von BK-Christian | 25.03.2021 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Mythic Battles Ragnarok: Neue Previews

Monolith zeigen neue Previews für ihren kommenden Kickstarter.

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It is said in the Saga dedicated to them, that within the shelter of the walls of Jomsborg, a fraternity was slowly formed, one by one, gathering the bravest of warriors.

Founded on courage, righteousness and skill in arms, the Jomsvikings order thus brought together the most elite of veterans.
Righteous men, experienced in pillaging and battles, ready to dedicate their blades to the gods, and to sacrifice their lives for their brothers in arms.
The order’s code dictated that they only admit the most valiant, never to give in to fear, to always avenge their comrades, to live in a fortress away from women, to divide the spoils of war.
For a long time, this elite troop reigned terror on the battlefields. Kings and lords poured gold on them to number them in their ranks, and dismay gripped the enemy as the Jomsvikings advanced in battle formation in the light of dawn. And when they slaughtered their opponents, it was in honor of Odin and Thor, in a grand ceremony of blood, death and courage!
Alas! during Ragnarök, their fortress fell while the Jomsvikings were fighting far away.
So when the hour of the Last Battle comes, they will come forward, drunk with vengeance in remembrance of their own who fell in Jomsborg. And they will sell their skin dearly, until the last breath of life. Because that is what the Jomsvikings Saga teaches: how dreadful are they, even as they die.
In Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, the bravery and beautiful discipline of the Jomsvikings give this troop the Blocker and Guardian talents. Their sense of sacrifice is integrated into the game, when the troop is destroyed: it then carries out one last free attack against the attacker who forced them into death.

Woe to him who dares to carry iron against the sacred order of the Jomsvikings!

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Since the dawn of the Nine Worlds, all the clans of Midgard have seen the birth, especially among their women, of these auspicious experts in the magic of Seiðr.
All peoples honor them with the title of Völva. The words of the Völur are strange, their looks are far away, they see the hidden things, in Midgard and elsewhere.
Equipped with their wands fortified with secrets and spells, they know how to cast the runes and predict the fatal or happy fate that awaits all who ask.
The gods themselves respect and fear their talents. Such is the case for the noble Odin, as we learn from the Völupsa or Song of the prophetess. Many times, he descended to Midgard to consult the most gifted Volür.
And his power increased, when he received from their mouths the wisdom of the past, the vision of the present, but also the sad prophecy of the end, when the horns of the Ragnarök will sound for the ultimate battle where the gods will perish. So, it is Whispers of fate: they who lift the veil of the future does so at their own risk!
In Mythic Battles Ragnarök, these magicians support armies, outstripping enemies with their movement skills. They also know how to offer their gods their visions of battle, in a last burst at the moment of death: Each time their troop is destroyed, their divinity can, if they wish, draw the first card of their deck and add it to their hand.

Thus, sage is the one who heeds these ancient and powerful women!

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Niflheim, the frozen world of Mists, is where the tortured souls roam. Those of assassins, traitors and cowards who did not know how to fall on the field of Honor. Far away in these desolate limbos over which Hel extends her kingdom, stands The Citadel of Nàstrond with walls are made of snakes and whose ditches are roamed by Oathbreakers in a march without end.
Oathbreakers with a deceitful tongue, those whose speech is worthless, those who deserve to suffer for centuries waiting for the day when hen the Dragon Nidhögg consents to offer oblivion by dissolving their flesh with its venom.
But when the gates of Nàstrond burst open on the day of Ragnarök, the hordes of Oathbreakers will surge, carried away by their eternities of suffering, drunk with hatred for the living, strong with all the evil these tormented souls are capable of.

In Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, Oathbreakers are countless. They arise in hordes at the heart of the fighting, like an inexhaustible source of affliction.

Although they never stand in the ranks of the most valiant, they know how to make use of their overwhelming numbers and benefit from the Torment talent.

Do you hear the Snakes of Nàstrond hiss ? Its fortress walls begin to shudder, and from the bottom of its pits rises a dire howl as slaughter approaches, as the gates burst.

