von BK-Bob | 24.04.2021 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Monster Hunter World: The Board Game Kickstarter

Steamforged Games sind mit ihrem Brettspiel für Monster Hunter World auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

Monster Hunter World: The Board Game

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The ultimate tabletop monster hunting experience! Cooperative arena combat board game based on the bestselling video game 🟢✨⚔️

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Members of the Fifth Fleet, get ready for the ultimate monster hunting experience — on your tabletop

Gather your party, grab your massive weapon, and embark on cooperative quests in an open world where your choices matter. Armed with your attack cards and your wits, dive into battle with massive monsters, making quick strategic decisions and honing your hunting skills with every hard-won piece of monster loot!

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In this cooperative arena combat board game for 1-4 players set in an open world, it’s not you who dictates the flow of battle, but the monster you hunt — and every monster is wildly different.

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Pick your hunter based on their unique weapon and playstyle. Select which iconic monster you’ll be hunting across the wilds. Track the beast in a choose-your-own-adventure quest, avoiding pitfalls and gathering bonus resources. Then plunge into adrenaline-fuelled combat where teamwork, positioning, and stamina are key, targeting the loot you need for the weapons you want — without getting crushed!

The more monsters you slay, the better the weapons you can craft, the bigger the monsters you can hunt

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These massive beasts will roll, bite, body slam, spit poison, submerge you in sludge, and even charge across the board to pin you in a corner, pushing your party members out of the way and forcing everyone to reposition in the process.

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Stretch Goals:

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This campaign won’t feature stretch goals that are unlocked once you reach a certain funding level. Instead, every day, we’ll automatically unlock an extra „Login Bonus“ reward that will be added to every Core and All-In Pledge for free!

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It’s time to journey to an uncharted land, because the Astera basecamp needs YOU.

Become a hunter of the Fifth Fleet to track down and slay the fearsome monsters roaming the New World. Protect basecamp and craft awesome new equipment with the loot collected from your fallen foes, so you can take on bigger and badder beasts!

Battle massive monsters in a wild open world.

With two complete core sets, playable standalone or together, you can embark on quests in two distinct habitats teeming with native beasts.

As you gain more experience, the monsters get tougher. Every beast has three difficulty levels to challenge your skills. Successfully slay a 4-star monster, and you’ll win your campaign!

Want a one-shot monster fight without the tracking? 

Arena quests let you hunt any monster, at any difficulty level, using any hunters, right away. Simply equip your hunters with the recommended loadout and dive headfirst into the fight!

Explore the lush Ancient Forest…

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…the arid Wildspire Waste…

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…or combine sets to expand your world!

Play with any combination of hunters and hunt any combination of monsters during your campaign. Because hunters can make equipment from other sets, combining sets opens up a whole new world of weapons and armour for your hunters to craft.

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Because hunters are defined by their weapons, every hunter is a different way to play. Where the great sword hunter trades movement for raw strength, commanding respect with its incredible stopping power, the dual blades hunter favours swift strikes and mobility — dashing in with a flurry of blows before dodging to safety.

Some video game weapons come with extra special features, like the charge blade and insect glaive. To really squeeze the juice from that Divineapple in the board game, those hunters come with special rules.

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The monsters you hunt will determine which loot you earn and what weapons you can craft to help on your next quest. So, you’ll need to decide together where to follow the Scoutflies next.

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Once you’ve chosen a monster, track them through the lush Ancient Forest or arid Wildspire Waste using the choose-your-own-adventure quest book.

Immerse yourself in the New World, gathering resources, avoiding health-sapping pitfalls, and searching for a monster that could appear at any moment.

Just like in the video game, the tabletop monsters can be wild and unpredictable, with changing moods and attack preferences. The tracks you discover will determine what state you find the monster in, and which special attack is added to their deck.

Enjoy the beauty of the landscape as you climb trees, scale cliffs, and explore caves for bonus resources — but don’t get too distracted. Every quest has a time limit. As you hunt, you’ll discard time cards, giving you less time to take down the beast when you eventually track it down…

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It’s crush-or-be-crushed with monsters as mobile as these! Every monster is a boss, and every boss is a unique challenge, with different ways of moving, different attack styles, and special rules that will trigger during battle to change things up.

Monsters dictate the flow of battle, deciding who to target and even taking the first turn.

Luckily, the more experience you gain, the better you’ll get at predicting the monster’s next move. As you learn their ‘tells’, the clues on the back of every behaviour card will give you a bigger hint at what’s coming next.

Once the monster has made their move, it’s your chance to react! Because these are wild beasts you’re fighting, you won’t always have the same opportunity to act before the monster moves again.

You’ll need to decide who’s best placed to attack, who needs to sharpen their weapon, and who needs to get the heck out of the way before the beast strikes again…

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Your position matters. Monsters have four arcs for their behaviours and their body parts: front, left, right, and rear. Where you’re standing determines whether you’ll get hit, but also what parts you can target.

