von BK-Herr Kemper | 12.09.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

MyMiniFactory: Tribes

MyMiniFactory hat die Beta-Version ihrer Patreon Alternative „Tribes“ vorgestellt.

Mmf Tribes 10


The next step towards your complete
3D printing platform

Tribes is your new way to get the content you love.
Directly connecting you with Creators.
Easier than ever before!

Automatic reward redemption
Exclusive & original content
Personalized & organized file library
Direct interaction with your favorite Creators
Early access to content
Exclusive offers
Comments, polls, competitions & community features
Limited Earlybird prices for new Tribers… Don’t miss out!

Become a Triber and help us create the perfect service for you and the 3D printing community.

Here are some of the incredible Creators bringing you exclusive content through their own Tribe.


Mmf Tribes 9

Massive detailed OpenLOCK compatible 
Sci-fi buildings for wargaming & rpgs!
From Cryolabs to Outposts to store discounts
and much, much more!

Silver Earlybird Tier
Limited seats available, 
Gold Tier has already run out!


Mmf Tribes 8

Presupported themed miniatures.
From VelociraptorsBlack Ops Units to flash sales & anexclusive Discord! This Tribe has it all.

Legit Tier
No Earlybird seats left!


Mmf Tribes 7

From the incredible team behind Atlantis Miniatures.
Featuring mountain trolls, lizard men & loyalty rewards!
All pre-supported and ready to print!

PMM Subscription
Earlybird Tier
$10.00/mo $9.00/mo
Seats added due to high demand!


Mmf Tribes 6

Join a united group of 3D designers, artists, and tabletop game creators for exclusive miniatures, store & crowdfunding discounts, and other goodies!

Earlybird Tier
$9.99/mo $8.99/mo
Limited seats available!


Mmf Tribes 5

Appreciate escapism at its finest with ambient soundscapes.
Immerse yourself in your next game and enjoy your new sense of adventure with DarkSoundscapes‘
high-quality audio creations.

Dark Master
Earlybird Tier
$2.90 $2.50
Limited seats available!


Mmf Tribes 3

Join the Tribe of the Lion! Including a
13 miniature welcome pack, expertly detailed & professionally pre-supported STLs, and a new themed release every month!

Guild Founder
Earlybird Tier
$13.50/mo $11.50/mo


Mmf Tribes 2

Support the team building the largest ecosystem of free-to-download, 3D printable artifacts from across the world.
Get early access to digital models, behind-the-scenes news, exclusive content, and more!

Tour Guide


Mmf Tribes 1

Explore the epic fantasy universe of
Dragonbond, and many more!
Get a huge collection of new releases every month.
With NPCs, Hero characters, RPG rules, and big monsters!

Original Dragonbonded
Earlybird Tier
$6.00/mo $4.00/mo

Link: MyMiniFactory Tribes


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ne nicht noch ein Aboservice.

    Ich fahr das langsam alles wieder runter (ist nüchtern betrachtet etwas ausgeartet) und bin null Motiviert da jetzt in die nächste Tretmühle zu springen.

  • Das soll die Leute dann wohl von Patreon weg hin zu Myminifactory bringen? Wenn sie mehr Wert bieten wäre das etwas, das ich durchaus gut fände.

  • Die meisten Patreons werden im Nachhinein sowieso schon über MMF ausgeliefert. Finde diesen Schritt echt gut. So hat man auch Zugriff auf seine Bibliothek und muss nicht alles mühsam selbst raussuchen oder auf der eigenen Platte bunkern.

  • Ich finde das Programm Klasse. Sowohl für die Kunden als auch die ersteller wird es einfacher miteinander zu kommunizieren und die Daten auszutauschen!

Die Kommentarfunktion ist geschlossen.