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When you hear the wolves howling in the depths of the darkest woods, know that they are stretching their maws towards Asgard to lament the fate of the Devourer.
Loki and Angrboda were joined in a hideous union in Jotünnheim. This sacrilegious coupling between god and giant saw Angrboda bring three creatures into the world: Hel the goddess, Jormungand the serpent, and Fenrir the wolf. This final abomination quickly grew to a monstrous size, and the Aesir became even more terrified when the mists of time announced that Fenrir would be their downfall. Odin decided to trick the wolf and bind him forever. He challenged the proud creature to escape from a first chain called Loeding, but Fenrir snapped it effortlessly. Odin then presented him with Dromi, forged to be stronger, but it once again gave way under the wolf’s might. The terrified Aesir decided to send a message to the Dark Elves. They were allowed to take whatever they pleased from the world to make a chain capable of holding Fenrir. The Elves scoured Midgard and took the sound of cat’s paws, the beards of human women, the roots of mountains, the nerves of bears, the spit of birds, and the breath of fish. They used them to weave the ribbon Gleipnir and presented it to Fenrir, who became suspicious when he saw it. He demanded that Tyr put his hand in his mouth as a pledge of good faith, and when he realized he was bound fast, he crushed the poor god’s hand between his teeth. The relieved, jeering gods then jammed the wolf’s jaws open with a sword, preventing him from biting. Fenrir was filled with rage and pain, and unable to close his maw. Drool flowed from his mouth to become two rivers, which will continue to flow until the day of Ragnarök, when all the binds will cast asunder for the Final Battle.
Gleipnir has been broken, just like the others. Fenrir is now free and burning with crazed bloodlust. The Devourer is stalking across the Vigrid Plain, ready to crush anyone in his path until he finds the one-eyed All-Father!

In Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, Fenrir is finally free but starving, and sets off on the scent of the gods. Few creatures represent a greater threat, because with his God Slayer Talent, Fenrir could bring about the death of any Aesir or Vanir who fall into his gaping jaws. Fenrir’s The Hunt is On Power also enables him to temporarily reduce an opponent’s defense when he attacks, before then moving to another area. In this way, he can circle his opponent like the most cunning of wolves. If he wants to finish his prey, he can also discard an Art of War card to carry out two successive attacks against the same target. These attacks can benefit from The Hunt is On Power. It seems the prophets were right: Fenrir truly is the Bane of the Gods.

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While the gods and mankind wasted their time pursuing vain, childish occupations, the giant Hrym prepared for the end of the world in the shadows, building a ship to transport his armies to fight in Ragnarök. He patiently assembled, one by one, the fingernails and toenails of the deceased to build Naglfar, the Ship of the Dead. When the time came, he sounded the horn to call the Jötnar to arms. They all boarded the vessel and the hordes of giants and the undead covered the warship’s gigantic decks. Hrym rejoiced at the sight and snapped the boat’s moorings. Leaving the banks of Jötunheim forever, Naglfar sailed its legions to the Vigrid Plain. When the Ultimate Battle comes, the Jötnar’s banners will clash together in a mighty roar promising death to all their enemies.

In Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, Hrym is one of the rare monsters to display tactical skill by turning the terrain to his advantage. As well as giving his side an Art of War card, he has the “Ice Lord” ability, which enables him to draw on his essence as an ice giant and permanently transform the ground around him into polar terrain, ensuring the biting cold slows and wounds those who come near. But cunning is not his only asset. In ancient times, Hrym stood guard in Jötunheim and has retained the full strength and rage of his blood. This means he can carry out a Sweep, an area attack targeting his area and an adjacent area. Woe betide those who encounter the cruel power of the cold and his minions!

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Fafnir was a Dverg who lived with his father Hreidmar and his two brothers, Otr and Regin, in the deep, dark forests of Nidavellir, where Odin, Hoenir, and Loki would come to hunt. One day, as night was falling, the gods were looking for a place to stay and killed an otter to bring as a gift to Hreidmar’s home. Alas! When they arrived, Hreidmar was horrified to see that the Aesir had in fact slain and skinned Otr. His son had transformed into an otter using the shapeshifting powers bestowed upon the Dvergars and gone out to explore the forests and rivers.

Held hostage by the Dwarves, Odin and Hoenir sent Loki to find the blood money owed to the enraged father. Loki decided to rob Andvari, a Dverg famed for his immense wealth created by a magic ring that produced all the gold the wearer desired. When he saw the Aesir seize his ring, Andvari warned that madness and greed would befall anyone who wore it. Yet Loki still came back to present the ring to Hreidmar. The Dverg was delighted with his newfound riches, although the Aesir failed to mention the curse that had been placed upon the ring.

Evil and madness soon took root in Hreidmar’s heart. Refusing to share the smallest amount of his wealth with Fafnir and Regin, he soon inspired the hatred of his two sons until Fafnir murdered him and banished his brother forever. Fafnir the Patricide jealously guarded his treasure, and used his Dwarfish ability to slowly transform. Spurred on by the power of the cursed ring and his assassin’s greed, he acquired the scales, feet, shell, and huge fangs of a dragon, shapeshifting into a lindworm to protect his precious riches.