Breaking parts can trigger rules that change monster behaviour and earn bonus loot for your whole party, which you can use to craft upgraded weapons for taking on tougher beasts.

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When you’re taking on a monster, three things are vital to success: positioning, teamwork, and managing your cards.

There are no dice in combat. Instead, combat is controlled by cards which you’ll use to create combos, meaning you’ll string together attacks at the cost of stamina.

Because attack cards can also be used for movement and dodging attacks, which also uses stamina slots, you’ll need to make strategic choices about when to play cards and when to keep your board clear.

Keep an eye on your stamina to balance your offensive and defensive moves, or you might find yourself caught out and crushed by a massive monster attack!

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Craft new weapons and armour upgrades using the hard-won loot from your monster battles, swapping cards into your deck to gain newer (and more powerful!) bonuses and attacks.

Checking potential rewards is key to choosing your next monster quest. Some equipment offers elemental damage and resistance which could help you in a future hunt.

Because everything you craft stays in your inventory, switch equipment between quests to give you the best chance against the next beast!

You’ll start with a unique attack deck based on your hunter’s weapon and upgrade options you can craft from bone and ore. The more monster loot you claim, the better your weapon choices become!

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Like the video game, Monster Hunter World: The Board Game is a campaign game. Over multiple sessions, you’ll face tougher monsters, upgrading your hunter and equipment as you go.

The more monsters you slay, the better the weapons you can craft, the bigger the monsters you can hunt — until you’re ready to take on a 4-star monster and win your campaign!

With 25 campaign days to spend (more if you’re playing with combined sets), you’ll need to make strategic choices about which monster to hunt and when.

Will you hunt tougher versions of the same monster to craft all the weapons you can? Or try a fresh challenge?

After a heart-pounding hunt, you may want to kick back and relax. Spend a few campaign days at HQ visiting the Smithy to craft new equipment, petting the Poogie, and enjoying a meal whipped up by the Meowscular Chef!


We’ll ship your rewards to one of our international hubs. Depending on where you are in the world, your rewards will be sent to you from our hub in either the UK, USA, Netherlands, China, or Australia.

Below are rough estimate costs for shipping a Core pledge. The prices shown are best estimates based on current rates but please be aware that global shipping prices are currently very volatile due to COVID-19 and Brexit. Once the campaign is finished and you’ve confirmed your address and any add-ons, your accurate shipping cost will be calculated in the pledge manager.

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Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 5 Tage.

Quelle: Monster Hunter World: The Board Game


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Seid dem völlig bescheiden gelaufenen Dark Souls Kickstarter werde ich von Steamforged Games garantiert nichts mehr kaufen.

    • Sie scheinen gelernt zu haben, aber es lässt mich zögern bei ihrem vorherigen Projekt Bardsung, dass mich auf verschiedenen Leveln anspricht und ich im PM noch ergattern könnte. Ich habe sie sogar direkt darauf angesprochen und die Antwort war sowohl nett, unaufgeregt, nicht beleidigt und insofern beruhigend, als die Dinge die sie genannt haben was sie seit dem besser gemacht hätten nachprüfbar korrekt waren. Scheinbar haben sie aus dem Debakel gelernt. Aber ich verstehe jedwedes Misstrauen.

  • Dark Souls hat uns so gar keinen Spaß gemacht. Klar die Bosskämpfe sind super, aber der ewig gleiche Grind in den Gebieten vor dem Bossgebiet war einfach nur bescheuert. Das mag im digitalen Spiel besser funktionieren, aber immer wieder alles aufbauen und die gleichen Abläufe beim Brettspiel war eher sehr langweilig. Da macht das Bloodborne wesentlich besser.

    • Monster Hunter besteht zum Glück ja nur aus den Boss kämpfen.
      Also besteht dieses Spiel nur aus dem „Super“ anteil von DS :))

  • Naja, im Computerspiel grindet man Monster um Materialien zu kriegen, die einem gute Waffen oder Rüstungen gegen andere Monster bauen lassen. Das macht auch nicht immer Spaß. Und der Reiz bei Computerspiel ergibt sich doch auch aus dem Aufspüren, Ausweichen/Schaden vermeiden, Abhacken des Schwanzes und dem Verfolgen, wenn das Monster flieht. Das Einmischen anderer Monster ist ebenfalls wichtig für mich.
    Ach, die Vorbereitung (Waffen/Rüstung,Tränke und nicht zuletzt das Essen) sind auch relevant.

    Das alles fehlt hier bzw. kann das ein Brettspiel nicht so rüberbringen.
    Aber die Figuren der Monster sind schon geil. Rathalos, Nergigante oder Diablos haben einfach eine Wirkung. Und sie sehen echt aus wie im Spiel.

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