the chaos, fear, and nefariousness of evil to fight evil. They are a small and very insular order who operate mostly as independent agents. They willing damn themselves so that others may be saved. I do not admire them, but I respect them, and much of that comes from knowing Jenner.


  • 1x Jenner the Seeker Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x 40mm Purple Base
  • 1x Digital Download Card

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up and assembly may be required.

Relic Knights: 2nd Edition bring the frenetic energy and over-the-top action of anime and video games straight to your tabletop. Pit two or more players against one another in an epic conflict to decide the very fate of the universe!

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Ninja Divison Void Witch 1 Ninja Divison Void Witch 2 Ninja Divison Void Witch 3

Ninja Divison Void Witch 4 Ninja Divison Void Witch 5

Void Witch – 22,99 GBP

Void Witches seem to play with cause and effect, or maybe with the flow of time. They appear to the guides for the maleaach. In one recording, you can distinctly hear a void witch say, “We are the wayfinders of the void. We are the words of oblivion.” There was only one witch present, by the way. That royal “we” isn’t pretentious at all. These oracles guide the maleaach through the Calamity, though whether they’re directing its spread or just figuring out where it’s going isn’t at all clear. They never seem to lead the maleaach astray, however, placing them among those primarily responsible for their species vivisecting the universe.


  • 1x Void Witch – Minion Masterclass Miniature
  • 1x 30mm Purple Base
  • 2x Digital Download Cards

This is an unpainted resin model. Preparing, cleaning up and assembly may be required.

Relic Knights: 2nd Edition bring the frenetic energy and over-the-top action of anime and video games straight to your tabletop. Pit two or more players against one another in an epic conflict to decide the very fate of the universe!

Ages 14+

Not a toy. Choking hazard due to small parts. Product contents may vary from those pictured.

Designed and made in the USA.

Quelle: Ninja Division



Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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  • Mein Gott, es kommt immer mehr raus für Relic Knights 2.0. Nur das ich das Interesse an dem Spiel verloren habe und unglaublich viel Geld versenkt habe!

    • Bis doch froh, dass du für das versenkte Geld doch noch etwas bekommen wirst. Kannst die Sachen dann ja immerhin verkaufen, wenn kein Interesse mehr daran besteht.
      Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall, dass es da voran geht.

    • Also wenn die Sachen tatsächlich mal bei dir ankommen hätte ich großes Interesse wenn du sie abstoßen möchtest. Ich mag den Stil und würde sie mir einfach zum bemalen schon holen. Hab aber damals beim KS nicht mitgemacht. Vielleicht kennt ja jemand einen Hersteller der ähnliche Anime Figuren herstellt aus Resin.

  • Denke langsam auch, die sind bemüht aus den Loch weider rauszukommen. Haben natürlich viel Credit verloren. Sobald wieder die Karten und das Regelbuch verfügbar ist, werde ich meine Minis mal auslösen.

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