But Regin had not forgotten. Filled with a murderous fury against his brother, he finally found a way to take revenge by becoming a mentor to Sigurd, the descendent of a long line of legendary heroes…

In Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, Fafnir can finally try to take back the treasures stolen by Sigurd. The “Claws and Fangs” power enables him to carry out a devastating area attack, while the “Scorn” power means he can ignore incoming area attacks and those with a range of 1 or more. Accustomed to staying curled up on his mountain of treasure, Fafnir cannot be forced to move. Any intrepid soul hoping to kill him must have the courage to approach him despite his “Terror” talent that weakens his opponents. With that, a merciless battle will ensue…

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Freyja (goddess)

As it is written in the Gylfaginning, the old god Njörd lay with one of his sisters, and Freyr and Freyja were born of this union between the two Vanir. While the twins soon came to represent fertility, Freyja became more powerful than her brother thanks to her knowledge of Seidr, magic conjured in a trance state. She taught Odin this art and remained the only deity to master this ancient magic of ecstasy.

But Freyja was no mere witch. The day she discovered Brisingamen, a necklace forged by four Dwarves, she took it in exchange for a day and a night during which each of the four Dvergar had the pleasure of her charms. With Brisingamen around her neck, she became the most coveted of all the gods and goddesses, inspiring the desire of both the giants and the Aesir. But Brisingamen possessed far more than the powers of beauty, combining with Freyja’s warrior talents to also make her a goddess of war. Both voluptuous and determined, Freyja also presides over the passionate fury of combat, and not all those who are lucky enough to die in battle end their journey in Valhalla. The Valkyries drag half of these lucky few to Freyja, to feast and celebrate in her Folkvang hall.

In Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, Freyja is a goddess of war, capable of the most incredible feats. Protected by Brisingamen, the necklace of Brisingar, she and any allies in her area sustain one less wound when they are the target of 0 range attacks. Her other power comes from Valshamr, her heavy coat of feathers. Once in every game, she can use it to vanish and reappear instantly in any open ground area of the board. During the Ultimate Battle, only time will tell if she will use this power to escape an opponent, sink a spear into the side of a dying god, or steal a rune with the ability to sway the course of victory from an enemy. She sows seduction, passion, and death. Which of her charms will appeal to you the most?

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Strategic mastery, dubious morals, seduction, and malice are just a few characteristics the gods associate with Loki. He was often the bringer of great chaos and misery, but he also used his ruses to save the gods from peril. Loki enjoyed playing with the art of shapeshifting, regularly assuming countless forms such as giants, humans, insects, seals, or birds. He once fell pregnant after becoming a mare, and gave birth to Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse that serves as Odin’s steed. His union with Angrboda the giant also produced three scourges – Hel, Fenrir, and Jörmungand – who spread terror among the Aesir and will be formidable opponents during Ragnarök.
However, the most tragic of Loki’s tricks saw Baldr killed by Hoder, the blind god. In exchange for the liberation of the most valiant Aesir, Hel demanded that each and every being across the Nine Worlds weep for Baldr’s death. Because he was so likeable and wise, everyone lamented his passing… with one exception: a giant by the name of Thokk, who was none other than Loki in a deformed and monstrous disguise. The gods pursued him mercilessly and located him thanks to Hlidskjalf, Odin’s throne, after which they chained him to the bowels of the earth. Filled with hatred, Skadi the giant also hung a snake drooling a horrible venom above the disgraced god. Sigyn, Loki’s wife, came to hold a bucket over his head, but every time she emptied it a drop would fall onto the god and slowly burn him. Loki suffered terribly, and the floor would tremble as far as Midgard every time he writhed in agony.

In Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, Loki has finally freed himself from his chains. Twisted with torment and bitterness, he is preparing to wreak havoc upon his torturers. But his cunning makes up for these weaknesses. His Malice power enables him to deflect a range 0 attack onto any other unit in his area – even when it is an enemy unit! His duplicity is also displayed in his Metamorphosis power. Once in every game, when an attack is made against him and before it is resolved, he can change places with an allied unit in his surroundings. You may tease or mock Loki, but when the Ultimate Battle arrives, remember that he who laughs last laughs longest…

Quelle: Monolith Games bei Facebook


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • der zieht mich bisher von allen tatsächlich am meisten. und ein wikinger thematisch spiel fehlt mir auch noch. man braucht schließlich eine gute begründung 😅
      aber sieht auch einfach sehr thematisch und von den sculpts schick aus.

  • Irgendwie triggern Figurenmassenschlachten seit einem halben Jahr bei mir so gar nicht mehr. Keine Ahnung, ob es die Masse ist, KS an sich oder die Kosten. Aber wenn ich mir so die Verläufe der letzten Kampagnen anschaue, gibt es auch wirklich keinen Grund an den Materialschlachten was zu ändern.
    Kleine Firmen ohne Figuren bei ihren Spielen haben es dafür aber besonders schwer. Mal schauen wie lange das so bleibt

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